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Everything posted by LordRaeth

  1. If they've already done it via the store then this wouldn't be out of the question though right? Besides, I like the idea you can buy the other factions gear, it'll improve rp imo as well as how everyone looks.
  2. I'd really like an Imperial Trooper, but since I can't see the class being implemented any time soon, I was hope that the CE Trooper armour could be available on the republic side, so I could roll a standard trooper and wear the armour there. I do have the Collectors editions, so this is not me asking for it to be made part of the cartel store, just that it is accessible on the republic side collector's edition vendor.
  3. Well, there's a number of reasons I'm not resubbing. 1. Lack of Community - My server is practically dead. Also even if I try another server it feels nothing like the community you have in that other well known game, the planets separate the community to much, half the time the planet you're on feels like a ghost town, you may get 20 or so people in the same area and the zone chat is dead 98% of time. 2. PvP balance was horrible - Before the most recent large patch it was bearable, just, afterwards it wasn't. Maybe my server contributes to this but I didn't enjoy pvp any more. 3. Legacy System doesn't really work with the current system - You either level up an entire character to 50 to unlock a race which you then have to level up entirely for no further benefit, in fact you lose a character slot to do that, or you spend tons of credits and unlock the race, which basically just cuts out leveling the previous character up, all this is on one server at the moment as well. 4. All the species are boring - All of them are vague humans, if one thing makes me think of the Star Wars universe it's the diverse interaction between different species. Except you can only be a human or a different colour human or a human with little things hanging off you, I play a game because I want to be something entirely different to the norm, not 007 or a US Marine or Obi Wan Kenobi or Han Solo etc etc. Yes I am probably going to be difficult to convince, but I've leveled three characters to 50 on a dead server and it's quite boring.
  4. I see Cathar as a "cheap" race to give us since it's so easy to implement, I said I'd resub if they offered new races but this isn't one I'd consider returning for, Tagruta, Nautolan etc are worth it but looking like a human with fur isn't appealing.
  5. Why is it always cat races that are the first to be added..I mean it was the same in Star Trek Online with Caitians, now we get Cathar in Star Wars...there's countless others that would of been better, like Nikto or Nautolan, but no we get cats.
  6. I wouldn't mind an Imperial trooper who uses melee weapons, atm anything melee apart from a lightsaber is companion gear, I think an Emperor's Guard would be an awesome class.
  7. That's only from your point of view though, on the Empire side, it can equally be said that the Empire classes take down the best of the best, it's only a matter of point of view, just because Havoc squad is said to be the best by the republic, doesn't mean it is.
  8. Every animal is part of the living force though, no animal should be killed for the benefit of others, they should of moved them or something.
  9. It still results in the murder of the creatures, still not the way I would of thought the Jedi would handle it.
  10. Well technically the Imperial Agent gets seconded to the Military throughout it's story.
  11. I personally dislike the mission on Tython where the failed aspirant sends you to kill the matriarchs and patriarchs of the local wildlife as well as destroying eggs.
  12. Oooh interesting, looking forward to that.
  13. Well The Republic always had an army up until the Ruusan Reformation which kind of disbanded the Jedi as a Military force and the army in general I think. I'm not completely sure myself I just looked into it briefly to figure out why the republic didn't have an army before the clones came into being.
  14. So, just got through with Jaxo ( literally ;-) ) but I was wondering after it's done one of the options goes "What you don't like me already?!" and she goes "No hated your guts, but my parents taught me to be polite" Now I'm often sarcasm impaired, so I was wondering was this sarcasm or does she actually hate you?
  15. I tried the commando before and really hated the grav shot spam and wanted to be a bit more mobile as well as not looking like an idiot while I do it which is why I want to use a rifle.
  16. Erh you can't just put people into two categories, what about those who enjoy doing a bit of both or who are casual players? What I want is an effective steady way of improving, not the drastic requirements which basically make it who ever has the most time gets the best gear. As soon as the rated pvp comes in, it'll probably become a lot better.
  17. Well I did't say it was dead, I said it was poorly populated, plus I'm from UK and my Guild chose a US server so it might not be populated very well for my play times, and these guys tend to play almost 24/7 anyway. Take a look at the screenshot I took, that player has every armour piece apart from the belt.
  18. Dunno if this helps, but first warzone i got in there was this player who almost had complete war hero apart from one or two minor bits. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/528/warhero1.jpg/ Also got another image of my team basically sat at the left base talking about it['s the only way to score anything. Either way, I have no reason for lying, I'm genuinely not enjoying pvp as much as I was before and it can be down to a number of things but the fact remains, it's not enjoyable.
  19. I got one piece of BM, that's all I could afford just. I'll try get screenshots, but you know, 1-2 warzones an hour might take a while.
  20. My server has a least two premades with full war hero and snipers are still gimped since they are still affected by armour and shields, especially the sniper tree. It's not an excuse, come to twin spears if you want to see.
  21. Don't you read? I don't have Battle master, I have mostly recruit and a bit of champion. I get 1 to 2 war zones an hour and face people in complete War Hero. I'm a Sniper as well and break as easily as standing on a ladybird, pvp is broken for me. I prefer pvping by myself and fairly casual and for a casual player, again pvp is broken.
  22. I was wondering is it possible to make an effective rifle dps build? I really want to use a rifle like clone troopers or storm troopers do and don't really want to use the assault cannons, so was wondering whether it was possible to make a vanguard who does damage from range?
  23. Well I've been playing a Guardian and pvping at lvl 19 and I die as if I was level 1, even against those of a similar level, not sure what is wrong but I expected a tank guardian to be better.
  24. The difference between recruit and War Hero is big though and when you're on a server that has a poor population it's a lot more prominent to see. I may get 1 or 2 warzones an hour if I'm lucky and most of the time they result in rolls. In complete honesty, I did well when I was wearing part centurion part champion before 1.2 now however even with the supposed upgrade from the recruit gear, I did as badly as when I wore no pvp gear pre 1.2
  25. But recruit is terrible, it's barely better than centurion (which is also annoying as it took me ages to get that) It's still not easy when you're getting constantly rolled by those already in war hero when you're in recruit, it may just be more prominent on my server but it used to take me 24 hours to get 3 wins to simply do the daily and most of the loses where straight loses where you'd get barely any reward. Just because it's a bit easier getting the gear, doesn't make the game balanced when the difference between the gear is bigger than before.
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