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Everything posted by DarthBama

  1. Where are you all coming up with such low repair costs? I just did a Kaon FP, I got killed 2 times, and had a 70k bill to repair ( which I couldn't afford) so I triaged the gear and limped to the finish.
  2. Huh? (Facepalm) Pack sales on the GTN don't create credits in the game, they only transfer them from one person to another.
  3. Ding ding ding, winner! I live and breath PvP, but the dynamic they put in place is community killing. If they are concerned with faction balance, then gate it to keep roughly even numbers. Perhaps this would encourage some heavily unbalanced servers to balance out a little for a time.
  4. DarthBama

    "Gear Check"

    You pass the mods through legacy gear for the head, chest, legs, boots, and gloves.
  5. I can't remember if it is a belt or bracer, but level 47 Synthweaving stuff definitely yields Mk-6 parts. I was actually going for Mk-5 parts one day (Mk-6 are pointless for a tank just getting started with gearing), and ended up generating a bunch of Mk-6 by accident.
  6. DarthBama

    "Gear Check"

    I ran into this issue all weekend long. Loads of people sporting Tionese gear in Warzones. One way to prevent this would be to set the minimum level of expertise to enter the Warzone to whatever the FREE Recruit Mk-2 gear is at. Might as well retrigger the gear pack too if this was added. I know on one of my old set aside characters she never got the Mk-2 gear.
  7. Yep this is the newest one, people are getting around cool downs, including the global one. I had a Asassin fighting me two days ago that not only was using a speed hack, but was also able to do 3 attacks in 1 GCD. I reported him and haven't seen him around, so maybe they are actually taking action on these dolts.
  8. The strawman and slippery slope arguments are getting old. The OP is simply asking for a way to queue solo into a WZ where all other people pressed the solo queue button too. Sure people could sync queues, but i think all of the people wanting his feature would happily take that risk. He is not trying to take anything away from you (other than 8 man randoms to dominate), so why are people so darn defensive about this? In the evening I queue with my guild mates. When I'm at lunch I just want to solo queue quickly for as many PvP matches I can get in during my hour lunch.
  9. Have you guys ever watched a College Football Senior All-star game? They generally are complete crap because there is 0 timing with the players because they haven't played with each other before. You guys really underestimate the advantage of playing with the same group night after night. Now what would really be entertaining is seeing one of these all-star games with 10 offensive lineman and 1 punter versus a team with the correct make up. There is your pug versus pre-made. And for the record I am part of a PvP guild, but I have the intellectual honesty to admit Pugs versus premades are not fair.
  10. Is it me, or is it always the same group of people that come into these threads because their prey is threatened by what the OP posts? You can't tell me that these guys don't get some sort of sick satisfaction from playing up to 8 unorganized people and grinding them into the ground.
  11. DarthBama

    Hackers in PVP

    Unfortunately if he provides any more information / proof the thread gets deleted. Kind of a catch 22 huh?
  12. This post made me want to cry. I wish I would have know this 3 days ago. I've been using my brand new, fully WH'd Shadow to grind Molecular Stabs. I've bought 3 pairs of boots so far, but didn't know I should be swapping mods!
  13. Now you need 1 of each skill tree.
  14. I should ding 50 on my Shadow the next time I am online, and I am trying to think through what I am going to do gear wise right out of the gate. What is recommended to do about the stuff not found on the Tionese vendor (belt, bracers, implant/ear, relics)? I was thinking of using the PvP Mk2 stuff until I acquire some comms to purchase PvE stuff. Is there a certain recommended mix of Augments that makes sense for base Tionese? I think I have a few extra Tionese comms from the few FP's I ran recently. Should I buy extra gloves and move that stuff into an orange bracer and belt? I have also kicked around the idea of buying some packs to raise money for 27 armorings, mods and a hilt for my bracers and belt (and saber). Not sure if that's really worth it though.
  15. I have both. The reason I have both is because I used to have 2 Nagas (one at my office and one at home). The cable on my one at home crapped out on me. It's proprietary and there is no way to replace it by itself. Went to Best Buy and purchased a corded Naga, go home and it was DOA. At this point I said I'm done with Razer products, and went with the G600. The buttons on the G600 have some ques for you to know where your thumb is, making it a little easier to use IMO.
  16. i7-3930, 32GB ram, dual GTX680s. I agree with the OP. You people that say you get 60 fps constantly are lying out of your rear ends. Show me a recording of you entering the GTN area on the fleet, or it never happened.
  17. I was just thinking about this this morning. I'd love to put all my crafting materials in it, and be able to draw from it just like the bank. It would also make organizing companion gifts a whole lot easier. As far as the ninja looting goes, I still don't know why they can't just grey out the need button when the piece "is not intended for you." Gearing your companions? How about you support your local crafter, and what content requires a super high level geared companion?
  18. Great feedback in here. Thank you! I definitely was missing some points. I am currently crafting a bunch of mk-6 that were generated from me going for a full purple mid-40 Synthweaving tank set.
  19. Wouldn't it be in your interests to sell the mats instead of make the kits? Would save a heck of a lot of time, and you would make more money.
  20. I was crunching some numbers on the augment kits, and I just don't get the prices. It takes at a minimum 4 mats plus 2 of the $450 vendor crafting mats to get 1 mk-6 component. For a level 6 kit, that is about $4900 per augment component times 10, $49,000 (not including the mats for the construction of the kit itself). People on the Harbinger have oodles of them for sale at $36k. What in the heck are people thinking?
  21. If you want tanky stats before level 33, then stick with the Synthweaving. Defensive enhancements can't be made until level 33 leaving your orange gear kind of worthless.
  22. Doesn't seem like a good idea to mess with class balance before the extra 5 points and additional tree level get added.
  23. Sounds like a Guardian / Vanguard problem to me.
  24. There is a certain gaming cheat site with a hack for SWTOR that appeared about three weeks ago. I have definitely witnessed the hacks from this package being used on The Harbinger. The most obvious one is speed hacking. I'm not talking burst run/trancendence type, I'm talking you just killed a guy at the turret in Alderaan, and he appears AT the turret 1 second later. You can tell when this stuff is happening if you have a stout computer. Your 100% of the time smooth as glass frame rate will turn into a slideshow even with only 1 or 2 people nearby.
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