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Everything posted by MorluCa

  1. troll. WoW's PvP is and was better but has gone through many changes since Vanilla. Swtors PvP is "okay" needs some tweaks but I don't think it requires as many tweaks as you think. I'd change the following. - Tweak Resolve - PvP Brackets - DR on Stuns/Roots - Some gameplay/animation tweaks to make it not feel so clunky.
  2. Wow PvP mechanics are better and Diminishing Returns is much better than Resolve. I am done with WoW though and think SWTOr is amazing. Swtors PvP definitely needs some love in a content patch or two.
  3. Correct. My 110% mount can take quite the beating.
  4. What do you expect when you design a warzone with faction vs faction vs enemy you have 50% chance of Huttball without server balance issues. I had 23/25 Warzones as Huttball last night but today I've had 15/20 Alderaan/Voidstar so I guess it depends on your luck.
  5. So your saying they are balanced because they can't 2 v 1 a tank and a healer???? Good logic.........
  6. They will be nerfed. They are supposed to counter sorc/sages but can currently kill tanks/BH/Troopers in 4 seconds as well. I an full champion geared and still die almost instantly
  7. I watched like two minutes of Chronos video to see him back peddling for 30 seconds straight and realized why I rip on the "elite" Brotherhood PvP crew.
  8. Yea all our posts got removed.... wasn't even trolling was simply stating the truth.
  9. Happens everyday at least 1 win doesn't count. I'm curious if it's screwing me out of my valor/commendations too
  10. You have no idea what you are talking about without ripping apart your whole post. Void star(Not spaceship) takes 8 seconds to plant the bomb, and 3 seconds to defuse it. If you let an Assassin/Shadow or Operative/Scoundrel cap it (Sith Inquisitors don't have stealth) then you are bad. There's issues with stuns/ insane burst, etc... But most of the stuff in your post is 100% garbage from someone who thinks he's all that in PvP but we both know... You're just bad
  11. Operatives/Scoundrels are guaranteed to kill you if you are at or below 55% hp regardless of class if your trinket is down. It's getting sad that these players think they are skilled when they do not even try to win just sit in stealth, gibb someone and restealth.
  12. It's broken when you invest weeks or months doing something to get outgeared by someone with insane RNG... It's so dumb.
  13. MorluCa

    Champion Gear Bag

    The PvP system is totally broken and bulls^&%. I am rank 41 Valor and have opened probably around 40 Champion bags and have gotten Champion 4 pieces. I've gotten 1/5 of my Champion Body pieces and no weapon. I seen a rank 23 Valor Maurader today with Both Champion weapons and 3/5 Champion gear, Earpiece and 1 Implant.... Completely broken when I have invested maybe double or triple the time doing something to be out geared by RNG.
  14. Possibly. After winning about 25-30 games in a row with our pre-made I'd imagine you'd be quite frustrated and think that /spit would offend me somehow. If you want to re-roll Empire we always have a spot for cheerleaders. - Morlu 50 Sorceror
  15. LOL @ BrotherHood. Guys need to stick to world bosses who don't know how to fight back.
  16. MorluCa

    Veela - Server

    I love playing that awakening pre-made. It's an easy win every time.
  17. People saying that these abilities are fun and fair don't know what competitive PvP is. The range on that ability is huge and far more game breaking than push/knock back. No one is saying the ability is overpowered, it the traps on Huttball that make it ridiculous.
  18. The people flaming the OP are ridiculous. These kinds of abilities (Traps) have no place in any competitive PvP situation ever. I understand Bioware tried to add an interesting element to the game, but who couldn't have seen that it would be abused. Even trying to use extraction to pull out their team-mate, the fire does SO much damage that the player (Usually) dies within 1-2 hits while your 1.5 second GCD is recovering. The only possible way to fix this would be allow the fire to break CC's or cause the fire to do less damage and add a snare to it, like the OP suggested.
  19. MorluCa

    Veela - Server

    Territo and I just can't stop winning... it's a curse
  20. Warriors/JK are much better flag carriers than Inquisitors with Charge/Intervene, better defensive cool downs and immunity to knock backs post charge (with talents.) If you're letting a SI run into your zone with a 2 second sprint, you are awful.... really awful.... Period.
  21. Just so you know until there's level 50's in high end PvP gear, the lower level players i.e 20+ hit harder than most 50's. This will change once people are in full PvP gear, but it's not a much of a disadvantage as the whiners make it. Besides a talented/trainable skills advantage, you will be doing as much or more damage than most 50's.
  22. Does anyone else rage when they get Huttball against the opposite faction after playing 4/5 Huttball's straight against your faction? It makes me rage. Before the comment "There's more Empire than Republic, deal with it." My servers population is favoured towards Republic, just seems that early mornings have more Empire on-line. I can deal with it, it's just very upsetting. I do enjoy the trash talking in /1 or /2 though.
  23. I know I just couldn't help myself. Um Alderan and Quelsh(names probably wrong) had the most for me but I was way ahead of leveling curve.
  24. Should of researched servers before rolling. There was only 2 PvP servers that either had more Republic or close to 50/50 balance and that was Helm of Grush and Veela. More casuals would probably roll as Sith which makes imbalances servers even worse.
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