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Everything posted by Ferrydust

  1. Has anyone else ever seen this happen? Where your TEAM has mixed factions? I have never ever ever seen it.
  2. Lastnight at 11:45pm (shutdown happened at midnight) we got into a huttball and we needed 1 more win (TO COUNT) to finish our daily. So we had 15 minutes to get a win and turn it in... and we start with 4 players on our side. We made a quick decision to make sure we are holding the ball when the warzone times out so we will get credit for the win even though we are down 4 people. We get the ball, and... cap it. The timer is counting down :120 till shutdown.. We get the ball again and cap it. :60 to shutdown. The sequence aborts because we fill up and we finish it with 3 minutes left. Never surrender!
  3. FYI Huttball doesn't have mixed faction 'teams' It just allows Empire to play against Empire etc. Your team will be your faction.
  4. Ferrydust

    Competitive PvP

    Most people don't 'randomly' call people hackers. If we see someone speed hacking we know it. If we see people abusing the Z coordinates, we know it etc. It's not a random claim.
  5. Ferrydust

    Competitive PvP

    This. Unfortunately.
  6. Going from 50 to 60 valor takes a long time, FYI. (Unless your server has high Ilum Valor for various reasons) Once you hit BM you can only get bags from 2 dailies (Illum daily and win 3 warzones daily) and 2 The Weekly Dailies (Illum and win 9 warzones) Don't worry about getting bored in full BM gear (lol) The journey is quite long. edit: P.S. the BM bags are RNG chance to get a BM token. BM tokens are used to buy BM gear.
  7. Resolve is in place but it may be bugged atm not sure.
  8. You can see the ball "halo" (from above) heading to their goal with the ball. I believe they did score it but can't tell exactly how. edit: too hard to see now and having to sit thru a :30 commercial every time to watch the clip is too annoying.
  9. Ferrydust


    The repubs on my server are pretty good. (I play Imp) (Dark Reaper) Too bad one of the decent guilds have started cheating now.
  10. They did not. Objectives don't give valor. But still makes for a great story.
  11. What? The longer the match, the more valor you get. You are trying to say that 1 short and a long give more than 2 longs? I don't know what you are talking about.
  12. People would abuse it. Get a 4 man premade in there and they would kick people that they didn't like every time that person (or persons) was in their warzone.
  13. Griefers will be griefers. They got tired of playing all the warzones naked without people being trolled by it. So they are forced into more desperate measures. I can see them doing it once but after that one time don't let them get the ball again.
  14. People camp because you get more valor based on how long the match takes. The quicker you win, the less valor you get.
  15. Your idea would be a slap in the face to the people who have been earning their BM gear the hard way.
  16. Are you trolling? "Had my teammates been a little more attentive I might have survived" Yeah, as a healer I am looking to heal some random noob who is nowhere near the ball carrier and seems to be playing his own little mini-game of 'staying alive'.
  17. Lastnight on my noob I got credit for winning huttball for my daily when we lost (Empire vs Empire) I haven't seen that bug in a while. edit: BTW OP you sound dumb acting like you could fix it.
  18. I was listening to someone ranting near the end of our losing huttball. "*** we have a level 10 in here. No wonder why we are losing" To which I informed them, "You see that 1 goal point we have? Yeah. That was me" And they shut up. People in the lower brackets are just that bad.
  19. That is how Ilum goes on my server too but you were doing it wrong. The 'pro' people leave macros running to buff people so they don't have to be at the keyboard. It's the way most warheroes were made on my server. /spit (at them not you)
  20. They didn't cause issues for me in Wow. Well, I did get burned out running 12 plus toons through arena every week and then focusing on our 3 and 5 man teams. I had to have a spreadsheet for which toons played with which. It was fun though.
  21. Ideally you would name a comp that you actually have the class for and not use hyperbole.
  22. I run with premades and we pretty much have a set strat for every warzone. We only really speak out if we are with another pre-made in civil war. We ask the other pre-made which way they are going so we can go the other way.
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