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Everything posted by OSUNightfall

  1. There are a few things that need looking at, but it's the best launch PvP I've ever seen. You have to keep in mind, I think a lot of the problem is, people will blame nearly anything other than themselves for losing.
  2. Agreed on all points, saving that having played a Sage, I do think sage/sorc is a little much. And believe me, it's not because all of my Sage abilities look like lightning. That said, I've only gotten one to 22, so it may even out. In that case, they probably just get a few too many good things a little too fast (opposite of the Jedi guardian problem.)
  3. Buddy, you and me would get on like peanut butter and jelly. I recently said in another thread, in reference to tanks in PvP: Find healer. Befriend healer. Guard healer. Peel for healer. Team wins match. That said, on my server I would say top heals gets the most MVP votes 75% of the time.
  4. Buddy, nobody is saying Sorcerers are god characters. But once you've played most of the classes in the game, it becomes clear that the grass really is a little greener over there. I'm not saying they need to be hit with the nerf bat hard, they just need a slight smoothing over. The same way Juggernauts need a few abilities switched around and a slight buff.
  5. http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/nc85g/developer_chat_transcript_bestbuy_forums/ Last question in the chat. Lots of other good PvP info in there.
  6. I don't think anyone is arguing that sorcerers don't need to be slightly brought into line. I expect this will happen at the same time juggernauts get a little dev love. Juggernauts were stated as class balance priority #1 at this time.
  7. It sounds awesome, but sadly I don't think this type of world pvp can ever really work without three factions.
  8. 50s getting their own bracket is a development priority for exactly this reason. So the devs are already on it, we just have to wait a bit. This was confirmed in the BestBuy chat.
  9. Check your armor and mitigation in warzones. These values are bolstered as well based on how good your gear is for your level. Likewise, if you're in substandard gear for your level, you are actually bolstered *down* from what you would otherwise be. They key factor is how good your gear is for where you are on the leveling track.
  10. I don't know what you're getting at, but I suspect you didn't actually understand my post. The guy in purples will have more hps, defenses, etc than the higher level guy in greens, which is as it should be. EDIT: I think I get you now, you're saying you are keeping up but your stats are still dropping. This I can't explain, so I tend to think there is a factor at work you are not reporting. When I keep up with my gear, my hps tend to hover around the same amount. When I let it go, I steadily drop as I level. This is how I understand the system to work, and jives with what I have personally witnessed.
  11. The problem is people like myself, who often end up as the only guard of a fixed objective because everyone else would rather be out pwning face. Without defending the left door/turret for example, we lose, but I can't possibly think of an equitable reward for me standing around ready to call in additional defenders to repel an attack. Also many of the examples you've posted would be exploitable, but I realize you're just spitballing here so fair enough. What exactly is the problem with rewarding the *team* for *team effort*? Medals still give you some individual reward, but if your team flops as a whole, you're still not deserving of as much reward as the winners. They don't give out world series rings to the losing team in baseball even if they have the best player in the league on their side.
  12. I was under the impression that there is no single "MVP", but rather each mvp vote you get gives you additional rewards. If that's the case I don't mind much if a few people vote each other up. But frankly there's no way to stop this if you have an MVP vote at all. To respond to a previous poster, I do agree that people should be *allowed* to not queue for Huttball if they personally are willing to wait through a longer queue. We're all here to have fun, and they shouldn't be forced to play something they hate just to keep queue times overall lower. The point of PvP is fun for all players. Lowering queue times isn't that great if half the players are miserable.
  13. If you're not keeping up with your gear, you actually will get worse as you level. A level 10 in purples will be noticeably more powerful than a 49 in quest greens. Which I have no problem with, since one person is taking the time to keep up with gear, and one isn't.
  14. I've never understood the fascination, among terrible players and actual good PvPers alike, with trash talk. In my opinion, trash talk has no place in any competitive setting unless it's among good friends. If you're actually good, your skills will speak for themselves and you won't need to trash talk. And if you team is bad...well, we were all there once. If I see someone doing something bad I will make a polite suggestion and let them take or leave it at their discretion. Trash talk with people you don't know is petty ego boosting, and nothing more.
  15. If people were willing to spend one week watching a few videos, reading a few guides, and playing pvp matches, they'd be better than 50% of the playerbase at least. Too many people come in from PvE and expect it to be the same, but it's entirely different. Winning teams should get noticeably more than losing teams. If you want to be on the winning team, take a little responsibility and help your team win, rather than just queueing, shooting some people at random, and dying over and over. If this post sounds dismissive, that is *in no way* my intention. But I used to *be* that PvE guy, and it's not as big a leap as some people think. Most games, minor knowledge will put you in the upper half of players. Everything after that is practice, practice, practice.
  16. A lot of people don't seem to realize that the problem isn't that they're 50 in itself. Sure they have more abilities, but you can still do well with the abilities you have. But the lvl 50 PvP gear has Expertise on it, and that is in no way balanced nor accounted for. Devs have stated they want to add a level 50 bracket as soon as there are enough 50s to support it.
  17. I feel your pain. Going pure heals was painful. I actually settled on a hybrid approach where I healed when needed, and dpsed when needed, that helped a lot. I understand, though, that some people *prefer* to never hit an attack ability.
  18. All right, all right, you got me. I do this sort of thing all the time, but I didn't catch it here. You just blend in so well with all the other (mostly) terrible people on the PvP forums that I didn't realize the irony. So I take my hat off to you sir. You got me.
  19. Find healer. Make friends with healer. Guard healer. Peel for healer. Team wins.
  20. So, we have one proposed system, yours, which rewards people for individual killing ability, and another system, the one coming soon in a patch, which rewards people for playing as a team in a team-based objective scenario. Which should prevail? The answer to this question seems self-evident. Perhaps if winning is actually worth doing, people will try to win? And if you get saddled with a bad team, well, them's the breaks. Try your best to get your team to victory. Or find some friends to coordinate with. The devs have stated they are looking at implementing full premades vs full premades. On my side of things, I love how the current system doesn't reward me for constantly running in the hutt-ball, or being the only guard on a door or a turret for an entire match. Even if keeping that turret directly results in our victory, well, screw me I guess.
  21. This is hilarious. Tanks are fantastic in pvp if they have only a few simple abilities, like Guard or a Taunt that works on players. I just...don't know what to say to you my friend.
  22. Actually I'd say one of the game's strengths is that the kill times are generally quite high.
  23. This poster nailed it. Nothing else needs to be said. /terrible
  24. Thank you for saying this. People doing deathmatch in Warzones or swapping objectives in Ilum sadden me. PvP is about the thrill of competition, not how to xp or gear as fast as possible. I'd still do pvp if there *were* no rewards.
  25. You should keep in mind, though, that Bioware shouldn't necessarily listen to you either. LFD, for example, is a fine system, so long as its kept to a single server. In open world games you might argue that it takes away from the fun of getting there, but when all the flashpoints are in a single room...
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