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Everything posted by OSUNightfall

  1. I agree. Whether it's nerfed or not isn't of great importance to me since I don't use it, but I'm sure some Slicers would be pretty upset.
  2. Perhaps you're the one who has missed the point. The scenario you describe where money is literally worthless and items become the new currency never happens *in MMOs*. Money is merely a medium for representing the relative value of goods. And if your first point is correct, that pvp items, commendation items, and similar make crafting pointless, then future inflation or lack thereof is irrelevant. The problem is then these alternative paths to gear that leave crafting out in the cold. I understand your example of Greece. But even in hyper-inflationary WoW, gold is still the currency of choice, because as I said, it's a medium for representing the value of goods, like a marker system. While what you are talking about can and often does happen in reality, I have never seen it happen in an MMO, and I don't think it will here either. You must also keep in mind that none of the gear, skill etc vendors in the game accept items in trade, unlike in real life. To give a further example, I started playing WoW for the second time well into its life cycle. How could I hope to compete with these other people with millions of gold? Then I found out; hey, a stack of copper ore sells for 250 gold! Soon, with very little work, I was living in MMO luxury. In reality, hyper-inflation makes everyone poor. In mmos, because many prices are npc-controlled and fixed, hyper-inflation can actually make everyone rich when dealing with NPCs, and still more than well off when dealing with players. Part of the reason for this is, unlike real life, things in an mmo, be they goods or credits, are essentially created from whole cloth. Also, thank you again for pointing out my ignorance as a member of the American public. Allow me to in turn point out your startling humility and fine education.
  3. If you believe this then it doesn't matter. Money in the game is then meaningless, so why care? Questing will get you the money for a mount and skills, so beyond that you don't need money. And didn't you just contradict yourself entirely? If I can sell an epic blaster for 240 million, a very great deal of quested and sliced credits just ended up in my bank account. Man I wish there was an eye-rolling smiley.
  4. You sir, are to be commended for actually understanding the role of slicing in the game.
  5. Here is the quick version of why slicing is fine. Actual crafters and gatherers will end up with all the "free" credits slicing creates. Slicers are actually farming money that will end up in our pockets.
  6. My friend, I'm afraid you've missed the intent of my post entirely. Please read it again before talking about who is or isn't paying attention.
  7. I went to Oklahoma State University. My family is poor, so I paid for much of it myself by working a job. The rest was in loans, which I have almost paid back. Though you may be unaware, a loan is advantageous to the lender, assuming the lendee pays it back at the agreed upon interest rate, as I am doing. I am currently gainfully employed as a Software Developer, thanks to my Computer Science degree. So I suppose that helps the economy. Given the tone of your comment, the first instinct would be to lash out, but I'm honestly puzzled by your hostility. Can you explain it?
  8. I don't think the word average means what you think it means. Based on the opponents I face daily, if you're better than Taugrim, you're better than the great majority of players. That doesn't shout 'average' to me.
  9. The reward system could use some work, but I play PvP to PvP, not to get the most credits/xp/commendations. So yes, it's creating a problem, and probably needs to be fixed. No, I will never place "getting things" over "winning".
  10. Buddy I agree with you, I think you've missed my point. No credit spout in this game has challenge attached. Slicing isn't even that great, and hurts itself in the long run. People who think slicing is going to kill the economy aren't taking all the variables into account.
  11. I'm surprised Taugrim even bothers to respond to these guys. He doesn't claim to be the best in the world at what he does. Considering how bad most self-claimed pvpers actually are, he's probably more skilled than 95% of the playerbase. I believe that fits the definition of "elite."
  12. The funny thing is, so far I make a lot more money from armormech than slicing. Considering my slicer is almost 400 and my armormech is 150, I think that's pretty good.
  13. Why do people think they're adding anything useful to the conversation by saying things like "It's not CALLED the AUCTION HOUSE!" Yeah, we get it. Every mmo wants to have their own special words for the same things. Flashpoints = instances, GTN = auction house. Is anyone unclear on this? If not, *why do you care* enough to call people out on it?
  14. If you think there's even the slightest challenge in ship combat, questing, or farming, I don't know what to tell you! Even in pvp you get a noticeable reward just for showing up! Edited for clarity: Please read the original post with your irony sensors set to "full".
  15. This is the problem with trying to corner the market. I have no problem with people doing it, but it can backfire on you when there's more supply than you can control, and not enough demand.
  16. I'd just chip in that my armormech makes a lot more money at 150 per time spent than my slicer does at 400. It's all about knowing what to sell and for how much. See where there are gaps in what's offered on the GTN and fill those gaps. Pay attention to what sells and what doesn't. Soon, riches are your reward.
  17. I find it unacceptable that someone can go to a planet, hit a few buttons, and essentially create money out of thin air. As a crafter, I have to scavenge, craft, post to the GTN, and then essentially take handouts from these "questers" who are just printing their own money. This sort of thing will ruin the economy with massive inflation, doesn't anybody understand economics? Please nerf quest rewards, pvp rewards, and loot drops, for the sake of the in-game economy.
  18. 1. Slicing doesn't have nearly that margin, and you're also not taking into account what it takes to send the crew on missions. 2. I have slicing 400 on my level 18 pvp guy. There is no way a level 20 has a million credits unless he is macroing slicing 24 hours a day, and even then I doubt it. The high level missions take almost half an hour to complete, for a 2k profit if you're lucky. 3. I make far more with scavenging and armormech on my main at 150 skill than I do with 400 slicing on my 18 alt. 4. Don't believe everything you hear. Hyperbole is everywhere.
  19. People saying slicing needs a nerf should try it themselves. I only have it on alts, and that's because I don't want to do other, far more profitable things because my guild covers the other crafts. If slicing gets any weaker I can't see a point to anyone ever taking it.
  20. I am interested to know this also. Edit: In too late.
  21. Cross faction chat should never be prohibited. People always trot out that it will lead to trash talk. And? Use ignore. The ability to talk to the other faction leads to many interesting scenarios, especially in pvp servers. In addition, in a game like TOR where people are *encouraged* to play both sides, keeping friends from chatting is a questionable decision.
  22. Hyperbole for the win. Yeah you get a few more tools as you get higher. It certainly doesn't make you a god, and you can still easily lose to a 14.
  23. Devs have already confirmed a 50 bracket is in the works. I have no problem with the bolstering system as is 10-49. 10-25 and 36-49 brackets would probably work, but I think people saying it's badly balanced 10-49 are overstating the problem.
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