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Everything posted by FalcoLombardi

  1. 17/23/1. Currently at around 22% defense chance, 37% shield, and 35% absorption. Still getting my gear and stuff. Immortal: Starting at tier 4 [0][0][0][2] [1][0][1][3] ---[0][2][3] ---[2][1][2] Vengeance Starting at tier 5 [0][1][0][2] ---[0][3][1] [2][0][2][2] [3]---[2][0] ---[3][0][2] Rage Starting at tier 1 0][0][1]---
  2. I've seen some people say that it needs it's range back as it helped them get aggro back. If that's the case then Smash or Sweeping Slash (preferably Sweeping Slash) needs it's range boosted up to 8 meters
  3. Vengeance and Rage can do some pretty good damage I'm set up as 17/23/1. Let's me Tank in PvE very well and "tank" in PvP. Depending on the game, I get about 45-75K protection and 80-120K damage a game. I can help keep the rest of the group alive by Guardian a Healer or maybe a DPS, use Guardian leap to give myself a small heal, enraged defense to lower the damage I take from guard, and taunt on people to keep everyone alive a little more
  4. Marauders and Sentinels aren't that great. Yes their damage is a little high and they attack really fast. But, I don't see teams of them, usually 1-2 of them, seeing alot more Gunslingers and Snipers recently. Went up against a team of like 5 marauders in Huttball and crushed them 6/1
  5. Showing your age is good. All new music is pretty much a bunch of crud. Rap, Techno, Pop, Screamo...
  6. I think either Alive or You Had To by Eowyn would work
  7. I agree that the Juggernaut tank is good. However it could use some tweaks. I have most points in Vengeance (17/23/1) and I tank better than when I had almost full Immortal. I personally would like a larger range to Smash and a slightly shorter cool down on Force Charge Edit: We also could use some Endurance increases. At least one that goes up to 4 or 6%. My current stats are 51% damage reduction, 22.5% defense chance, 37% shield chance, 34% absorption and 17.5-18K health. Using a 2 piece PvP gear bonus because Intercede healing you for 8% of your health every time you use it is nice
  8. To be honest, there really is no "rotation" for tanks. You gotta react to the battle as it happens to keep threat As for builds, I'm doing 17/23/1. You get a nice bit of damage increase from Vengeance, all the good defensive stuff from Immortal and the Vengeance tree, and increases your AoE's a little more from Rage Can't say where the points go off the top of my head though. Not familiar with the talent box names
  9. One of the worst? It's great. Grant it, the "tanking tree" isn't very tank like. I'm 14/25/2 and I tank great and do pretty good damage to help with threat. I might change to 16/23/2 to either get 50% sonic barrier chance or remove the channel on force choke though
  10. If you got a bad reputation you probably did something that got you that. Or there's alot of elitist players on your server and you aren't quite "good enough" for their lame standards
  11. You have no idea what you're talking about. Every single microtransaction for Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 is completely cosmetic
  12. I don't know if it's the best but I'm planning on 7/31/2 I think it is
  13. I'm seeing it a little bit more often now actually. I need to save up credits though, get 2V to 10K, and buy him an UT crit thing
  14. There is some strategy in the warzones. Deciding how you should attack, how many peopel should defend which objective, etc. All classes can be useful in Huttball, Operative and Scoundrel are great healers therefore great at protecting the ball carrier. If they're set up for DPS they can spike the ball carrier. Snipers and Gunslingers have many roots to stop the ball carrier and also give powerful shots from a distance. Mercenaries and Commandos are also good healers, and can dish out some very high DPS. Just because not every class is great at carrying the Huttball and scoring doesn't mean they aren't good for the warzone. Heck I've guarded agents before and helped them all the way to the goal Guard, is fine. As a tank in PvP I make use of my Guard, taunts, and Guardian leap. Getting around 45K+ protection a game, depending.
  15. The Empire is a Tyrannical, speciest government. They look at aliens as lesser beings when many of them have great finesse in certain areas. Like Malgus said, Trandoshans are loyal and fierce warriors, the breathing mask guys have great technology, and much more. Malgus direction for the Empire was good. Even though, the Empire still be pretty bad The Republic seems nice and peaceful they help and support other alien species and all that jazz, however they are a Democracy, and every Democracy will sooner or later, eat itself Really, the only form of Government that works and will last longer than any other and prosper more, is a Republic.
  16. Fal'co Lombardi Falco was taken
  17. I love my Gunslinger. Can do some massive damage as Sabotuer with all the high damage DoTs, and does decent AoE because you can increase your aoe surge by 30%
  18. I only choose the Darkside choice when someone deserves it, or if it would be a merciful death instead of keeping them alive in a prison or whatever
  19. Sorry, anything can be very good if you play it right. On my Juggernaut (14/25/2) I can get 80-120K damage and about 45-60K protection per match. I make a great Huttball carrier and defender as well
  20. Hold on. There's a few words/phrases I can't understand in your post. Work? Step away from computer? Dinner? Eat slowly?
  21. I've actually tanked better as a Vengeance/Immortal Hybrid. Was originally 14/27 (I miss huddle ). Now it's 14/25/2 and still seems to do good. Just not as good as the old one without huddle
  22. And GW2. While GW2 has servers, you can easily hop to other servers at any time, like sharding. It's just the server you pick is your "home server" for WvWvW pvp. Arenanet is all about making sure you can play with your friends. One of the main reasons they don't have tanks or healers. No more telling Bob he can't come because you need role X
  23. The Sith would probably win alot more if they let Malgus have his way. I'll never like the Empire, but specifically for them, Malgus had the best solution
  24. I like Tanking on my Juggernaut. Though, our Immortal tree is lack luster when it comes to tanking. I was doing a 14/27 build and tanked better than an almost straight up immortal build. Not quite as good as it was before since Huddle was removed =_(. But 14/25/2 does well. And Enraged defense can be a handy tanking tool if used right, specifically combined with a taunt. But Enraged defense also needs to not eat rage, it already costs 4. And I can see dropping threat immediatly but it doesn't need to drop threat everytime you're hit
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