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Everything posted by FalcoLombardi

  1. Here's what I think needs to be done to Juggernaut/Guardian Tanks 1: Switch the 4% damage reduction in Vengeance with the 4% elemental and internal damage reduction in Immortal 2: Remove Intimidation and put Thrown Gauntlet in it's place 3: In Thrown Gauntlet's place, put something like Deafening Defense, except it would do something like "Removes the Threat drop of Enraged Defense and the Rage drain, also, while activated it reduces damage taken by 3-6%" 4: Sonic Barrier, change it so it gives a flat damage reduction. Maybe 10% for 4 seconds or maybe 3% for the full duration. 5: Dark Blood, along with the Reduction to all damages it should give, should also make Endure Pain act more as a heal. Meaning you wouldn't lose health after ended. Like if your health is 15000, and you use to get up to 20000, and foes take you down to 14000, you stay at 14000. If it ends above 15000, your health goes back down to 15000
  2. I shall kill your fun thread and say there is not one person in Hollywood intelligent enough to play as me. Bwahaha!
  3. I don't like that idea. Arrogant as it may sound sometimes I consider myself to have been the most valuable to the team in a Warzone (though not very often), and sometimes I don't vote because I don't think the others deserve it. I also don't vote if we lose. You should not be able to vote if you lose, it's like giving trophies to kids in sports when their team did terrible all year
  4. I play a Juggernaut Tank, 31/7/2. There's only a couple things I think need to be changed 1: Remove Intimidation and put Revenge in its place. 2: To replace it, add something like Deafening Defense, except it would make Enraged Defense cost 1>2 less Rage, and remove the threat dumping. Also make it decrease damage taken by 5-10%. 3: Dark Blood should decrease all damage by 2>4%. And Endure Pain should not make you lose health, unless you're over max in which case, if it ends while you're over max it should bring you back down to max health
  5. *As Han, Leia, Chewie, and C-3PO are running to the Millenium Falcon in Episode V* Han: Hurry up Goldenrod and spacebar through the cut scenes or youll be permanently booted from the group!
  6. I think I'm the only one who goes after snipers like a plate full of bacon when I see them. And yes, every class is OP
  7. There were only 2 things that I remember that made me sad and
  8. All American Indians who take the "free" stuff are doing terrible but the one tribe that didn't is more prosperous. Anyways, I'd want to be a Kaleesh
  9. I think at full resolve they should just slow you down
  10. Best: Jedi Knight Funniest: Smuggler Second Best: Sith Warrior Worst: I haven't played it yet but I probably won't enjoy Sith Inquisitor at all
  11. I've never tried it in PvP but Lethality seems to have great burst from what I've done in PvE. Can do your normal knife combo then have 2 tactical advantages set up with cull after getting your DoTs on and do a double 4K+ crit
  12. An even better analogy would be Drummer and Guitarist Edit: Also, if you can move well, a Vengeance Juggernaut is pretty easy to play. Pretty much only use Sundering Strike, Master Strike, Shatter, Impale, Smash, and Force Scream
  13. How about this? Vader: Where is Padme? Is she alrigh? Is she safe? Palpatine: I am afraid she didn't make it through the server transfer Vader: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  14. Super Jawa Bros video game and collectable figures
  15. Maruaders I know are not OP. Had a duel with one today (Rage specced). He has double the expertise I have (1500 to 750). I'm a Juggernaut Tank and almost won. Was a pretty even fight, I messed up on my Enrage Defense timing which is what I think killed me
  16. Apparantley 12 ammo = like 96 heat. They really should just change it too 100 ammo.
  17. I'll make your janitor even better Class: Janitor Faciton: Both AC: Pinesol Master, Cloroxist Weapons: Wet Mop - Pinesol Master and Formula 409 dual wield - Cloroxist. (because the world isn't ready for 410). Roles: Melee Pinesol Master is Melee AoE DPS or Spike, trees are Mop Wielder (AoE), Ninja Mopper (Spike) Cloroxist Ranged DoT DPS or Healer, trees are Eye Burner (Ranged DPS), or Disinfecter (Healer). Shared tree is a Chemist and Debuffs stuff Some abilities for Mop Wielder would be Whirling Slap, doing a powerful AoE spin with a wet mop Stunning all foes you hit for 1 second. And Mop Toss, pick someone up on your Mop and swing them around into 2 other nearby foes dealing damage Ninja Mopper would have Overhead Slap which would bring a Wet Mop down on the opponents head stunning them for 2 seconds and dealing alot of damage. Also Mop Stab only useable from behind it dents the foes spine with a powerful thrust Eye Burner would of course use his 409 to shoot the foes in eyes causing an intense burning sensation. Also a signature ability of the Cloroxist would be Clorox bomb, hitting 5 foes in 8 meters with a massive DoT that also stuns for 4 seconds unless hit by some other force besides the DoT Disenfecter uses Antibacterial Soap Grenades and Peroxide Bombs to heal allies Chemist would use dangerous mixes of Enviromentaly Safe House Cleaner to debuff foes with noxious fumes and the like
  18. I generally only use Vicious Slash when I got no other moves at the time and plenty of rage, or on Boss fights to help keep aggro, even then I don't need to use it a whole lot. Now that Crushing Blow is an AoE and a High Threat attack it's much better to use, in my opinion, than Vicious Slash. In situations that require you to do alot of AoE to keep aggro, like if you got DFA and Lightning Storm being used, Sweeping Slash spam helps alot (does about 650-750 damage for me on non-crits) and also reduces the cool down of Enrage
  19. I don't run into to Tanks that over aggro, or bad Healers/DPS. I run into Tanks who only get one maybe two foes to fight them, unless I am on my Tank. Though it could be considered I'm always on a Tank because I've had to "Tank" a bit on my Lethality Operative
  20. Don't think nerfing our damage much more would help. It's pretty low right now. I mean I can usually get near 100-150K but most of that is probably from my Smash AoE and beating on a healer
  21. Agreed. I have 27% defense chance (30% with retaliation up), 47.3 Shield chance, and 42.5 Absorb, and it's hard to stay alive really long with 3 people on me. I don't expect to be unkillable, but I should be able to tank. Would help if all damages were affected by Defense chance and Shield
  22. What would help with the so called "OPness" of elemental and internal damage and the like is make it effected by Defense and Shield Chance
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