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Everything posted by istvana

  1. The quest is to scan a signal amplifier. I spent over an hour scanning all around inside the building where I got the quest, and all around the land that the building was on, and still haven't found the first amplifier. Yes I know how to use the scanner - good question. What really obvious thing am I missing? Is the accursed thing in the room with the questgiver, in the building or on the building, on one of the other buildings on the island, far away but visible from the island? Nothing worked. Thanks.
  2. Thanks. I had reset power settings to "do nothing and let the game do what it wants" figuring that would be least intrusive. I will reset it to high performance since clearly the change I made didn't help. I made sure the driver was current - I will look for a nvidia control panel debug - I hadn't thought to check there. I had run whatever options /settings/system gave me. Meanwhile if anyone else has ideas they will certainly be welcome but yours give me a few things to persue and are much appreciated.
  3. I don't recall the ability showing which version you have though the legacy options to buy faster speed will show you when you are up to that speed. Talk to your class trainer to see what general abilities you can still get - if it shows speed 2 or speed 3 then you don't have those yet. For a subscriber ignoring the legacy benefits you get speed one at level 10 and i think tow at level 25 and three at level 35. That is the highest without a legacy purchase, as the post above pointed out.
  4. I have tried to eliminate as many back-end programs as possible and I use task manager to close down applications that insist on running and refuse to be uninstalled and this helps somewhat but the problem has not totally gone away. The crashes seem totally random - unaffected by what I am doing or how long I have been on or how long it has been since the last crash. Any suggestions on other things to try - whether known culprits in Windows 11 to focus on or specific changes in game settings that reduce crashes to desktop or loading screen pop-ups? Thanks.
  5. I have tried three or four guilds - some of them advertising how friendly they are - and they certainly do good things - but as I do my activities and level-up they feel like Simon and Garfunkle guilds. The Sounds of Silence. Guild chat is empty - if I am lucky someone responds when I ask a specific question but there are almost never any conversations. Some of them more goes on in Discord but my goal is to have some conversations without having to use third-party programs outside of the game.
  6. For what it is worth to anyone else. It appears there was a background program from ASUS flashing lights on my fairly new computer. Inside near the video card. Nothing I had asked for but it hadn't been bothering me. Since disabling that program I have had no crashes.
  7. The crash is always the same - to desktop with a message that "a problem has occurred and caused Star Wars the Old Republic to close". The only details shown are: RetailClient26MTSTQ7.dmp TNQD5QC7.xmi It has been a few times a day but today 6 times over the last 2 hours. Known issue? More to the point are there any particular settings that are believed to reduce the probability of this crash? Thanks.
  8. I was using "maxed" carelessly - as pointed out correctly above I should have used the term "completed". As in completing the storyline. My assumption had been that influence opened up storylines and would help me do so but as also pointed out above this is no longer true. Influence only affects combat ability and conversation paths are unlocked *purely* by character progress through the story. So I need to finish the various story parts - no shortcut exists. Thanks for all replies.
  9. The compendium raises influence to 50. Do you or anyone else know for sure whether it gives credit for the legacy bonus requirement of having each of the 8 classes maxed and every companion from each of the 8 classes maxed. That is all I am looking for - to get that credit and end the self-imposed annoyance of having being just a single companion away.
  10. Thank you for the fast reply. I will take a look at both of those things.
  11. Just came back and noticed with disgust that out of 8 classes my legacy has one companion not maxed out. Which I think means I can't get a fairly decent buff that having every class maxed out would give. Is there any shortcut to max out a companion )store item or spend missions of credits on gifts) or do I need to create a sith consular, get it to 50 or so and max out the stinking beast the hard way? Given a choice this would not be one of my first classes to restart with. Thanks.
  12. Most comments are negative because unhappy people are more motivated to comment. I do not like all the changes - not at all. But I heartily approve the philosophy of trimming old systems out of the game and keeping things less confusing. EQ2 is a classic example of a game where it is so very difficult for a new or returning player because there are dozens of old and largely unsupported systems and it is a nightmare to figure out what you need to focus on. Having heartily urged them to eliminate many old systems it would be hypocritical now that I am back here not to applaud that aspect of 7.0.
  13. You have responded in a number of threads including mine. Honestly saying it might not be a great fit though encouraging me to try. Maybe that time has come. What I said I hoped for in a different thread was: "I am looking mostly for three things in a guild in this order of importance. 1. Active chat. Typed chat apart from whatever voice chat there may be. Not constant chatter but people talking in the /guild channel more often that once every 3 hours. Or less. 2. Some people on off-hours. I am usually on during the day weekdays as well as other times. 3. Some older people. I've been in too many guilds where not a single person is as old as my daughter (around 30)." I know you said your guild might be too quiet. How about the other two points. Thanks.
  14. I am looking mostly for three things in a guild in this order of importance. 1. Active chat. Typed chat apart from whatever voice chat there may be. Not constant chatter but people talking in the /guild channel more often that once every 3 hours. Or less. 2. Some people on off-hours. I am usually on during the day weekdays as well as other times. 3. Some older people. I've been in too many guilds where not a single person is as old as my daughter (around 30). Do either or both of your guilds seem like they might work? I am mostly republic but have one imperial and can always create a few more evil kitten-torturing slime.
  15. Never mind - don't see a way to delete this.
  16. I agree that there really *should* be some way to keep advancing after maximum level - whether it is called renown or alternate advancement or something else. As to suggestions that a little number be shown that goes up but doesn't give you anything my only response is to assume that this is a joke and not a very humorous one.
  17. On the guild point - if you aren't sure you are staying you shouldn't do something that would be very inconvenient for a guild (such as have them set up a raid or group team focused around your schedule or role and then leave them high and dry) but there is no reason at all not to join one to get the bonuses and conquest rewards and better chances for grouping.
  18. More than a few guilds encourage members to get conquest points by giving rewards - either because the guild is really serious about conquest or just to encourage member activity. If you find that you enjoy pushing to increase conquest totals you might look for one of these guilds and shoot for being one of the top conquest contributors on either a per character or legacy basis. I've seen guilds that go either way on that.
  19. I've been gone for years - came back to Star Forge and a few weeks there persuaded me that the better atmosphere here was worth any trans-Atlantic lag. So I deleted all characters there and created 6 baby characters here today. Is typed chat fairly active when people are on or is most chat in Discord or other voice chat? Given my bad hearing that is my most serious concern joining a guild.
  20. I think saying these things are "needed" is rather an overstatement. They would be a bit of a convenience but anyone with a stronghold (and the capital planet strongholds are so cheap as to be virtually free) can shuttle there, use a mailbox or vault and then shuttle back in well under a minute of round trip travel time.
  21. I cannot remember ever not getting the Ilum quest after finishing Corellia. Finishing it completely not just killing the last boss.The various small quests like going to a ship somewhere need to be done before one can even get Corellia if you mean the ones in the class storyline. I wish I had found a way to avoid getting the Ilum quest - which at first doesn't send you to Ilum but rather to the fleet. The accursed thing inscribes itself into your quest log even if you don't want it and cannot be abandoned until you do quite a few quests on Ilum. I find that exceedingly annoying.
  22. Terrible idea. Some people prefer one some people prefer the other - why limit choice? Badly worded terrible idea at that - just because you don't like something doesn't make it stupid.
  23. I do not like giving characters more options to play different ways - too much like some MMOs where there is never any need to have more than one character because any character can do everything. I *do* like the elimination of older systems. Two weeks ago I was in EQ2 complaining on the forums - with others - that the game was horrifically overcomplicated and extremely hard for new players or returning players because of the number of redundant and sometimes outright unsupported systems confusing so many of us. Thus I applaud what the devs are trying to do even though, inevitably, they will ditch some systems I like and keep some I dislike.
  24. I entirely approve of gear coming slowly, with significant effort and a high level of RNG so we cannot simply gear up in a week of FPs or Ops or whatever our preference may be. OP you say that this hurts solo players. My assumption has been the opposite - that if solo players do the new quests and storyline they will get gear upgrades over what a solo player is likely to have before 7.0. Maybe not immediately but as they go forward. Are you saying that after doing all of the solo quests and story FPs a solo player won't be getting upgrades from 7.0? I find this highly unlikely.
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