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Everything posted by Chipdouglas

  1. So just join the masses Have fun
  2. You have to think.. people que with friends and vote for their friends even if they suck. That's where your votes are going For instance last night here were my numbers roughly a little over 400k damage, 76k healing, #1 in kills, fewest deaths, I dont remember my objectives but it was double the amount the person in 2nd had, 10 medals with defender points for killing the ball carrier so many times. Operative by the way 0 votes (my team had a premade in it so they all just vote for each other with 95k damage and 10k healing sigh)
  3. I've hit for over 5k once and it was on a sorc with 1200 hp so it's safe to say she just hit level 50 with 0 gear.
  4. My Op is level 50 and I am in some pretty decent pve/pvp gear. In pvp I would say 9/10 times no matter how good or bad my team is I'm #1 in damage, kills, objectives, and hell even #1 in healing from time to time. The damage is good and I can drop anything that is not receiving guard + spammed heals. Last game I played last night I had 410k damage 75K in heals 10 medals. As for pve.. we are 10/10 in hard modes right now with a good all around team. I am the only one in my guild who pulls agro from our tank at least once every boss fight while using countermeasures every chance I can. I keep an eye out for it and use cloaking screen when it happens so no harm done. Overall from my experience the damage is still very solid and we are by no means underpowered. Keeping this in mind, we are pretty gear dependent so just stick with it.
  5. Tactical advantage procs from laceration and kolto probe will proc the laugh
  6. level 50 op here and I don't even have it on my hot bars.. you can only use it on targets you can kill in 2 hits anyways so it is pretty damn useless.
  7. Op really starts to shine around level 37 or so.. we are late bloomers I recommend just focusing on leveling until 37-40 then start pvping
  8. Actually evasion will remove any harmful effect currently on you.
  9. Yes I do enjoy hitting backstab while standing right behind someone and then oh ok I guess they are really 30m in front of me now. Or Hidden strike and when they fall down they are all of the sudden 5m behind me without me even moving.
  10. Yeah I love how nerfing ops is a priority over this ********
  11. Fully cham/columi tank PW getting 3 shotted... you sir are full of ****
  12. There has been a lot of negative talk from operatives due to the nerf. My experience after the nerf is still really solid. I still rip it up in pvp doing around 300-400k damage per game and sometimes even 75K in healing on top of that. As far as pve my guild is downing hard mode operations and our tank is as good and geared as you can get. I still pull agro off of him all the time while even using my agro lowering ability. I often have to use cloaking screen to drop it, so don't listen to the whiners the spec is still very solid.
  13. Let me open on you with my operative even post nerf and you will rage quit.
  14. This spec does work very well. Here is what I am rolling with and it is good in both pvp and pve. I can usually get 7-9 medals with 250k+ in both healing and damage done in warzones. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401rffMzh0ozZZhrrkMMb.1
  15. I am getting along just fine with my operative Played about 10 games last night and had top damage/kills in every game (except the one game a sorc did over 500k) with maybe 5 deaths at the most each game I still feel very useful to my team. Not trying to toot my own horn here but I have had plenty of other operative/scoundrels get the jump on me and I still end up beating them 8/10 times. I think most people are just bad to be honest.
  16. I'm just sad I can't get the 5k medal in pvp anymore
  17. yeah I only use it to clear dots, thats about all its good for.
  18. So if my opening damage is now the same as an assassin's then where is the other mass utilities assassins have over us at? You call that balance? lol
  19. When you look at the scoreboard of huttball after a match and 14/16 are sith inq.
  20. When you spam your ability button and it never goes off.
  21. I am a level 50 operative and to be honest I'm still ripping people apart. So our knockdown was lowered to 1.5 sec from 3 sec but guess what it doesn't fill resolve anymore so now you can stun afterwards and really stun lock people Sure I went from critting for 5k on my hidden strike to 3.5k but I am still kicking ***
  22. I just started healing in pvp and noticed this as well. So now I heal like crazy with throwing in some aoe damage and dots here and there and trying to manage 75k damage per game. I am now getting around 7-9 medals per game by mixing things up.
  23. Yeah I always just interrupt it, hit them a few times while they just stand there and follow with a stun... Then by the time they try to start the spam again they are dead. I don't get all the crying about it. I have no trouble with them at all
  24. Im using The logitech G700 and I was binding some buttons to Alt + numbers and would have problems with alt tabbing out. Then tried Ctrl + numbers and I would have movement problems and the turning of ambiance off and on. So i now Bound them to shift + #'s and it is working perfectly. If you can afford to invest $70 or on a good mouse for pvp I highly recommend it. I have also put any self using abilities (such as evasion, relics, shields) to using alt + my mapped key, ex: shift + 1 So I now have 20 bound abilities just on my mouse while still using 1-4 and binding r,f,t,e,q While just using wasd + right mouse button for movement. Not sure if any of this helps you but just throwing in my experience.
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