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10 Good
  1. I remember playing unreal tournament like 10 years ago, think it was unreal 2000, where there was a mode where you took control of nodes. each node was bringing you closer to the enemy base. and you couldn't skip nodes either, they where locked out. And while there at it they should give a buff to the side with less people like WG did in wow, or give them a buff the further they get pushed towards there base. Illum is such a horrible place right now it needs to get fixed and fast.
  2. pretty good, didn't think i was going to like it at first lol. quit my 50 ops weeks ago.
  3. I am a rank 51 have full pvp gear, mix of the tier 1 and 2 pvp stuff. For the life of me i can't crit for more then 4.1 on hidden strike on light armor targets. I have seen other ops post last nerf that has hit me for 5.5k. They are in pvp gear maybe battlemaster but not 1.5k damage difference. How the hell are they doing so much more damage on me in medium armor then i can vs light armor.
  4. I was full healing spec, and i was no where near getting a 5k heal lol. i am stuck playing mostly huttball so 300k healing is hard since everyone is spread out.
  5. I was a ops medic, usually top 2 in healing on empire side in a pvp match. I get 2 medals and no mvp votes. I have been told to make a hybrid spec if i want medals, but that defeats the purpose of healing, why take time to damage when you are trying to save the life of other team members. As a dps spec i get 4 medals minimum, so whats the point. you could say winning is the point but personal achievement seems more adventagous and more fun then playing as a team. And whats with the ******* that mvp highest damage all the time. look at operation points or whatever there called or healing done. usually people that get the higest damage aren't the ones doing what needs to be done.
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