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Everything posted by CFourPO

  1. I played MUDs, but not extensively. Mainly poked around with my dad. Main MMORPGS I've played Started with Ultima around 2000. Anarchy Online around 2003 EVE online 2004 (and kept coming back) Went to City of Heroes in 2005 ish (and I am still subbed) Guild Wars 2006 Age of Conan and Warhammer 2008 I have also played for at least a few months: Fallen Earth Tabula Rasa Rift Champions Online Darkfall StarTrek Online DCUO Everquest II Ryzom I haven't been bored yet in SWTOR. But I'm not sure what I will do when I get to 50. I am enjoying the different story lines, but that is the quality single player game design mostly. Teaming is cumbersome with the UI as is and lacks incentive except for Heroics. PvP is unbalanced or I have serious lag issues.
  2. I had a character in City of Heroes named Rappist. Cause he was a hip hop MC of course. I'd drop a boombox (which you could do in game) and throw out really stupid lyrics about being a super hero (with macros which made it real easy)
  3. I agree with the second poster. The best MMO would meld the two. That provides the widest appeal and continued scenarios for longevity.
  4. Yes, thank you for your helpful response. The issue is I want to put it where other UI elements are that I can't move. Admittedly, I am spoiled by the great CoH UI and hampered by my own in grained habits.
  5. Can't image it would be hard to have numbers on them as an option. Game can already display them on mouseover. Which I guess is a workaround if you're a damnable clicker.
  6. Rude people are rude. Still, I know I'm not alone in wanting a more easily customizable UI so that I actually notice when my party is chatting. I am just so used to having it in a certain place, in a certain color from years of CoH, that it is muscle memory at this point. I was in a similar situation as you in a pick up group, and someone had missed an objective. I actually didnt notice that they said anything until I had run halfway out of the instance. I ran back to help and we did it as did another but the 4th person said "thank you all great team" and quit. Their parting words made me think they had not noticed the requests for assistance, but I don't know.
  7. I don't know of an MMO that didn't have imbalance issues with only 2 factions. The best solutions have been 3 factions (DAoC) or the ability to create your own factions (EVE, Darkfall).
  8. I know there is no good way to search the forums, but people are reporting this problem with many different mice. I have the problem on two mice and two computers (and even switching those mice). My theory is it is mouse accelleration, but that might not be the whole deal. Add to one or both of these... Here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=23214 and http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=62987
  9. ooo. I had not seen that. I have the Rat5 and I love it. Circle strafing with the horizontal scroll bar is awesome.
  10. I would make space travel like this: You board your ship You can either 1. use the map as is to jump right to a planet or 2. plot a course to travel manually Manual travel would allow you to encounter random missions, opportunities (like wrecks and salvage), asteroids, etc. You could also have an ability to scale the time elapsed, in other words to change the amount of real time to game time scaling. Slower travel would up your chances of random or more lucrative encounters. Some things like asteroid belts would be repeatable, and once you'd discover them, though with some diminishing returns.
  11. Gen Grievous was a Cyborg. He was a Kaleesh http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kaleesh Which are in game. One of the jedi in the Consular storyline is one. I want Wookies, I don't care about in game romance. I have a wife in rl. I don't care if he can't speak basic. I don't think he'd be a talker anyway.
  12. My forum name being an exception, I don't have any silly in game names, but I saw (I forget exactly how they were spelled but to the effect of...) an Agent- Dubbleoseven BHs- RamboBafett Jimiebobuffet .........Jimmy Buffet? haha a Twi-lek named something like Twilighkt ...........that looked all vampy but the prize goes to someone with some shortened spelling of John Wayne Gacey, iirc had just the W initial. I had not thought of how you could do this but with the right hair, hair color, and complexion you can look vaguely clownish.
  13. It is not a question of possible v. impossible. It is a matter of degree. Currently, I can be in a crowd of 20-30 in Champions Online, Age of Conan, or Fallen Earth, which have comparable graphics with much higher FPS. I have been in groups of 12 in APB, which has much higher textures, which higher FPS. I've been in crowds of near 100players in Champions Online with little drop in FPS.
  14. The Story is enough for me for now. The problem is the cost and time for production of this near cinematic story. They will not be able to keep up with many of us consuming the story. Especially those that do not like to play alts. So we will get to the point where people will lack motivation to play between expansions if the continued focus is on story. I'm not sure BW is doesn't understand this though. They are rumbling about PvP changes, gear changes. I can't fault them for releasing it in this state, its playable, bugs aren't much (people complaining about buggy don't remember when we walked up the hill both ways through long server outtages, rollbacks, etc.), and there is plenty of content, again, for now.
  15. The prequels were not that bad. The original trilogy was just very good. Our expectations were high. So we rage. For many of us that grew up in very secular homes, StarTrek and Star Wars filled a void for spiritual moral lessons of good evil and magic. I say that half-jokingly. But in all seriousness, a good Joseph Campbell style analysis could be made of what I said. It fits his mythic archetypes easily. I know a lot of little kids that like Jar Jar. While I disowned them as relatives, I appreciate their developmentally delayed-esque standpoint because they were deprived of existance when there were only the 3 movies. See e.g.
  16. Jabba had a heart condition. He just died from all the excitement.
  17. I do something similar. Takes some getting used to but with practice you forget about it. There are still times when there are a Bunch of foes and I use the mouse.
  18. I set up one of my side mouse buttons to function as a right mouse toggle thru the mouse's software. I assume you could do that with Autohotkey too, but I don't have a script handy.
  19. To be StarWarsy I made names derived from languages that StarWars modeled after. Huttese is based on the related South American languages Quechua and Aymara. See, Behind the scenes http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Huttese For anything Imperial I might use a Dutch word. See, Behind the scenes http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth I also think anything Latinate is fair game. e.g. Mon Calamari - Calamari means squid in Italian), Devonian AKA Devish etymologically from diabolus ---- Devil - late latin. Gektl - i'm guessing from Gecko since that's what they look like, also Latin
  20. Good! now if I knew what all 'end game purples' totally entailed I'd be 100% happy. My 2 credits is for purples to be obtainable from a variety of sources, crafting, PvE raids, PvE solo, PvE small group and the same for PvP. This supports people with different loves for different parts of the game to always have that carrot we all love to chase.
  21. Orange armor should be viable at 50. I think there are several ways this can be implemented in game. In fact, I would take a strong stand that there shouldn't be one way to make orange armors viable. Mods extractable from epic armors = people that like to raid can progress Craftable = people that like to trade, craft can progress Rewards from daily missions etc. = people that like to run missions can progress
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