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Everything posted by Improv-

  1. It's a fact. Go look at the server list. It's been consistent for the passed few weeks. During peak times you have a few full servers, numerous very hevy, a bunch of heavy, and the rest standard.
  2. So strange...I went to up my pay time from a 1 month period to 3 and it said I had no time subscribed at all...even though I had the 1 month thing. So I added a 3 month subscription and it billed me immediately. PS: Instead of 90 days it says I have 89. Game took a day away from me lol.
  3. Oh God...I feel incredibly sorry for you if you actually believe this. Do you realize how much half a billion dollars is? And you do realize a video game costing that much money is just absolutely ridiculous? Other analysts predicted about 80-100 mil. EA at a press conference said investments were around 90 mil. This random so called analyst comes out with this ridiculous amount for attention and some of you fall for it. FYI: The world record for the most expensive video game ever made is still under Rockstars name with GTA IV that cost a little over 100 million dollars. You people need to seriously think for yourselves.
  4. Yes it's all a conspiracy. The review scores, the patch, all the people playing, the high sales. It's the illuminati...*rolls eyes*
  5. It only takes common sense to realize a few points... 1. When a game first launches whether it's an MMO or FPS people all jump online at the same time. 2. When a game first launches people play the game for longer periods of time. 3. It was the Holidays. 4. As time goes on people start to adjust their gaming schedules and don't glue themselves to 5-10 hour long sessions. 5. People have lives. Work, school, etc. Noooo, really? It's a PC exclusive. Let's take a look at what PC games have recently made it into a ALL FORMATS chart. The last one was Starcraft II which as well plummeted off the list because it's a PC exclusive. The one before that was Empire: Total War. A PC game rarely ever makes it into an all formats chart and the fact that ToR debuted as ten speaks volumes for how it's doing. Obviously it would drop off because again it's a PC exclusive game. They rarely ever make it to the charts in the first place.
  6. They have internal metrics to see how many people are going to resub, etc. It was ALL detailed in that post. Try reading the whole thing.
  7. Really dude? Do you realize what time it is? The Euro servers atm have Full, Very Heavy, and Heavy servers. The US don't because you know...it's a Thursday and it's school/work time. *sigh* Doesn't take anything more than common sense to figure this out. @Arkulin Yes great post! A random guy claiming he works at EA Mythic! Very credible! It's so obvious a low level Mythic employee will know everything that is going on at Bioware Austin including the budget of a game. You know things reserved for management. Gullible much?
  8. Cool =) They're working really hard. Nice to see such a large update so soon.
  9. Sure, Just as an FYI though AA is in version 1.1 So it is going to be added very soon. Anywho here is the download. http://downloads.guru3d.com/NVIDIA-Inspector-1.94-download-2612.html And someone did a handy guide on this. http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?t=119413
  10. *sigh* All that's on everyones mind is suing someone/something. EVERY game company does this. Bullshots are a misleading and common practice in the industry. No court is going to care. Even the games with amazing visuals do this. Go look at the official screenshots of BF3. While the actual game looks amazing the official screens from EA/DICE are jaw droppingly beautiful and better than game settings set to Ultra. Honestly, the only company who hasn't shown bullshots of their game is CD Projekt for the Witcher 2 because you can actually have the game look as clean as those shots with Uber Sampling. Trust me I want nicer textures and shadows as much as you.
  11. My God I hate people like you. "Thread: Official High Resolution Textures Post" Are you able to read that? Yes? So let's move on to step 2. What do you think people are going to talk about in this thread? Puppies? No? High res textures right? Good let's move on to step 3. If you don't care about high res textures why waste your own time and our time by posting this useless, PoS post that adds NOTHING to the discussion. Lastly, because we would like something added in a game that means we should just quit? If I ever see you voice dissaproval or make a suggestion I am going to ask you to quit the game because the galaxy would be far better without you.
  12. Well ME games don't count since that's UE3. Dragon Age had AA. Dragon Age II had AA. KotoR had AA too I believe. So all there modern games except for the UE games (Mass Effect series) have AA options. So I don't see what you were trying to get at here unless you never played a Bioware game before.
  13. Troopers really have it the worst. A lot of their armor looks particularly bad. Haven't really looked into that but again that's one thing and when you compare all the other ports we get of games Bioware's are a step up. You get a lot of graphic options to tweak and the games ran fine. You can't call them a console developer at heart considering that the majority of their games were PC exclusive or PC lead. The only ones that were console lead were Mass Effect, ME2, and DAII. We'll see what future titles are like though. But just to say my point again about the high res textures I think it's safe to say many of us for the moment just want our own characters to look like they do in cinematics. That would be a change that would make a lot of us very happy.
  14. Every Bioware game has tons of options to adgust. DAII even got high res textures as a seperate download. So Bioware knows how to make PC games. So fingers crossed they step up their game for ToR.
  15. Because you can't force AA with Nvidia unless you use Inspector and go through a few steps which maybe he doesn't want/know how to do.
  16. The only annoying one is you. It is not difficult to you know...not click on this thread? All you did was waste your time and our own time by posting this nonsense in a thread titled 'Official High Resolution Textures post. So obviously this is what we'll talk about it. Don't like it don't click the thread. That might seem like rocket science to you but trust me it works.
  17. Obviously his screen has no AA...considering that you know the game doesn't have the option? Also the closer an object and the more angled it is the more aliased it looks. No one is saying good graphics makes a good game. But it makes a good game even better. I just can't stand people who pretend that graphics don't mean anything. That's a bunch of bull and they do mean something. The visuals in BF3 make for a much more intense experience thus improve upon the game. That's just one example of how visuals are used to work TOGETHER with the gameplay to give a better experience to people.
  18. That's not going to do anything. Every game uses bullshots no matter how good the game actually looks. While BF3 looks stunning go and look at the official screenshots. They are completely out of this world and look better than the game maxed out. This is a shameful and common practice in the industry.
  19. This isn't the 90's. With your mindset technology would never progress. Good graphics are just as important for enjoying the game as good gameplay. If you have one without the other the game suffers for it. Battlefield 3, Crysis, Crysis 2, Uncharted series, Witcher 2 all rely on excellent graphics to suck the player into the game and feel as if he/she is in it. If Witcher 2 had the same graphics as Witcher 1 that would be absolutely ridiculous. It's also why they sell you know...$500 GPU's and whatnot.
  20. Because it depends on the armor as well. Some of the armor sets look plain awful and some don't look as bad.
  21. I just want our own characters to look nice. I don't care how players x,y,z look to me. Also, a smooth shadows option would be amazing. If WoW can have smooth shadows so should this game.
  22. Yup just what I suggested. Make our own characters look like the cinematic quality.
  23. @Stephen Reid First I'd like to say thanks for responding but I have a suggestion. Not sure if someone posted it.... I think most of us just want our own characters to look like they do in the cinematics. When we put a new piece of armor on, etc. we love panning around our character and want it to look nice. So is it possible to give that high res cinematic texture to our own character only and leave everything else the way it is? There are a few MMO's that do this and it works out well. Thank you, I hope you see this =)
  24. An 8.0 is harsh lol... I am so disgusted with this generation of gamers. Going to skip these forums for a couple of months like I do with every major MMO to come out. WoW, Rift, AoC, etc. it's the same thing every major release. These forums were a pleasure to be in but now it's horrendous. I really hope the lot of you especially the conspiracy theorists who think all 25 + reviews were bought out unsub. But of course you will keep paying and continuing to cry and troll on these forums. I go to the Rift forum and the SAME people who had threatened to quit in the first and second month are still their crying and moaning about how big of a disaster Rift is. Must have no lives at all to continue to pay for a game you don't enjoy just to troll people. I'll see the sane ones in a few months. Good luck. PS: Zelda the new one got a 7.5 from Gamespot. Which is also one of the highest rated games of the year. It must be a total failure now because a 7.5 is a 1.0 by some of your logic. Worst gamer generation ever. Bunch of spoiled, whiny brats.
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