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Everything posted by Improv-

  1. So all 23 publications on metacritic are misleading and the users who are making multiple accoutns and giving the game a 0 thus the average being only a few points higher than Duke Nukem Forever one of the worst games ever made is trustworthy? You my friend are incredibly delusional. And of course Portal 2 deserved the 4.0 rating it had before metacritic cleaned up the troll ratings. And MW3 deserves a 3.0 rating. Battlefield 3 deserves a 6.0 If you like to believe all the hipster anti-big game douchebags because it's cool to hate on popular games go for it. You won't find much to play/
  2. They said if they do some sort of major content thing for the game we might see it (IE: Expansion).
  3. Well they need to review the product as is. They can't say "oh in x amount of time it's going to be significantly better because they said so." The thing with MMO reviews is many sites go back to the game 6 months later or so to check it out again.
  4. MW doesn't get those consistent 10's you think it does. http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3 http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3 360 version is an 88 only two points higher than ToR. PC version is an 80 six points lower than ToR http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic
  5. The rules are: #1 If a game I don't like gets a good score the reviewer was bribed. #2 If a game I like gets a low score the rival company bribed the reviewer to give their competition a low score. #3 If a game I like gets a good score it's not high enough unless it's a 10. That's the modern gamer for you.
  6. Yes because big name titles with their ads plastered everywhere NEVER get low reviews. http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/duke-nukem-forever http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/need-for-speed-the-run http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-3/dc-universe-online http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/homefront http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/alice-madness-returns http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/guitar-hero-warriors-of-rock http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/tony-hawk-ride Nope never happens! It's all one HUGE conspiracy that happens with the 50+ publications that currently review games and it has never been exposed to the general public. Massive websites such as IGN, GameSpot, Eurogamer, GameSpy, PC Gamer, etc. all take bribes from EA, Activision, etc. and somehow by some lucky chance none of this has ever been leaked out. Because you know how dare video game companies advertise their products on video game sites! Those writers should do their jobs for free and not let video game companies advertise video games on video game websites! Let them live in boxes and use the Starbucks wi-fi to write their reviews! Screw their families and the food they have to put on the table! Because I'm a conspiracy nut who believes this massive inside job has been going on for a decade now that involves dozens of publications and publishers. It is DEFINITELY better for EA to bribe reviewers for a few points and risk getting caught and having a huge fan backlash over it and boycott instead of having the reviewer review the game honestly. Every game I don't like that gets good reviews is a bribe. Every game I like that gets low reviews the rival company bribed the reviewer. Every game I like that gets good reviews is correct. I think it's time for wikileaks to stop exposing war crimes and go after these hardened criminal video game publishers and publications. Get a life man...
  7. Yeah that's all I ask for. If we get this my worries would just go away and I'd say "okay at least I know this is something they are working on." AA was definitely a nice surprise and a very welcome addition. Once this is done I will be very, very happy =)
  8. We need a search function =P I think this is the 10th thread on this lol. And MW3 made a billion dollars in a months time and has millions of players logging on everyday. ROFL indeed! *High five* Clearly anything below a 9.5 is bad.
  9. Yeah and I think it's also impressive that 25 + reviews and not a single one has been below an 8. Some people just have ridiculous expectations and want all their favorite games to be 9.5's or 10's. I remember getting 80's on tests and being so freaking happy lol. I guess that is unnacceptable now. PS: Before anyone says that GameSpot is hating they have a 2012 predictions list up for gaming and they put ToR down to selling 7 million copies with a few million active subs. So yeah they obviously like the game, again it's an 80%. A score of 'Great.' "And ultimately, that's what Star Wars: The Old Republic delivers to make it so compelling: a lot of fun. Don't come to it seeking the next online revolution. In fact, when you heard that the developers of Mass Effect were making an MMOG, this is the one you probably predicted: a prototypical online game with the standard BioWare trappings layered on top of them. The surprises are few, but The Old Republic is nonetheless an online RPG of uncommon quality. And with a broad, overarching story to guide you through, you might even reach maximum level with a smile on your face, even if you are one to abandon an MMOG before that point. Such is the power of a beloved universe with so many tales still left to tell. " ^ That is not negative people. ATM on metacritic ToR is one of the highest rated MMO's and highest rated in years. Why complain? Heck, it's the 5th highest rated PC game of 2011.
  10. That was the time when GameSpot was quick to review MMO's. Why Warhammer and AoC have such high ratings. They don't do that anymore. People need to seriously remember that reviews are just opinions. GameSpot gave the new Zelda a 7.5 when nearly every other review was a 9 or a 10. Some people are going to like a game more and others less. 8 is a great score get over it honestly...
  11. Didn't you hear? If GameSpot was to give it a 9 it would automatically mean success. But giving it a score of "Great" instead of "Outstanding?" Awful. Obviously a sinking ship.
  12. Yeah noticed this trend. Seems pretty recent though. Heck even 9's aren't good enough now. Has to be 9.5 or 10. But if a game gets either of the two it is payed off. Remember when anything from a 7 up used to be considered great? Heck if you look at the review numbers IGN for example lists a 7 as "good." Somehow that has turned into "bad." Oh well...
  13. People complain about 8's now? =/ The game has had over 25 reviews and not a single one has been lower than an 8. I can't believe people complain about 8's these days =.=
  14. Yeah I tried looking around on Begeren Colony and was a bit disheartened to find none whatsoever. Would rather not re-roll because I am very attached to my char names that I use in every game. That is a good point you guys made though with the leveling and whatnot. I just hope in the end I didn't pick the wrong server. I'll be on the lookout for a friendly RP guild as well and hopefully someone doesn't accidentally spoil a story section and whatnot. Oh that's good to know I guess I should keep looking =) PS: I know what you mean about the Republic losing all the time. On my Trooper we always lose but when I play with my IA we always win. One sided >.<
  15. Guess I'll have to find a Guild which I was hoping to avoid doing until I finished my class story just incase people decided to accidentally post spoilers. Age of Conan had such great RP was hoping a similar community would be here. Oh well...
  16. Sorry for the bump but these forums move so fast and easy for threads to get lost =/
  17. Yes because Portal 2 was a 4.0 game.
  18. Graphics? *** are you talking about. Where did I mention graphics? Second I rated the game an 8 on metacritic. So yes I am a TOTAL fanboy. Are you implying that all ToR has over Big Rigs is graphics? Oh god please just unsub. I just don't even know what to say. The post I made had nothing to do with your idiotic reply.
  19. It is EASIER to lower an average rating of something than raise it. It takes basic math skills to realize that and the haters/trolls outweight the fanboys.
  20. Hey guys I was wondering if this server has any RP going at all...I never seem to find it. I decided to re-roll on the RP mega server but that's an East Coast server and I get like 120 latency vs my 30 in Begeren. I was thinking of rolling to Lord Adraas but all the names I like are taken on that server. Any tips to find some RP or a server site that may exist? Thank you.
  21. Lol, speaking of big rigs. According to some people here SWTOR is only 2 points better than this game. http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/big-rigs-over-the-road-racing Yup metacritic user reviews sure are spot on! If anyone thinks SWTOR is only 2 points better than this... I am really at a loss for words. You guys should seriously just unsub lol. As soon as SWTOR, BF3, CoD, Portal 2, etc. all launched that VERY second at 12:01 am hundreds of people apparently managed to play those games within a minute and post an accurate review of 0/10.
  22. Again, Portal 2 was at a 4.0 metacritic user score. Metacritic had to step in and delete many multiple accounts. That brought the game up to the 8's. Call of Duty no matter what you think of it should not be a 3.0 game. Duke Nukem forever is at a 5.8. You are telling me SWTOR is barely better than Duke Nukem Forever one of the worst games to release in the last decade? I can go on and on. Metacritic is a haven for trolls and hipster douche bags who have nothing better to do than give popular games low scores and niche games high scores. A game should not be a 0/10 ever. That means it doesn't even exist. The fact that it's a damn game in the first place makes it impossible for it to be a 0. And if you seriously think SWTOR is a 1-4 game you are delusional. If you are going to put this together with games like Earth Rise and Duke Nukem I don't know what to say. Metacritic even admits its user scores are heavily screwed up and are trying to find ways to stop it. I sort of feel sorry for those people that they have nothing better to do in their lives than sit in front of their computer making multiple email addresses/metacritic accounts just to give a game a 0. Sometimes they don't even bother changing the review text. They just copy and paste the same thing multiple times or word it differently.
  23. Remember when Portal 2 was at a 4.0? Metacritic had to step in and clean out the duplicate accounts which raised it all the way to the 8's. That's how bad metacritic user reviews are.
  24. Yup! SWTOR is definitely in the league of Duke Nukem Forever http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/duke-nukem-forever If you trust metacritic user scores you are either incredibly gullible or one of the many trolls who make multiple accounts to flood a game with 0's.
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