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Everything posted by Sagimore

  1. Up the Ram first, since it will be the cheapest and it needs it no matter what.
  2. yeah you dont have to turn off antivirus. Just set it as an exception, but im sure this error will go away in a day tops.
  3. My mom once told me my blood test came back and that the doctor was very upset and wanted us to go in right away. I was 11, That was cruel.
  4. Don't take tomorrow off, don't expect to be able to play until late at night if at all. This isn't a shot at BW, its just how these things tend to work in a lot of MMOs
  5. That and when we say /lol we can hear our character laugh.
  6. Not sure why, but I want them in this game, any reason we dont have them?
  7. If we could play exogorths we could just have already known every language because we are so old.
  8. I want to play an exogorth! Come on Bioware! Enough with the Human models already
  9. I asked you to do this so you can show its not your PC. If lag is still there then its server IMO. But people dont believe it can be the server when they dont have an issue.
  10. Does lowering graphics settings help. If its server lag then I would'nt think it would make much difference.
  11. Well Uncle owen is still dead. We dont even know if he put up a fight.
  12. This is normal, I think SWG or another game I cant remember had open forums at one point. Maybe it was UO. But it was horrible. 99% crap.
  13. I don't see why it would start losing value until the -400k loss was reported. That wasn't reported in December before the game launched.... So from that we can tell that EA stock was already falling long before that quarterly report came out. Im sure that helped things a lot, but the launch numbers were good, they had the largest launch numbers yet. But the stock didnt take off on that news but instead continued to drop. This is bigger than SWTOR. 50% is a huge loss for a company that normally floats with the market.
  14. Rifts bloom is amazing, and the shadows are much much better. But TOR put everything together better. Rift felt cold most of the time.
  15. What if WoW didn't charge for MOP and instead let you download it?
  16. On the fence as far as long term. Game needs to open up a lot for me to stay long long term. Its too themepark for me. They need to give us some choices and free reign. Id say 100 next 3 months 50/50 that I will be playing this next year at this time.
  17. Whatever server you can transfer to is the one they went to. You dont have multiple options, but the two Ive played on are alive.
  18. Server Transfer was a success, with a million people you wont help everyone but it was done well. Hopefully they fix the rest.
  19. After the first week people will be complaining that they finished the game. Dont get me wrong I am super casual, but still dont want to feel like I finished the game. And as far as adding content....where is the profit in that for a game that doesn't have a subscription. They make their money on expansions with new content. How they managed to show no end game as a positive is beyond me..Well done.
  20. Give your PC stats and someone will tell you. This game relies on CPU more than GPU I think. So you can try overclocking it a little.
  21. A few wow servers were maxed out at 8k a few times, not all wow servers were 8k max. And through the life of the game the average on any server at peak was 1500k peak which is pretty good.
  22. Were you only going to play for 20 minutes?
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