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Everything posted by Skoobie

  1. We have no idea what they plan for content after the transition, besides "every six weeks". Well, what if that content is all store items? What if they decide to start charging for each additional operation or warzone? What if they decide to charge for each continuation of the story and call it an "expansion?" There's still many questions that need to be answered, and many will fall under the "we'll have to wait and see" category.
  2. I'm sorry, but we do not know this yet, and probably won't until after the transition.
  3. Think of it like this: they wouldn't give subscribers coins if subscribers already got everything in the shop.
  4. I do believe that is the Holy Grail of MMO questions.......one that most (if not all) MMO companies have asked themselves countless times, as well as many, many, players. I don't have an answer.....but I don't think the answer is a simple one, either.
  5. What are you talking about? I never made the claim that I was playing it in 1991 in the first place. That's your first source of confusion. Secondly, there has been no insistence of anything. I just pointed out that according to it's official timeline, it says it was released in 1991. You correctly pointed out that it wasn't available to be bought until 1994. You seem to ignore simply that other people have had different experiences, and that others may have been playing it before then. Then you quoted the original poster, and claimed I was trying to back up my argument with "Wikipedia" articles....which in fact I'm not. I wasn't making the argument. More confusion on your part. After all that you call me bullheaded.....and claim that you are waiting for the personal attacks to start? Seems like you have already started it to me.
  6. Go back and read over the last page or so. You are confused.
  7. It says, quite clearly, " 1991 : TradeWars 2002 v1 is released by Martin in June. TW 2002 is a complete rewrite of TW 2001, and numerous features are added. v1.03 is released in July, and it remains active until August of '92 when a patch, v1.03d, is released. v1.03d remains the standard version while Gary works on TW 2002 v2 over the next year."
  8. I never played Tradewars, but according to this: http://wiki.classictw.com/index.php?title=Inside_TradeWars_-_History_-_Timeline Tradewars 2002v1 was released in June, 1991.
  9. a) The ratio of lost subscribers is often pointed out by people who provide no factual numbers to back them up. b) WoW is back to having over 10 million players. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/10/04/world-of-warcraft-mists-of-pandaria-sales/
  10. 1) Neverwinter Nights. 2) I've played most of those games. It seems you, however, haven't 3) LOTRO......but this isn't launch. Bugs at launch is one thing, bugs 10 months later (some still the same) is another. Before calling something hyperbole, you should probably know what you are talking about first.
  11. When did you leave? According to your post history, you post just about everyday....
  12. You know, if I worked at a place that relied heavily on NDA's, and someone I knew was running around leaking information.....I would not only be ticked off, but worried about my job. Just saying.....
  13. Unfortunatly, AMD doesn't really have a cpu that comes close to the i7. (I haven't seen many benchmarks of the new AMD release tho). The AMD FX-8150 comes in right around the i5 mark. Here's a benchmark comparison sheet. As you can see, Intel dominates. http://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html
  14. Um, I think you need to re-listen to that, because he doesn't promise a continuation of story...at all. In fact, he kind of spins it away by using the Avengers as an example where (paraphrase) "a bunch of self contained movies that set up the various characters, and then we got The Avengers, in where all the characters get together and we gave them this big epic plot....." That doesn't sound like a continuation of the individual stories, to me. That sounds like an operation that may have elements of the individual stories in it.
  15. No they didn't. They went F2P because it was such a success in DDO, and Warner Brothers saw the potential to make more money. It may have even been a condition of the Turbine purchase by WB....to make LOTRO F2P. Very different then what's happening here, where Bioware is using F2P as a life saving parachute.
  16. No they aren't. In DDO, F2P players can earn TP's in-game. F2P players will not be able to acquire Cartel coins in-game here. Small difference that will turn into a bigger thing eventually, imho.
  17. Kubernetic, I believe you and I often disagree about things here on the forums, but not in this case. I also was 7 in '77 like a few here. That opening scene blew my little mind. I remember feeling the theater rumble when those flew over. Still makes my hair stand on end. It's good to see many of us old enough to remember....and to have enjoyed....the Star Wars hype of the time. I remember begging my parents to buy the soundtrack album (they did)...all the toys....the Burger King glasses....comic books....trading cards (I has a ton of those.....). Star Wars was freaking everywhere! Good memories. Remember it being all over the news? People camped out, lined up for blocks to get tickets. The interviews with the people in line "I've seen it 20 times now....." LOL Take a look at how long that movie was #1 at the box office. Movies will never have that kind of impact again, thanks to video/dvd/blu-ray.
  18. So speaking of TSW....... Is it really losing subs? From the starter area I was in, there were a ton of people. Were they, more then likely, part of the 3 day trial promotion like myself? Are the starting areas different, or does everyone start the same? The area I was in was nice and freaky. I felt like I was in danger at all times and found some areas...spine-chilling. Is the entire game zombies/horror themed, or does it change up? Although I enjoyed the whole "Walking Dead" vibe, I could see it getting old further down the line. Just trying to figure out if I want to kick down the bread for it or not....I have to admit, in the short time I played, I really grew attached to my character.
  19. I think this is a great idea. I completely understand why they don't allow it now. They allowed it for a while in beta, and realized some folks were having trouble after killing them. That said, I'm a level 50 Guardian, and have played most of this game solo/PVE. Honestly, I've only used 2 companions extensively, have 1 I want to spend more time with, 1 I don't even want aboard the ship or near me, and can care less about the remaining. Well, they do come in handy as my little fetching minions. I wouldn't mind knocking off a few.
  20. Maybe so, but those "naysayers and doomdayers", as you like to label them, sure were singing the praises of Funcom from what I was reading. I found it refreshing.
  21. I played the 3 day trial last weekend, and have to admit, really enjoyed myself (besides the button mash combat). Then I saw earlier this week they put out a new update that many players had no idea was coming, or at least thought it was coming latter. I was impressed with that. A stealth update.
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