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Everything posted by Skoobie

  1. Which is the whole point of today. To learn. To analyze. I mentioned it in another thread, but my guess is they are monitoring the servers overnight, and if all goes well, they will have more then 5 waves tomorrow. Much smarter to start small and work your way up, then to go all out have it all fall down around you.
  2. I can't speak for anyone else.... ....but Amazon also dropped my shipping to .99 cents. Good stuff.
  3. You're very confused, bud. All editions were able to be pre-ordered. You are talking about the Collector's Edition (or Digital Deluxe Edition)...which is completely different then pre-orders. Pre-order is an action, not an edition.
  4. I kinda have to agree with the OP. People do have a right to be upset....at themselves. Whether it be because you for some reason didn't believe Bioware back in July when they said this would happen...or that you didn't pay attention when Bioware was speaking...or that you didn't pre-order early enough...I agree, you have a right to be upset. Just stop taking it out on everyone else.
  5. Speaking for myself, this is what I would hoped happened with regards to the no grace period mess. But I still feel for the others who are still getting shafted and feel that there still should be a grace period.
  6. Sorry Hollow Man, I saw right thru your post. HAHA get it?...saw thru...Hollow..... ok, bad joke.
  7. Let me add to this: ...even tho they were told, from day 1, that the launch would be staggered. Honestly, I don't know of any games early access that counted against your first 30 days.....
  8. Why is everyone praising Amazon? I'm sure it was Bioware who got on them and told them to ship earlier.... So...thanks Bioware!
  9. I misquoted the wrong person, sorry about that.
  10. If you're not ingame you have no idea how empty or full the servers are. You just have speculation. Want to hear something that will probably upset some of you? I logged in within an hour of the servers coming up this morning...and the servers weren't empty THEN (and filling up more)...so what happened during the course of the day that emptied the servers?
  11. What MMO's has your company put out?
  12. Then instead of all these "WAAA I didn't get in threads" we would have the "WAAA I have to wait in queue!" threads. And if everyone was let in and the servers went down, we would have the "WAAA the servers crashed!" threads. Point is.....people will complain about anything and there is no winning for an MMO company.
  13. How is Bioware doing exactly what they said they would do.....two days early....bad PR? The only thing this shows is how immature and clueless the SWTOR playerbase can be. That's the bad PR.
  14. 15 year olds are going to be 15 year olds....
  15. Really people....say this to yourself outloud: "I canceled my preorder because Bioware wouldn't let me in early access the exact moment I wanted." See how stupid that sounds?
  16. Hi. Could you point out which of those servers say "empty"? I'm not seeing it......
  17. I know this. I was part of wave #1 and logged in right after the servers opened...and the servers weren't empty then. So I'm curious what has happened that all the players who are not ingame know the servers are empty, when the servers weren't earlier today. I've been at work, so I thought maybe.....possibly....something happened and the servers went down. But I know better.
  18. How many companies have you worked for that has launched an MMO?
  19. If you're not in, how do you know the servers are empty?
  20. All you needed to do was poke your head out of WoW for a few minutes and checked out upcoming MMO titles..... This game has been announced since when, 2008? Can't blame Bioware for you not knowing.
  21. I'm confused.... we got people moaning that the servers are empty, yet we have people moaning about being in a queue?
  22. This hasn't been a disaster, so I guess you are are still wrong. So what people are moaning about not getting in? That's just today's excuse to moan. As you know, there was plenty of moaning before today, too.
  23. A couple hours???? Sometimes it takes longer then that, I'm afraid. They got to where they felt the comfortable limit was. They decided not to push it. Now they are watching very closly. My guess is if all goes well over night there will be more then 5 waves tomorrow.
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