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Everything posted by xerohiro

  1. Listen to what James Ohlen says in this interview. All the Makeb comments starts at around the 5 minute mark. Hes a Developer yeah? Makeb was advertised with the Cathar as a part of that "Free" expansion.
  2. I actually don't do this dance everywhere I go. I played WoW since 2004 before I started playing SWTOR, I was a loyal subscriber to WoW up until the release of SWTOR, why did I leave WoW not because I wasn't happy with it. I left because I changed to something I felt was going to be a lot better for what I enjoy. I am a fan of the whole KOTOR series, and that for me was what I made the change for. I was subbed to this game since early access, and I have and still am subbed to WoW as well. I have no problems spending money on a product I feel is worth my hard earned money.
  3. He cant afford the amount of Cartel Coins it would cost to transfer my stuff! haha Implement that one Jeff!
  4. I did expect otherwise I expected it to be as any other race in the game would be. My expectations have changed though from what Ive witnessed from launch until now.
  5. If you read what I wrote you would understand that the cathar being only available to be unlocked via Cartel Coins was just the last let down in a long line of let downs. Wake up.
  6. That was the only reason I have subbed for so long. I enjoy the whole lore that comes with SWTOR KOTOR etc. Its just a shame the direction it is headed, and it just isn't a model of game I want to play. So I guess that cancels my enjoyment. Such a shame.
  7. I do realize that things changed, but I really didn't think they would change as much as they have. If you cant see what is happening then you really have no center on the direction this game is headed. I guess when EA wrote this game off as a failure and put Jeff Hickman at the helm that meant it was going to change. I didn't think they would go as far as it has though, and its just a catalyst to even further Modernization.
  8. The past few months? Do you know who I am talking about when I say James Ohlen or Jeff Hickman? Have you been here since the start as a loyal fan to the Series? The Cathar being made Cartel only Access was just the last thing in a long line of promises, and let downs that have come with this experience.
  9. The big deal is Subscribers were promised content updates for free, by a Developer named James Ohlen, Things change thats understandable. The only problem with that is just how much they changed. This whole "Digital Expansion" fiasco was all content that was to be released to the subscribers. This was pre Free 2 Play. I guess not having 2 million+ subs means they need to monetize the game <<<TO THE GROUND>>>
  10. If you can't see what's going on you can stay here and be milked cow.
  11. That pretty much sums up the update today, Subscribers having to pay for the Cathar race. Content that was suppose to be part of a free update including Makeb that was promised to subscribers by Developers, That is until Jeff Hickman took over. I gave mr Hickman the benefit of the doubt, heck i even payed for this so called digital expansion. After seeing that subs have to pay for the Cathar shows me that Jeff Hickman is here to Monetize. and milk whatever he can out of the existing fanbase. Promises made by James Ohlen weren't forgotten bro. My game time runs out today, and I will not be re subbing, its a sad day though, I've been a subscribed player since early access. I know I'm not the only person that feels this way about the direction this game is going. All the best looking gear will be bought through the Cartel Market you'll do ops to rip the mods outta gear to put into your bright and shiny Cartel Market Gear. This may look like a rant, but its honestly just me feeling outraged being a fan of KOTOR, KOTOR 2, and SWTOR. End of an era for me, guess im in that anger stage of grief. All the Makeb talk is about 5 minutes into the interview.
  12. I think the point was missed. I didn't play SWG, because they changed the game, and when they did that they lost most of there player base at the time. I was citing SWG pre change.
  13. There is one simple formula that MMO's over look. People want the things that are hard to attain. Without something being rare there is no value to it. When something that was rare becomes common. It loses its value. People will strive sometimes in vain to attain that stature/status/or item. People complain, but ultimately they complain because they cant get what they want. A great example from my point of view was Star Wars Galaxies originally having no Jedi class unless you were able to unlock force sensitivity. For me that was a HUGE selling point, Id of dumped all the hours I wasted in WoW into galaxies had they kept that formula. The same thing goes with any hard to attain legendary weapon/item/status people will spend more time to get these things. As I play SWTOR I look around thinking wow there are so many Darth's now. Why was Revan cool? Great story, great character memorable to the person experiencing the game, but also because he was one of the few Darth's that had been around. Now we have Darth's named Scotia.... I personally believe that this formula works, and anyone who says they don't have the time to put in to gain things like this? Well lets put it this way not everyone gets a gold medal irl.
  14. I agree with this. I think it fits the lore to be able to do a quest line that allows you to join the other faction. People asking to pay for faction transfers is really stupid. Just shows how far the sheep can be herded. The only success that is being given is lining Blizzards pockets. Adding something that you have to earn by completing something very difficult in game seems more appropriate. If games are just going to be nothing, but micro transactions for convenience, and people not having to put in the time and effort I will quit gaming.
  15. This is also something that people overuse. Who the hell wants a game that will kill WoW? I enjoyed, and still enjoy playing the World of Warcraft. Why can't two great games, hell even 10 great games co-exist?
  16. I had forgot to mention that FREE Expansion worthy content! Another bonus for being a subscriber to a great MMO, with an even better development team! I would agree with them adding a couple planets with daily quests that have options that matter. Which I mean isn't such a far fetched idea. It would add a lot to the game. I have more ideas to lets talk Pazaak, and Single arena combat! Prize fighting anyone?
  17. I lost 4 names and got to keep one. Its hard to let go sometimes. It was sad to have to change the name of my toon I had come to know as another. I did however get the chance to change the name of a legacy I despised lol. There are always positives.
  18. Ive played through the Jedi Knight Storyline I played through as a dark jedi would. it was amazing. I took a break from the game after raiding the endgame content for the first month. I had other things to do at the time. I still play Swtor, and im currently enjoying the free transfer to a populated server. So far the Bounty Hunter storyline isn't so bad. Ive also made it haflway through the sage storyline. Oh did i mention I read something about a patch with more content just around the corner?
  19. The game itself is still young, and look at how far its moving in that little bit of time. There is still room for development. I think some people are giving up to easily. Ive waited for this game for years. I will tell you I still subscribe to WoW, but I really feel that Bioware appreciates its subscribing customers a lot more. If they didn't they could have just slapped everyone on low pop servers in the face and said "were introducing a paid transfer service." Instead of offering free transfers to us. It says a lot to me about the future of the game itself.
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