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Everything posted by vekkth

  1. no its not and it was proven numerous of times. He calls analysis what is not analysis but is his guess/speculation.
  2. dude you now go for straight insult. who are you trying to fool, really? you are not an analyst not in Goldman, not a Lawyer, you look more and more like a looser with a huge ago with some understanding in modeling and analysis in general. the person who you are replying to is correct - you can not call that "analysis", because there is no data. you could have called it "prediction" but you wanted it to look bold, to give yourself more credibility, and that actually inflates everything you say. Some of your "guesses" are ok, i mean, you can be right, you can be wrong (i think you are wrong for once, because its too early to be so sure, its really undecided). But some of what you say clearly shows your incompetence - people already pointed that you suggest Bioware to stop the game for 2 months, this is rediculous on a level i wont even explain why. If you want to be taken seriously by a serious people, not by those who believe in the same things you wrote (so you put more strength in them), but those who can argue with you - stop pretending.
  3. you now say lies straight. give any point author uses in his analysis and i will prove to you it was discussed and proved nonrelevant/inflated.
  4. everything he sais as credentials was discussed all over again and again, he brings absolutely nothing to this. also, he pretends he does analysis in fact he does criticism, his analysis is very poor, people already pointed out even in this thread. how can you be so gullible?
  5. OP, you lie. you are not a professional analyst. You might be, but not on the level you pretend. I cant prove it, but i trust my instincts on that - because i personally know those people are you trying to act like. They would never do such a thing, none of them. Its like a professional ethics, they will not openly discuss even anonymous such matters especially when they are involved - you said you consulted investors about other MMOs. i would not consult with you knowing you do post things like this. And again the level you pretend you play - those guys are from another material. Next, lately, i was seriously thinking that some of the forum posts are too consistent and too unrealistic to be natural. I call this ********. i would even call you a blizzard insider trying to mess people around and play black PR. The last, you start of good, but then you go into massive criticism, without any real analysis - being more specific, the thing you try to play as an analysis is in fact a non stop criticism. There is no analysis in your post. Really, say w/e you want everyone, but from now on i am almost sure that a lot of things happening on these forums are pure black pr from a well known company.
  6. ability lag is amazingly annoying for melee in pvp, since it seems like server doublecheck each time you fire off an ability - first on a client side, then on a server side. in the end, you are just running circles bashing your ability and activiting global but it never fires off. if OP never experienced that it means either he is a ranged player, or never participated in pvp seriously. ability lag is the single annoying thing in the game to piss me off right now, oh, and an effing LOCKED CAMERA
  7. this. years ago it was already proven that Blizzards 11 million subs is a myth created for a better marketing, since they count every logging person during 1 month period as an active sub, even from inet cafe where you just bought 2 hours of playtime - its already a subscription. Comparing EU/US subs of WoW and SWTOR i have to say SWTOR has impressive start, and now it all comes down to how Bioware handles it. I also start to think that part of marketing strategy of Blizzard is organizing a full scale forum pressure on SWTOR. and i am not kidding. if i was Blizzard, i would do anything to drag people back to my game. And whats happening now on forums is an absolutely hysterical nonsense that i cant believe is natural. /tinfoilhat
  8. He can, its just the cause he is here not to read, but to write. If you read his comments, they are following only one scenario - negative comments brought in a somehow "intelligent" manner. He never actually argues, and whenever his arguments are deflected he simply eludes the conversation all together. He once said that 33 percent goes to Lucas and thats why EA will never be profitable. I asked him for proof, he gave me the link to an article second paragraph of which started with "Lucas will get 33 percent of revenue after EA covers its expenses". When i in a rather confused manner pointed it to him, he refuses to talk to me altogether and since then reports my every comment for deletion, because he somehow feels offended. Everything i wrote here is truth and can be easily proven - i think those threads are still on forums and googlable. He never listens to his opponent.
  9. people were complaining about queues. obviously those who abused DND added to the problem. This obviously partially fixes the problem you are so 33 percent to Lucas, dude, as always.
  10. dude are you real? this is the funniest troll attempt of the day, really. in the PC section SWTOR is number 2. do you realize how hillarious is that?
  11. OP, are you the same guy who did specs for mmo-champion? do you realize that your sub 600 configs both wont draw more then 350 watts from outlet performing at their hardest? that a 400-450 watt PSU would be more then enough? also for all those who actually care, go to anandtech forums, find a monitor thread. read it, get a point why the author of this thread is a rather clueless person, and make up your mind. since he didnt suggest a single proper LCD monitor for gaming. edit wow, you suggest 850 watt psu for a machine without CF/SLI and no raid, and you suggest a premanufactured watercooling system also. dude, really. overclockers.com. educate yourself a bit before suggesting to others.
  12. cant believe people nowdays can be bought on a such an obvious trolling. OP, /clap to you. about modern mmo and stuff - the fact it wasnt before WoW doesnt mean it is something genre needs. i for one sure that gearscore is a bad concept. best yet were WoW achievements - if you have beaten hardmodes even as a carried player its still mean you at least wont spoil things too much. Still i prefer slower paced gaming but with a closer ties to players. i did a lot of pugging on my alts, actually we were the very first Russian PUG who have beaten Professor Putricide on normal before any nerfs. I was terribly undergeared and my whole purpose was to keep sunders up. but i always find playing with a tight group of friends a way more relaxed and enjoyable process to be part of. and you do not need any gearscore like addon for that.
  13. how do you know this? what is the source of your information? and why did you stop to tell people fairy tales about 35 percent goes to mr Lucas? you did that before.
  14. this is true. the only think i've upped for SWTOR was my video card. 770 back edition amd + 4 gig of ram works like a charm on highest quality settings right now, with 6880 radeon. ps also hillariously funny how people buy 2 times powerful PSU then they will ever need. if you are not into SLI/CF you will almost never need anything above 450-500 watt.
  15. I didnt read the thread because of its name. God i was a fool. My friend, please have my sincere sympathy, you, and your family, your boss, your car's breaks, and your sense of humor.
  16. you think what happens now is what makes world a better place? forums are flooded with absolutely useless threads. they serve no purpose. everything been said already and been argued over still people come here and tell how much they hate the game and are going to unsubscribe. so let them! a stickied thread - what can be better? everyone sees it, everyone knows where to go and express his negative opinion upon the game. i do not mind if the same would be implemented for praising threads - one sticky thread and its fine. just let people finally share some useful information on this General Forum section.
  17. will definitely play for a couple of months for sure, then we will see. I will 100 percent level at least one other class to 50 just for the story.
  18. Make a thread, sticky it, call it Official Game Critics Thread or how do you find appropriate. Instantly transfer every new I quit, Game Sucks, Game Dies, Everyone Leaves, I hate the Game thread into that one stickied. Voila! General forums once again readable and may be even helpful for others!
  19. most of the list is good, especially first half. you should have stopped there, instead you went all out trying to imagine a game of your dream, and lost the point. in short, very top priority: combat log chat bubbles better instancing better responsiveness less bugs, especially crucial ones brackets in pvp at least for lvl 50 target of target more vocal forum mods, indeed, they are here locking threads in a seconds but not communicating at all. useless waste of human resources. OPTION TO TURN OFF CAMERA FOLLOW this is the things that should appear at least partially in the next patch, some of them are really easy to implement like chat bubbles, combat log, brackets for pvp and option TO TURN THE CAMERA FOLLOW OFF. next wave: better UI, addons, macros, may be hardly restricted, but still it is indeed a must - this is not an action game with 3-4 skills for every character where reaction time is the key, its a fully fledged complex mmo where receiving information and planning your actions is the key. better responsiveness (might be not so easy to implement since could be an architecture issue), more PvP content, etc. everything else is either ok or can wait, in my opinion.
  20. if you payed half attention you would realize it is an effing HOLIDAYS, a fcking NEW YEARS EVE. are you people insane? people need rest like everyone. let them have it. it is too early to cry about lack of communication. you act like babies literally crying out loud because their mother didnt feed them in time with her warm breast. chill. out. wait a bit. game is 15 days since official release.
  21. you personally are one of the reasons, btw. perfect entertainment.
  22. it is actually very funny watching haters screaming THE GAME IS DEAD! they really do think that this pointless forum rage will make any difference. Game of the year awards, amazing reviews all around, over one million copies sold and you really, REALLY think you do any damage with this threads. funny as hell. It might be logical if this kind of outrage would be in a month or two, like it was with AOC - when developer just did awful with patching/balancing after the start. but this game is so new, it is only 13? days since official launch. damage? go on, do that damage as much as you want to. if you really think it will change anything, i pity you. and common sense does pity you too.
  23. haha no dude i will not i 've seen it all, really, playing in a national top 3 hardcore guild in wow is a fun run, but i am glad it had ended. i have around 10 amazingly skilled and good tempered (they even tolerate me!) people around, i am absolutely sure when most of us hits 50 we will form raiding group and start having a lot of fun laughing our asses of stupid wipes, drunk pvp sessions, friendly pulls into lava, intentional aggro drop, all that good stuff we did in WoW before it got so terribly boring it was impossible to go on. i know the best secret of every MMO - the fun part is not in the game mostly, its in the people you play with. if game helps you build relationship, friendship, sympathy with others - its a great game. WoW was that game in Vanilla (when as soon as you start to PvP seriously people start to know you, and sooner or later you find yourself in a company of alike, having fun), and a tiny bit in TBC, because raiding was so incredibly hard and gear dependant at start (doing heroics in green with 3 fears as only available CC - this memories will stay with me forever). Or me screaming SHACKLE! RESHACKLE! on second boss in Karazhan, the rogue one, the whole group laughed their asses off every time i did that, making forum signatures quoting this. Crap i got my first (and only!) virtual sexorz experience in Vanilla wow. I still miss that girl. at least she pretended she was. but i miss her anyway. If SWTOR will help people get along - it will be an amazing game. Right now it has chances. We will see what happens next.
  24. i dont get it. we have a full guild of people all knowing each other in RL, about 15-17 folks. we all are mostly around 30 yo, some with kids, and everyone with a serious job/business. non of us is above lvl 35, only one lvl 37 who is 22 yo brother of my wife, you know that youth. I play rather plenty, questing, pvping, flying. In the mid of Alderaan now lvl 32, a bit ahead with my level but its ok. I can easily see how people hit level 50 in a week - spending a lot of time in the game solves that. I just dont understand why its a problem - for me a longer leveling would be uncomfortable. may be this game is aimed more at people like me - who enjoy spending around 3 hours a day at the game?
  25. cough cough blartghjashgjh .... ok. ps on the second thought, what are you doing here then? its a sincere question, why dont you go an enjoy the beautiful EQ1?
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