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Posts posted by DarthSublimitas

  1. Lol...serious? Let me do some math for you. $600K divided by 12 members is $50,000 credits. If you and your membership of 12 cant come up with $50,000 each, you have more problems in game than the price of a guild bank. Repairs on operations can cost up to 20K. 50K is chump change. A level 50 can make 700k in 2-3 days alone just doing dailies , it's not that expensive.


    My point was, if you want to create a guild just for storage, banking guild, it's just too much to ask for. Not everyone wants to drop 600K just for the ability to use a storage slot.

  2. or they created this to distinctly stop people from doing this. guild bank being free means there is no real reason to buy your 2nd and 3rd bank tabs.


    plus it takes up more character slots that they want you leveling alts with.


    Never said to be free - no gb is free, always had to pay for it but this amount of money borders on the mentally insane... But I've come to expect this type of thing in this game...

  3. so instead of learning and/or utilizing the new system you are going to sit in ignorance and whine for a system that the existing design renders obsolete. good to know we have a quality player base.


    What new system? Match your chest armor to the rest of your stuff??? BIG DEAL? WHAT GENIUS CAME UP WITH THAT THOUGHT OF THE CENTURY??? And if your chest piece looks like crap, then that means the rest of your armour will look like crap as well. BW = good job once again on delivering NOTHING...

  4. Are you kidding me pay 600K and be at least 12 in guild that's fubar :mad::mad:

    whats wrong with beaning a small guild this game is going down hill and its hard enough

    to keep 8 man online at the same time:eek:


    thank god i did not pay for more then 3 month:D


    I agree 110% with OP. What if you want to create a banking toon to store all your stuff of all your alts?? Talk about "Nickle and Diming" you but this is EA's moniker anyway... Unbelievable...

  5. the majority, and even styles, of gear is really quite vast when you start looking at all of the different looks available to you. take a look at all of the fp sets, world drops, pvp sets, planet comms. you can put together a lot of very unique and nice looking pieces.


    they have also given us the reason as to why we are not getting dyes, they look like crap, or even different colors, based on the texture of the item. as a fellow rift player, you know how depressing this issue is, or should.


    as to stats, like many, im guessing you have no clue how they actually effect your character.

    even going for the bonuses from all augments only gives you rough 16dps increase out of the 1350+ you should be pulling. stats are pretty negligible.



    I meant, you have great gear that gives great stats but looks butt ugly lol! And you saw some lower piece of gear that you think looks cool. They should enable costume slots for that purpose. As for dyes, yes they only look really good on metallic armour.

  6. I suggest keeping Sprint at 14.


    I feel that a sense of accomplishment at 14 has a higher value than being able to zoom everywhere at level 1.


    Also, I would much appreciate NOT turning this into World of warcraft, where people whine for what they want, instead of working to get it.


    All good things come to those who wait, and work for it.


    ROFLMMFAO!!!!! Where have you been bud??? This is the way games are moving to. If you want something bad enough - you QQ to the devs until they cave. That's the way it works now. Must've QQ'd about the sprint and bam, we get it at lvl 1 - which is a good idea I think cuz this slow running is just crap to begin with. But this is the way MMO's are moving - happened with WoW, Rift and it will come here too, no need to worry about that.

  7. personally im bored to death with the bimonthly cut and paste fluff from rift. the only reason i still play it is for the raid content, which ive been done with for months now.


    perhaps if thats the kind of content you like you should play rift for it and not ask every other game to copy it.



    Well, it's not like this game didn't copy anything else from anyone, and didn't EXACTLY do a good job of that but we have the plethora of threads now of ppl complaining, yet again, of BW's little screw up... but I was talking about world drops. And yes, I do play Rift and yes fluff is nice but at least your sick of it there - WE DON'T HAVE IT HERE IN ORDER TO BE SICK OF IT YET LOL! That was my point. Doing quests if fine, but it would be nice to find "shinies" or cool stuff along the way in the already dead and dreary rails we play in.

  8. Three Operations, six Hard Mode Flashpoints for your faction (three more on the other faction), endgame crafting, and four Warzones to play.




    There are several mounts to collect, numerous sets of gear (both PvE and PvP), social gear sets, different types of weapons, and now there are all kinds of legacy things to collect like emotes, buffs, and Heroic Moment abilities.



    LOL! You didn't understand what I meant. I meant "world drops." There are not world drops of what I mentioned. And you don't "collect"

    legacy things to collect like emotes, buffs, and Heroic Moment abilities


    you BUY them.

  9. i disagree that "a lot" of the gear looks bad. i also disagree that we need that kind of option when they already solved that problem with orange gear.


    chop chop get to farming.


    And how does orange gear change that? It still looks like crap. We can't even re-dye the armours to whatever colour we want. How is that "fixing" the problem. What if you have a piece of gear that's good for you (stats wise but ugly as hell) but liked the look of a low lvl piece of gear, that isn't orange? What do you do then???

  10. Yeah exactly. It's not like there's any "end game" content in this game anyway. We have "legacy" and that's really aimed at alts = under lvl 50. Perhaps give us more things to find that enhance our attributes or give us in game fluff like companions. And why the hell do we have to pay for everything??? Since you took so much from the other games, how about having special things that drop nice stuff for us? This is NOT rocket science you know. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in this game to collect, except the holocrons. The chests don't count. I want to see more cute fluff; game companions, trinkets, etc... Where are our world events where EVERYONE (including low lvls) can join in and play and feel like they are immersed in the surrounding world? Since you "borrowed" from everyone else, look to Rift and see their world events. I want to be able to gang up with 20-30 other players to take down some rogue robot that's threatening to destroy Dromand Kaas or Corscant. Or maybe thwart the evil plans of some rogue sith lord and his army trying to invade one of the other worlds. Cuz as it is, the rails are dead. I'm alone on planet with 10 other ppl. I want more immersion...
  11. We need costume slots like in EQ2 and Rift. It's no secret that a lot of the armour in this game either looks like crap or makes you look like some type of degenerate clown from hell. If Rift and EQ2 can make them, then so can you. I mean, this is, afterall, SUPPOSED to be a "new" game. Chop, chop get to it enough of looking like the killer clowns from outer space already...
  12. i find myself laughing not at the op, but at the others. Mmo does not mean forced to party. It does not mean pvp. You just play on the same server as others, and you can interact with them or not.


    You can become broke? Sure can. Only way to make endless credits, is to run dailies, pvp, whatever. What about those who just want to play the story, or rp?


    I laugh at the attitudes, brag all you want about your legacy level, your millions of credits, thats you, not the op. To make fun of someone who wishes the single player aspect was better, is rediculous. He/she is paying the same amount as you every month, what makes you better?



    I signed up to a rp server, and all i see is pvp/wz comments. If i actually ever dare to play a wz, and i have level 10's insulting how bad your level 40-something played. This, on a rp server.


    If i ever find a server that has an option to never see a wz or a pvp comment ever again, i'll swap my characters in a heart beat.


    This doesnt solve the origional posters issues, but it is just another side to see. I pay my monthy due's, so i am free to express them. As was he.



    Those who make fun of anothers playstyle, you should be ashamed of yourselves.


    like :)

  13. 1.2 makes me wanna quit mmos for good tbh


    Well, don't take it that far. Sure there are tons of "issues" with this game... but there are plenty of fun mmo's out there. Rift, for instance. You don't really need plat after lvl 50. EQ2has tons of fun things to do, places to explore, cool and varied mounts and companions to buy and there's also WoW as well. So options are out there. If you don't like this, there's always something else to keep you happily entertained. I mean, that's why we do play these games, to be happily entertained and relieve stress from the real world.

  14. Since this is apparently where BioWare wants everything posted, I will re-post here:


    Okay, this is ridiculous. BioWare made a mistake yesterday and told us to either hang tight and we can play today, or re-download everything yesterday.


    I recall a few people were even mocking people who complained by saying things along the lines of "so what you missed a day of SWTOR."


    Well, based on information provided by Allison Berryman, a lot of us decided to wait it out and now it turns out we have to re-download the client anyway. This is cutting into a second day of gaming time.


    So, what are you going to do about BioWare? More apologies?


    Yesterday, I was indifferent towards some sort of compensation, but now I feel BioWare needs to reimburse at least a day of subscription time to affected customers as a MATTER OF PRINCIPLE.


    Agree! BW needs to step up and compensate us for time lost - they're getting our money and we're not getting product. They're basically taking our money and we're not getting anything in return. Free day of play or some kind of nice in game fluff :)

  15. Im just annoyed that im stuck with a char that looks really stupid, sure just my opinion, but c'mon, im an evil sith sorc, I think I will wear red and pinkish ribbons and feathers today... seriously ??? and in a DRESS !!!! omg


    I quite enjoy playing this char, but the look puts me off so much.. and the fact that I look pretty much exactly the same as every other sorc out there is a bit of pain.


    At least thats one thing Rift got right...


    Well... I suppose if BW did like EQ2 or Rift and gave us costume slots, all these problems would be solved - right??

  16. All they said was "Hue to Chest". It's meant to make low level armor match so players don't have to run around looking like a rainbow. No one's fault but yours that you jumped to conclusions and didn't read the patch notes. Also, I'm sure your 50 cents a day will just bankrupt them and force them to close all servers. Please don't leave!! You're the games only hope!


    Why are you being so mean to him? So he misread something - and you never did? Man, you ppl really need to learn to be nice to one another here...

  17. its changing armour colour to match your current chest armour.. thats all


    and additional high resolution texture for characters in game (not just in cutscenes)


    Hold the phones bud... Are you saying that we can have the same high rez textures as in those movie trailers now??? If so, I may give a few kudo points to BW... Please elaborate on what you just said - thanks :)

  18. In what "modern" MMO have you had this aside from perhaps EVE? The crafted gear in MMOs usually isn't worth the cost/effort 99.9% of the time and is quickly replaced with drops or point based gear if it is reasonable to buy/craft.


    Actually, for a while, the cata gear, was some of the best gear to craft using the chaos orbs. Breeches of Mended Nightmares, for example, was going for 5-7k on the ah at the time and they were comparable to some of the high end stuff that were dungeon drops or just slightly below the "token" gear.

  19. I just logged on to play a toon I haven't played in a while and was greeted by that message.

    What does it mean, why are skill points refunded.

    an explaination in game would have solved this post but there aren't any.


    It just simply means that a lot of skills were shifted around or removed and used as legacy buffs instead and since a lot of classes were affected by this change, your skills have been reset to "0" and you need to re-add them.

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