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Posts posted by DarthSublimitas

  1. I'm still experiencing extreme lag about 90% of the time (as opposed to the 99.99% in Beta). My computer might be in need of a defrag, but I dunno...


    Otherwise I agree at how awesome this game is.


    Yes defrag might do the trick or go into your UI and unclick the "Bloom" and "Anti-aliasing" features and maybe turn down the graphics to the lowest lvl. You might also want to play with the V-sinc (vertical sinc) option.

  2. So, go home yesterday and started playing - no glitches, no wait times, no problems. Ran smoothly :) Lots of fun. There were people there just as confused as me lmao on some quests - "Hey, where do I find this? Or where is the explosive for that?" Progressed to lvl 11 or 12 me thinks on the Sith Fleet place now.


    Would like to make a few observations though. The only "bug" that I've seen so far are with some of the animations not stopping. When I should out force lightening, sometimes after dude is dead and I'm done with my focus bar, the animation still persists slightly like I'm still shooting out of my hands. Is this "normal" you think - Sith Inquisitor just crackling with lightening or maybe slight programming bug with the the animation timer needing a slight bit of tweaking. Anyone else find anything odd or funny like this?


    The only 2 other little quirps that I have is that it took me the longest while to figure out you had 2 inventory bags - one is yours and the other for quest items. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm comparing but I think it maybe would have been a little easier to place the quest object in question that we're going to use as an icon on the side in the quest dialogue like other games do and access it from there.


    The 2nd quirp, and this might just be a setting's issue via the UI, I don't know - someone tell me if this is the case, but when chatting with others, I have to constantly click on the other person's name in the dialogue window to remain in chat with them - after they speak, defaults back to the normal /say prompt. Is there something I can do to change this or is this just the nature of the beast?


    K thanks all :)

  3. how do all of you know the percentage of people let in. have they released this info, does anyone know.


    for all we know 3 milion people could be playing or invited today and they all preordered early. all we know is approximate dates that people preodered that said they got in. i havent seen an official date cutoff for the waves, has anyone. nor have i seen how many people have been invited yet. lots of assumptions being made in this thread.


    Me, personally, I have no clue. I pre-ordered code on the 21st of July = access day 1. I got my invite but am not going to QQ if I don't get in or it's glitched. I have a Masters in IT and know all about the stress that can occur on these servers so I'm not stressing.

  4. The game launched today, it's official, it says it on the client login screen under news. SWTOR launched today.


    A bad launch could be thought of as a launch where less than half of the people who want to play can actually play, this is normally caused by server crashes and massive queues.


    The last few games to launch, Rift, Aion, Warhammer, they had large preorder numbers, and the launches although not perfect, did manage to get most of the players ingame on day 1 of early access.


    SWTOR has probably less than 10% of players who want to play the game actually playing the game, possibly less.


    Now if you estimate how bad a launch is based on what percentage of your playerbase can't log in, then SWTOR has had a very bad launch. (except for the lucky few who got in today, but they are the minority).


    Oh relax OP :) ALL launch days are fraught with a bit of issues - DEAL WITH IT. I mean, the alternative is that you don't play at all ;)


    Me personally, if I get in great, if not, I'm not going to QQ about it - I'll just play Rift for a while. Relax and drink some tea...

  5. I agree, lets hope bioware reads this, and invites us both early ( crosses fingers) I tried the brown nose thing, but no email yet. i keep checking, did i say brown nose,...i mean respect. this is the greatest game, i quit every mmo to play it, and told all my friends to get it , i am staying up until i get invited. so pls, hurry, i am really getting tired here.


    I already got my invite today so i don't need to brown nose anyone :D

  6. I am so glad that only subsribers to this glorious game will be able to post come the 20th.


    Another thing...why are some people saying on some sites TOR doesn't have anything revolutionary? Voice over with decisions in dialogue. If that isn't revolutionary for the mmo genre, I don't know what is. Never again will people settle for anything less than what BioWare has done here today. They will not want to go back to another game after they taste VO and decisions in their mmo.


    BioWare, I thankyou, for everything. I thankyou that YOU are the ones to make this magnificent mmo and have the guts to bring these revolutionary things to the genre. Nobody else could do it. It is who you are, you make all your games with a special...something in them that makes you want to replay them over and over. I am glad you decided to make a Star Wars mmo done right. I am glad you are bringing the rpg back into mmorpg.


    Leave it to BioWare to truly make the best mmorpg that has ever been made in a very long time. In time, I believe, as many others do to, that this mmorpg will be untouched by any others. If you hear James Ohlen speak in an interview yesterday he said they will have this game be worked on forever and says some really good other stuff to.


    I commend thee on the glorious game that is TOR. Keep up the good work guys and rest assured, you will no doubt have the best mmorpg that has ever been in existence. :)


    K relax bub... I have yet to see the graphics engine in action. I've played wow and rift. wow's engine was eh, meh... rift's is AMAZING. we'll see if their graphics are up to par. Granted, graphics don't make or break a game but playing something visually appeasing is always a major plus :)

  7. I'd like to know if Bio is going to give us more points to work with in the trees because 41 points is a bit pathetic. Why give us 2 trees to work with if you fill up one and can only put a few points in the 2nd???!!! Makes absolutely no sense... They should at least do what Rift does and give us up to 66 to be able to fully expound upon the class fully implementing both trees otherwise I think we'll be losing out. But that's my humble observations....
  8. Great guide :) I had a question though for all you beta testers out there. The stuff we create is that BOP or is it BOE? Because if it's BOE, you can either take the mats you make and put it up on ah or create an alt toon for the sole purpose of makiing extra stuff to mail to your main toon like in WoW. For instance, your main can be a Sith Inquisitor, have artificer and have an alt that does synthweaving and mail the stuff to your alt. Any thoughts or insights on this? Thanks :)
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