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Everything posted by darthldub

  1. Actually, last time I checked, they have fixed this issue and the hood does go over the mask now. The hoods of the sets in the shop go over that specific mask as well. Although I'm not sure if they fixed it with the rest of the mask/hoods in the game for SI
  2. haha cool, i will take the Sith warrior
  3. Anyone want to start a 3rd(and possibly 4th) empire group so that we can go against the first 2????
  4. Want to start a leveling group with three other people. We would level from 1-50 together whenever the time permits. I would prefer that we do this group on the empire side. Each of us would be a different class. I would like to be a SW/J. We can roleplay if yall would like(I would personally prefer it). I'm open to do this on any server but would prefer one that has pvp. We will be doing the FPs and such. We will also do WZs if the group wants. Leave a reply with your age, availability, and the class/spec you would like to. Please help me, I've tried getting this together before but it didn't work out, I think this would be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun lol thanks . edit: also if you have any questions pm me or ask away.
  5. Haha, hit the nail on the head. I was just getting ready to log in and say that they looked like a power ranger villain before i noticed your post.
  6. I was lazy so i decided to just highlight what i agreed with you on SOME of the problems I had with the game. Basically there isn't enough sandbox elements for me personally. Not saying that I want the whole game to be sandboxy, but some more sandbox features here and wouldn't hurt the game
  7. Not saying to take the kill x and bring back y out, just saying to dilute them with other types of quests such as puzzles and such. Some games have these types of quests in them(maybe not MMOs but they don't have to give themselves a ceiling just because this game is a MMO). Just need something to make the quests not feel so repetitive. I'm not a game designer so I can't think of any specific ways right now(although if I sat down and thought I probably could) but they are and I'm sure they could come up with something lol.
  8. 1. 3D space combat 2. A better quest system (either something along the lines of what GW2 is doing or more so quest that aren't so generic such as quests that you have to do puzzle type stuff instead of killing/gathering x amount. Not saying I want every quest to be a puzzle, but just a mix between that and the kill quests) 3. Try to introduce the system that was used in the rakghoul event when it came to fighting mobs. the original mob starts off with no level and after you attack it, it's level adjusts to yours or just scale player's levels. This way all of the story content won't seem so linear for each class(and I know this can't be introduced now because the current planets are in a specific order for timeline purposes but going forward and as we revisit planets they can use this type of system). Because it is pretty weird how every class' story quest just so happens to send all of us to the same planet at the same time lol I couldn't hold on to three lol To have all gear moddable. There are some green SI pieces that I would love to have but can't because they aren't viable at end-game.
  9. +1 I like this idea, I would definitely play more often if this were implemented.
  10. Sorry if this has already been said. But I think they should just come out and say what it will entail, because the more they keep it a secret the more we will ponder what it is. Which will probably lead some or a lot of people on the forums to be over-hyped about the project and ending up being sadly disappointed if it doesn't meet the high expectations that some of the community will have. Then people will come on the forums and be upset about how disappointing it will be. So I think some information on the project should be given to us. Just my opinion though.
  11. Some of the masks worked with the blackhole gear for awhile but it seems as if that was also removed. Ancient Exemplar Headgear, doesn't work with any of the hoods as far as i know. Neither does any of the mask of that same style. The mask you get from lord kallig doesnt work. Traditional Demicot Headgear doesn't work with hoods. Mostly all light armor doesnt have a hood/mask combinations(except for the black hole gear). Which sucks cause the two classes I play with the most are my sin and sorc and i would like the mask/hood combo for both . Any information on when/if these will be implemented would be greatly appreciated and I also appreciate you checking in on this thread. Keep up the good work
  12. I'm torn on this. If it means getting the combo in faster I'm all for it, but at the same time I don't really want to waste my cartel points on something that they probably already planned on fixing lol
  13. I actually believe that's the reason why they took out some of the hood/mask combos, but I didn't think it would be ongoing 9 months before they put it back in the game. Would be really nice for a dev to give us a timetable on these, it's nothing important but it's something that's nice to have (especially since it's always put in advertisements).
  14. Would like to know if we could get a dev response on this to see when hood over mask is available or if they even plan on putting it back it. Because the homepage is very misleading lol
  15. oh ok i just got confused, i thought you were saying that it is in 1.3 lol got a lil bit excited for a second
  16. what do you mean by see 1.3 notes??
  17. and is the overall top five still the same, cause shouldn't wookie and droid be in there? Not tryna be a hassle just trying to see if i'm understanding the system right
  18. i'm not sure about the rest but kaleesh are all over this game. There are some that are bosses, one is the SI companion, there are some that you fight as regular mobs, so kaleesh being a playable race during this time wouldn't be too far off lol
  19. Like the title says, I want to build a computer but i'm not sure what are the best pieces I need in order to run swtor on max settings. Not looking to spend a lot of money anywhere up to $900 would help and it would be even better if you knew of a computer under $900 that i could buy without building it. Really want to run swtor on max setting because i think it will help immerse me into the game better(as of now i have to run on the lowest settings) which may get more interested in the game. Love playing this game I just can't figure out why I can't get fully into it and i think the graphics may be the problem. Sorry for the ramble but any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance P.S. i suck with computer knowledge and that's why i came here for help cause i tried looking on the internet but could not figure out exactly what would be good
  20. I have no problem with cathar being the new species. I would have preferred nautolan, togruta, or kel-dor, but i'm sure some people are happy with this choice and that's all that matters because no matter what species they chose there would have been people that had a problem with it. My only question is; isn't cathar really a republic only species? I mean am i the only one that can't really see a cathar being a SW, SI, or IA? That makes me think that Bioware does have other species planned they just don't really have them ready to be introduced yet. If i'm wrong tell me so i can be relieved of my ignorance lol, but as far as i remember there wasn't too many cathar on the Empire side(but yet it's been awhile since i last played the game)
  21. I thought a fun idea would be to for everyone to decide what each class story would be like if it were to be made into a book (i.e. like revan). What species would your class be? Female or male? Light or Dark? what are some of the major plot choices would you choose? etc. and you can also go on to talk about what your class will go on to do after the class story is over. If you are interested
  22. lol ye i didn't think so either. I play on the harbinger but i'm willing to go to whatever server is convenient to the group
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