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Everything posted by Ausstig

  1. But there is evidence; ITS KOTOR 2. The Sith destroyed themselves after the death of Malak, and either Revan's defection or just leaving. The Sith lost Korriban, Traya even says that when the pub forces arrived the Sith had all killed themselves. Traya never had an empire, she lead Malacore V and a few ships. You are using flawed information to make your assumptions, therefore your assumptions are false. I call a re-examination.
  2. So no Fett or demongle (sp?) for Mado U? I would say Kun again, Mado U was a good leader but owed many of his greatest victories to Fett's tactics. Edit: does the ship kun used to create a supernova count as a super-weapon? It destroyed it self so it would only be a one off.
  3. Another point about the Krath War Droids, is that they are programmed to go after the biggest threats first. So the best fighters will go down first. Also are the Ketos part of Kun's army in this exercise? If so Kun wins hands down.
  4. Don't insult our intelligence. Traya is no Sidious. No one suspected Sidious, even the jedi council. Even an untrained force sensitive could tell Traya was no good. Sidious spent years cultivating his pawns, Traya shows up and 5 min later she is preaching and telling what to do. But if Revan does become her apprentice, which is odd because your rules say no surrender, then he will kill her in a couple of days/hours because she can't inspire loyalty. Also I would say Exar over the Mando, casue all he need do is duel him.
  5. Buy many people on the internet don't know/think it's a joke. So we must bring the light of knowledge to them:csw_yoda: Also the novel appears to be a complete waste of time.
  6. Revan wins. Keria has no charisma and cannot motivate people. She says this her self "I speak with a passion that does not move others". While that may not seem like much if you can't inspire loyalty in those underneath you then they will not fight for you, or at least as well as they can. Keria does not know war. She knows manipulate and tricks, but not a knock down drag out fight. She has like 6 ships and a few hundred, maybe a thousand being generous, Assassins. Her best, and really only, option is a guerilla style conflict, like the end of the second Boer War (1899-1902). It may take years but eventually Revan will run her down and force her to fight. She will need fuel and food eventually, also the assassins are not perfect, the Mandos spotted them so it is likely others can as well.
  7. An imperial Trooper, maybe a black ops type. Or more out of the box, a diplomate. The Empire has a large diplomatic corps so why not. Asskicking ambassador FTW
  8. Which parts did you find so distasteful? I liked it, even the parts thats look like the character had taken acid:D
  9. Revan should not have been in the game period. His age done his time is over. Revan WAS my all time fav character, and even know his actions in KOTOR is among my top 2-3 fav Star Wars things. But that was then, he is over let him have lived and died in another age, make this thing on the foundry a crazy clone or some such.
  10. In terms of what we were promised the SI does not deliver. It is not a bad story. In act 2 it does what it needs to do, I knew what I was doing and why, Thanaton is an effective if, criminally, underdeveloped antagonist, made by the fact that his story and the SI are very similar. Personally I find BH act 2 to be the low point of the game. If I were to rewrite the SI story, I would either use Thanaton as a living master, for act 2 (say you consume the sprit and he decides to use you) and then have him killed by a jedi or a rival Sith, Act 2 you hunt down tratiors and others opposed to the empire. Act 3 would be you cosolidating your position and gaining ancient Rakata tech and Voss knowledge/ Gormak army. OR you kill him at the end of act 2 and he hangs around as a ghost, giving you advice and helping you to gain power because either; 1. You proved your self worthy or 2. He was weakened by a (jedi/Sith/ [starcabale]) and knows you have to kill them to get what you want. edit: it bugs me that only the BH fights the pubs in act 3.
  11. The pubs kill the Imperial leader on Quesh, the main imperial quest giver, so that sounds like a victory to me. Ok yeah, no one wins Voss, Prof Walsh, said the JC got ride of the imperials, but I see now he was wrong. Although a lightside JC can get them to 'think' about an alliance with the pubs, So lets say a draw.
  12. I wish my actions in act 3 got me forces. Like if on Belsavis, cloning me had the side effect of creating a strike force of Ratakatan/Droid commandos encoded to be loyal to my DNA. And if after Voss I gained an army of Gormak. I want power.
  13. You are aware, or not I guess, that France has won FAR more wars then it has lost. In fact the united Germany has never won a war.
  14. where? The only imp victory is Taris. They lose on Balmora, Corellia and Quesh as wel as maybe Voss. So what's left?
  15. Does it? Who says? just beacuse there is a Republic in two thousand years doesn't mean it's the same one as is here now. This is a new era, a blank slate. The next age is called "The Dark Age of The Republic" and that's not until the year 2,000bby, we are in like 3,658bby, 1,500 of blank history no need to kill the Empire in like 20 years.
  16. it took WOW 2-3 years to bring out it's first expansion.
  17. Those stories aren't bad in and of themselves. the JK story is bad cause it has to live in shared universe. Besides they are writers I doubt they have a vested interest in one side. As well much of the pub wins happened under the old lead writer, so only one way to go from here
  18. What happened with the Exile? s/he had no character in the game and her only real purpose in the new game is to remind everyone of the less good sequel. You like KOTOR2 fine, but it didn't get a sequel.
  19. So if the new Sith Lady is dead. What was the point of the novel? Does it set up anything for an expansion? OR Is it just another rewrite of A New Hope, only less well writen?
  20. You are correct. As much as would REALLY LOVE to I feel that it is a bad idea to read to much into one line, even if it is very odd.
  21. Oh yeah. More Pub victories. Nothing makes me feel like I have accomplished something as an Empire player then hearing/seeing how the Republic made my actions completely pointless.
  22. A few things; 1. Satele is not the first jedi to do that, there are at least two others that I know of, one is Corran Horn and the other os Jacen Solo, Wookiepedia them if you want to know more. 2. Sateel was still a Padawan/knight until the end of the War, the First web comic Threat of Peace was about her and her Master, she does not become a master until after that fight. 3. Have rare and unique abilities and generally being very special and loved by every one is the very deffiniton of a Mary Sue, Sateel has a lot of Sue traits, so people are not entirely wrong to call her a sue.
  23. Where did you hear that? All I remember is that Keeper referred to Him as 'my opposite number', which to me meant head of SIS.
  24. A new kick in guts for Empire players, in particular IA's how aren't traitors So Biowear any other imperial achievements you want to retcon? I also think that line about the 'Key to the Empire's victory' may refer to the new book.
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