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Everything posted by Ausstig

  1. I feel that this was setting her up as a future enemy, what with her own spy and being very 'bull headed'
  2. Oh man, given how she acts in the 'Rise of the Emperor' Ziost planet She is a massive idiot "Don't tell me how to run a war!"
  3. Yeah it was a weird way to trap you. I think it would also destroy a large amount of your fleet. But the Consular story is basically: SITH EVIL!!!! YOU STOP THEM! I was disappointed, since there was a LOT of room for gray areas.
  4. Darth Marr was told by Darth Thanaton (just before he joined the council) at the end of the "Blood of the Empire" comic. I know it was a while ago but it was on this site.
  5. I like to think it was to protect the Agent from external mind effects. It would explain why they are unaffected by the gas on Belsavis and maybe part of how they are able to get around the BW in act 2.
  6. As others have said: Love is the Death of duty. Mild spoilers for season 1 of Game of Thrones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9px9Be1AD4 The trooper quest is an excellent example.
  7. Old New York, was once New Amsterdam Istanbul was Constantinople which was Byzantium. Bejing was Peking, Japan was Nippon. Burma, Myanmar Names change for a whole bunch of reasons, Yoda may call it differnet things due to the cultural difference between the time he was brought up in VS when other where brought up.
  8. I think if you tired you be entering the "Danger Zone!" But, who do you in swotor?
  9. So we still have THAT to look forward to..... joy:(
  10. Very nice, anyone have the ending cutscenes? Also: COOL Bothan! ( In the Republic Cutscenes the Admiral)
  11. I read Legacy of the Force. In which the Sith describe him as a distraction. Woo, hiding in plain site If only Palps didn't do that for over a decade, rather then say a few months. I would be impressed. When did Sith Jacen use that? would have been helpful after he got kneecaped (didn't he have to get a knee replacement, or did he just have one on hand when he spoke to Fett's Granddaughter) Yeah, he was. As in past tense, he no longer has that power. (One could argue that his attempt to get that back lead him into darkness) You assume that 1. The clone Palps was better then Emperor, 2. That Luke put the same effort into killing the two of them. Also didn't Jacen lose to Luke? Due to being stabbed in the back. Something he should have sensed. Luke is very powerful. Jaina is not. She has never been shown as being a 'great and powerful jedi'. She was a good fighter but not the best. In NJO she was as much Fighter Pilot as Jedi. I think you confused, Jaina still has both her arms. Although the fact that the jedi 'fooled' him ( and continued to think that) should how threatening he was. Given that they tricked him very well in Furry ( My Cape has betrayed ME!). Palps outsmarted every sentient he came up against. Just accept that Jacen is a bad Sith and Caedus is a dumb idea. He was never cool and he was only a little bit threatening.
  12. Who Jacen? He was never part of the Sith, he was just there to draw attention away from Darth Krayt. What power did he have as a Sith? No really what did he do? Create force storms that rend space? Kill someone from across the galaxy? He did a bit of battle meditation. But nothing special and even that tired him out something fierce. He was also dumb. Palps could run rings around him politically and mentally.
  13. No he is not. He may have once been a consistent author, but now he just favors his oc's and makes establish characters look dumb to do it. I think John Jackson Miller and James Luceno are better EU authors. Back on topic: Darth Sidious would wipe the floor with Jacen, who I will remind everyone got kneecaped by Mandolorens who didn't kill him because Bobba Fett told them not to. That's it no other reason, nothing Caedus did saved him self. He also got pinned to a chair when Luke was mad at him. He is a joke villain, who never committed to the darkside. He would be destroyed if he went up against a real Sith Lord.
  14. I see her as more Chiang kai shek then Winston Churchill. But to those who wonder why someone who failed would be promoted, she may have enough charisma (or Friends) for it not to be an issue. When she entered office, the Republic was on the Back foot. She may have been put up as the 'Fall girl' thinking she would surrender and get blamed by the people, only she fights back and the Republic wins. But the truth is we just don't know, HOW or WHY these changes took place. Would have been nice if Annihilation could have filled us in, but that would have gotten in the way of Drews attempt at Soap Opera:rolleyes:. Anyone else think it's weird that she want from a very lightside (for lack of a better term) character at the end of the Trooper Story, to more of a ruthless (darkside, I guess) character at the end of the Makeb story? Is she possessed?
  15. I wouldn't call her 'evil' just misguided. I think she would be a good foe for Republic players as she would be someone who was doing good (fighting the Empire) but is gathering power for herself (to fight the Empire), kind of like Palps only with out the Sithiness.
  16. I don't she is an Imperial spy. But I think she is a dictator and obsessed with destroying the Empire. I don't get why she put the Jedi Grand Master's lover in charge of the Military ( I know why the last guy got fired, being manipulated by a Sith Lord will do that) I don't see how (other then being Shan's baby daddy) is any were near the top of succession. She also makes use of the GenoHardan, which says she is really shifty to me.
  17. I didn't mean kill her off. I meant they destroyed her character and made evil for no reason. Also Denning is bad for the EU I hope gets the boot with this new reboot happening.
  18. I am ok with this, was kind of hoping to get away from jedi vs Sith and focus more on the, for lack of a better metaphor, the smugglers and Troopers and Bounty Hunters and Imperial Agents of the Galaxy. Still I am a massive fan of Greg Wiseman's work, Gargoyles, Spectacular Spider-Man, Young Justice Season 1 (season 2 was hit and miss). So I will watch this, with great interest.
  19. DO NOT READ THE CRUCIBLE DENNING KILLS HER CHARACTER, Also at this point there are no new stories, due to the new movies Del Ray is trying to wrap up there mess of an EU
  20. I have a vage idea for some new SWTOR stories: 1. Killing the Emperor, this would have the Republic be more proactive then they probly will be. (I don't expect anyone to deal with the Emperor until he returns and threatens the galaxy again.) So the jedi Knight is sumoned before the Jedi council due to reports of people operating in the Emperors name, they say it is scatered but they can't take any chances Darth Jadus shows up and after a smacking around the Jedi Council (so you know he is tough) he tells the JK that the Emperor lives and is in a secret place, JK goes to planet(/s) and solves the mystery and kills the Emperor. They then ponder the fact that someone more cunning may take the Emperors place. Scourge gets some mesure of the Emperors power and offers to make you a great lord (or maybe new Emperor, so Scourge can remain in the shadows), JK can convince him he is wrong; either through words or hitting him or join him and convince the others, again either through words or hitting. They decide to use the Republic to fight those who would oppose the JK takeing over the Empire and to corrupt and take over the Jedi and Republic from within. 2. Republic civil war: General Garza and other millitary leaders are upset with Chancellor Saresh for putting 'her own/jedi man' in charge of the armed forces (I assume that Jace was called into replace Rans; the guy who was in charge on Ilum, the end of that quest chain should give everyone a good understanding of why he 'retired early') and cuting out the SIS/using her own secret forces; the GenoHaradan (see the intro to the Republic scum and villiany quest for proof). So these issues boil over when Saresh refuses to listen to the need to reinforce the Republic supply lines (they need to slow down due to issues with hypermater full supplies from Black hole quests) and orders them to keep going. Then they suffer a defeat something airicka proposed. So the military refuse to follow the Chancellors orders any more they and SIS go on strike, Saresh refuses to budge and after something (GenoHardan attempting to kill the leaders of the mutiny) most of the military take over (a planet maybe more if it is a big expansion) and Saresh asks the jedi and to help forces loyal to her end the revolt. The PCs get called in and have to deal with fighing loyal Republic troops who happen to oppose the current government but are still normal people. The Empire wants to capture or kill some top Republic leaders and get some tech, the Republic wants to end this quickly. The Empire gets a lot of info about the Republic and some tech 'enough to exploit this weakness to the fullest'. The Republic PCs have to confront the feeling that Saresh may be taking over the Republic like a dictator and acting irrational when it comes to defeating the Empire (which she hates for keeping her as a slave), the big Light/Dark choice is whether or not to have the leaders executed.
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