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Everything posted by Fuzzytoad

  1. yeah, there's a good 600 years of empty Lore time that can be exploited in this game..
  2. *sigh* Well, at least I'll win a bet I made with someone on the Fleet about the content of the patch.
  3. I don't think you understand the issue some of us have with this situation. Many of us don't care about the 30 days. We are concerned/insulted about not being considered "Loyal players" or "Active and Valued" players simply because we didn't get a character to level 50. Many of us got involved with this game in Beta and have stuck with it despite many problems, namely the server population issues that are largely responsible for not having any level 50s.
  4. That and because it had some of the best defense systems in the Empire, which made it's destruction all the more impressive.
  5. BW disagrees with you, that's why they're rewarding spacebar players with free subs.
  6. No, if they had sent an email to all the level 50s *and* all the players who have been with the game from the start that said: "Hey, because all of you are our most valued and active players, we're giving all of you a gift in the form of a in-game pet as thanks for sticking with us. Additionally, we're giving anyone who has a level 50 character an extra 30 days free playtime to make up for the lack of end-game content prior to 1.2" I, and many, many others would have been extremely ok with something like that.
  7. You do understand that all you're doing is reiterating the point that no matter how long a player has been playing, no matter how many level 40+ characters they have, no matter how many hours they spent on the PTS, no matter how many friends they brought into the game, they are NOT "one of our most active and valued high level players" because they don't have a level 50. The only people who got that email were those who have a level 50. so the first line of that email was directed ONLY to players with a level 50. Nobody who doesn't have a level 50 got one of those emails. All you're doing is driving home the point that unless you have a level 50 character, you're NOT one of the "most active and valued high level players"
  8. Yes, all that. trying out all the classes to see how the story starts for each, deciding which one to stick with, getting friends into the game and rerolling to level with them, swtiching servers a few times to find a good one, rerolling again after bringing more friends into the game.. it's very easy to enjoy this game and not make it to level 50. Something along those lines would have been much more well received than the spin they tried putting on it. Because of this "Most valued players" nonsense, I'm actually thinking of cancelling for the first time ever. I know I'm not alone, based on in-game chatter, deleted/locked posts here and talk in other forums. BW/EA really made a huge mistake and with their track record, I can't see them rectifying the situation.
  9. A player who beta-tested, pre-ordered CE, paid for a 6 month sub, plays daily, has 20+ alts on multiple servers and brings friends into the game isn't a valued customer simply because he doesn't have a level 50 character. That's the problem.
  10. People aren't complaining about the free month. People are complaining about the way BW defines "loyalty" In BW's eyes you're a loyal player simply because you have a level 50. A player who beta-tested, pre-ordered CE, paid for a 6 month sub, plays daily, has 20+ alts on multiple servers and brings friends into the game isn't loyal at all simply because he doesn't have a level 50 character. That's the problem.
  11. agreed. This type of "customer service" from BW has been going on far too long.
  12. That'd be nice, but it's more likely to fix the sound issues and the WZ reward issue.. Of course, a Dev could just tell us what's going on, but that makes too much sense.
  13. I'd like to know this as well.. there's no mention of this change in the patch notes and I can't imagine this was intended, unless it's some form of punishment. Rich Yield: Class 5 Lockbox mission costs 2025cr - returns Jeweled Medium Credit Box with 659cr
  14. but I have characters on every US server. If they start merging a bunch of them, I'm going to lose my characters.
  15. The device you use to play SWTOR and view this forum can also be used as an information retrieval device. Google loves telling you what timezone you live in.
  16. the servers are still down.. all you can do after the update installs is look at the server list and play with your sound/graphics settings
  17. Now I'm kinda worried... after finishing the download and install, I went ahead and clicked play and immediately got "Out of range" on my monitor.. thinking that maybe the patch reset all the graphic settings, I hit alt-enter to force it to windowed mode and saw that my settings were all correct. Except setting the game to Windowed Fullscreen(which is how I've always had it) causes the Out of range message to display again... gives me a bad feeling about what may have changed under the hood, especially since I didn't have this problem on the PTS. edit: normal fullscreen works fine, not looking for troubleshooting or anything, just worried
  18. yeah, downloading quickly at ~3.45MB/s wish the patch notes were up too..
  19. I'd rather they add Swoop Racing. and Pazaak
  20. My server is packed right now.. probably more people than I've seen since launch.. Perhaps players on the servers full of Debbie Downers are sick of all the whining and moving to the servers where people play the game?
  21. Well that's just it.. This whole weekly Q & A thing is a chance for them to disprove that thinking. I know quite a few people who are basing part of their decision to resub on how these questions are answered and which type of questions are answered.. There's also a number of people holding off on asking pertinent questions until we see how the Q & A thing is handled.. If it ends up being nothing but softball questions in a tactic to endear us to the dev team, then I can guarantee you that *real* questions will no longer be asked.. The fact that it's now 6:30 PM in Austin and the Q & A thread hasn't been posted doesn't really fill many of us with optimism though..
  22. Seriously, what's going on? In the hour since you posted this, you guys could have made up 10 questions/answers.
  23. Threads like this make me wonder why there aren't more Lottery winners around here.
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