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Everything posted by SamuraiJedi

  1. I know this thread probably belongs in the PvP forums, but i enjoy the pew-pewers in my shadow community much more than the quers over there. What is the new soft cap for Expertise? I'm sitting at 1246 with 3 hero pieces and rest battle master.. Where is best to balance my crit/surge ratio after the 1.2 update? And lastly, what is the soft cap for Power? I appreciate all the feedback and i'm sure these have been discussed somewhere in the forums.. But with all the new augments and changes to how expertise works in PvP there is so much to tinker around with. Thanks again!
  2. Lol posting a list of our abilities and calling it OP doesn't do anything. 1v1 with any class with tank build and any form of decent gear and your going to lose. The bottom line is our class would be useless without the skills they have given us. We can't jump in any spec. As infil we have 1 closer on a 30sec CD, so it would make sense to give the tank an ability to keep the enemy he is tanking in arms length. As for resilience on shorter CD, have you even played the game? The chain CC is out of control, this barely does anything. Yea we might put up better dps than other tanks, but we also don't mitigate damage as well as the others. I seriously hope Kitru pops in for a visit on this post..
  3. First off I'd recommend you play as a 50 until you at least have some Champ gear to get a better idea of how your DPS is stacking up in PvP. I'm no Maurader so i dunno what rotation you should be doing or if your as awesome as you claim to be. The other thing you should be aware of is 90% of kinetic shadows are DPS fan boys and are mostly if not completely in DPS gear. A huge majority just spec kinetic for the survivability, not for the intentions of being a ligament tank. We have better AeO damage compared to the infiltration spec so it makes up for the diminished burst and 1v1 we are very hard to take down. I'm definitely happy as a shadow whether I'm running kinetic or infil.
  4. Haha I can see now where personel flavors differ. Thanks for your feedback everyone. I think I will definitely stick with my Infiltration. I enjoy doing mass amounts of damage on one person. My hopes are that when someone notices I'm focused down on them, they will sheet their pants, as I have just struck the fear of Hades into them. That's all I ask for. Sheet your pants, fear of Hades.
  5. Lol. Anyway thanks for the post Powerr! A few slight changes from mine but ill try it out tonight. I'm curious to see how effective that AoE spec is, every little bit helps.
  6. I will admit in a 1v2 the challenge comes down to which classes you are up against. At this point I can effectively burst/stun one target down fast enough, that I'm able to force cloak, Mind maze the remaining enemy, pop black out and heal and go for round two. Can't compare the survivabily tho. But anyway let's turn to Balance.
  7. Sorry, I meant to put Balance in the title. EDITED*
  8. I've been Infiltration since I hit rank 50 with zero valor. I'm currently valor 40 and hav'nt used anything but my 2/31/8 spec and have found no reason to try another. In fact, the better gear I get, the more deadly I become. At this point I can 1v1 any class, (excluding the Powertech >_<) with hardly any difficulty. And yet I keep reading in the forums how Balance is better. Why? How? There's no way it can wreck as much DPS as my infiltration spec, and that's what I'm going for. If anyone can take a stab at convincing me to give it a try, that would be great.
  9. Absolutely, that's our bread and butter for a 1v1. My rotation at the moment is as follows. From Stealth-Spinning kick, Two clairvoyant strikes, pop resilience(for w.e stun/KB they try to use), Two more CS(for stack), low slash, pop all CC's, project, force breach. Here if they are squishy finish with finishing blow. If not your CC's should still be up so continue with, Force stun, blackout, project and FB again and then finish. The great thing is we still have force stealth after that massive burst, so if need be you can kick them down again. The answer to this question is simple, Infil specs are the ones in Shadow Tech, for above reasons.
  10. I'm a 2/30/8 infil and I am always in Shadow tech. The best thing about it is if everyone is focused on the tank or healer(PvP), I just let it stack to 5 for Force Breach and it'll hit as hard as a project but instantly. Great if you have two Imps both in their 20% health. Finishing blow for you, bubble blast for you, oh boo your all dead! Hands down best for focused DPS.
  11. I'm a 2/30/8 infil and I am always in Shadow tech. The best thing about it is if everyone is focused on the tank or healer(PvP), I just let it stack to 5 for Force Breach and it'll hit as hard as a project but instantly. Great if you have two Imps both in their 20% health. Finishing blow for you, bubble blast for you, oh boo your all dead! Hands down best for focused DPS.
  12. ok so after a certain number for critical its pointless. Does anyone have an idea around what number that may be? Thanks everyone for your help! This is my first MMO and all the stats can be confusing O_o
  13. wow ok bro I had no idea thnx a bunch. What about power? thats another one i have focused on
  14. meant to put this in the shadow section..oh well -_-
  15. I'm infiltration 2/31/8 for DPS. I been specing my gear with more strength than willpower. Which one will I do more damage with? As it is I do good when I drop my bursts. Thnx in advance for your help
  16. Bioware fix these issues please! AARRRGG!! Its ridiculously noticable how sith characters are more polished and have heavier hitting abilities. If their attacks are gonna look so cool can they at LEAST melt my face a little slower -_-
  17. Thanks a ton for the guide and constant updates bro, the vids are also awesome. Just one question. How do you pop the burst so fast? This is my first MMO and in the heat of PvP I use the hot keys for CS and Project but by the time I pop everything and get back to my rotation I'm stunned or out of range. Is there somthing I'm missing here? Thanks again.
  18. For DPS Infiltration is the way to go. An example of what you should look like by level 50 can be found here. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#6010MZhGbRkhrbtzZf0c.1
  19. I gotta say I just hit 50 the other night and I only had to call in support one time an a Class boss the entire game. Granted there where times I struggled, killing the support first and then rezing to finish off the boss does help. I reSpecd to DPS at lvl 35 and love it. There are some issuses that should be fixed soon but with Tharan out and using the right disables and the right time to let him heal you, I beat the final class boss in two tries by myself. I'm 2,30,8 and do pretty good in PvP as well thanks to the DPS Bursting guide
  20. Haha true. Ok I'm specd 31 Infiltration and 4 Balance right now at lvl 44. My Melee damage is 397-496 with a bonus of 200. My health is 12,190 with an armor rating of 2421. I usually roll with Doc Tharan for heals and normally do ok. I guess my question is should i focus more on equipment geared for Endurance or for Willpower?
  21. This is my first MMORPG so I'm still learning how to best spec my character to its full potential. With that said I found myself at lvl 40 not being effective as a tank or as a DPS, so I re-specd my skill tree with the goal of doing as much damage as possible. I did see a dramatic increase in my ability to cause damage swiftly and with precision but now I find myself rather squishy especially when 2 players start attacking me. Is the best way to offset this by getting gear that leans more towards endurance or is this just something I'm going have to accept?
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