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Everything posted by LeonkRAV

  1. i want to meet someone who unsubscribed b/c of another class. LOL. I find that hilariously ironic.
  2. So every jugg is tank spec in pvp and the other 2 trees are total irrelevant in pvp, and every jugg has a talent in their tree called always have a healer that states 100% chance to always have a healer or dont bother pvping..... am i understanding your logic here? So by your standards every jugg fight should be 2 v 1 at the very minimum or they should lose? defensive stats in the game are piss poor at best, and the best strat for a jugg is to destroy your enemy befor he destroys you with his superior utility. Yet a sin tank doesnt have the stress that a jug has, a sin gets in trouble he can vanish. by no means am i suggesting that juggs are totally useless, but everyone doesnt start the race at the same time, and jugg is a class that is MORE player side dependent then say a sin or sorc. And some people feel that its okay for some classes to require you to struggle more then others, and i question anyones sanity who think thats balanced. Thats like saying in a race the person with 1 leg just needs to get better at running if he wants to beat the person with 2.
  3. see right there, THATS the imbalance, juggs weakness is survivabilty. Thats suppose to be their strength. BUT IT FAILS. thus the inequality of strengths and weaknesses. And thats a quote from people who MADE the game, so you telling them they are wrong? Since befor release, they been saying the warrior/guardian class needs a revamp.
  4. i have a 50 jugg, and i am very sucess in pvp. but you must havent been around on release b/c juggs were much different then they are now A DIRECT QUOTE and unless youre a tank spec jugg, what stun/snare do you have. which will be gone in 1.2.
  5. REALLY? is this a serious question? you have over 1 million people in this game, hundreds of thousands of scenarios, TONS of variables and differences, and you try to ask such a black/white question?" Its not about overcoming a class that is naturally OVERPOWERED while some are underpowered. thats not the concept. The concept is and HAS always been for pvp is to have a standard balance, a balance of strengths and weakness meaning everyone doesnt have the SAME strengths and weakness but the number of each is the same for all classes. a class that has 5 strs and 1 weakness oppose to another that has 5 weakness and 1 strength is not ideal in a competitive game. It creates biased, favoritism, uneven representation in game play and general discontent among the player base. Its promotes laziness and lack of initiative and creates an overall dull experience. not to mention it alienates certain classes who doesnt posess adequate tools to maintain competitive with everyone else. sometimes "GET BETTER" is not the solution to an issue in video games, nor is re rolling or depend on someone else. Are you suggesting they shouldn't have readjusted the jugg mechanic? So all those juggs getting kited by ranged classes with superior kbs,stuns, and slows continue to kite them around effortless while they struggle? Are you suggesting they shouldnt have adjusted ops, and let them continue to bring classes down to 15% of their hp while stunlocked with their only CC breaker on CD and unable to use defensive cds? Are you suggesting they should continue to allow inquisitors to be the ONLY classs that can sucessfully match a full specced class with a hybrid spec that has no main focus? I just feel people are too selfishish biased when it comes to game balances of this nature and just assume everything is solved by telling some to "GET BETTER"
  6. first off, there is no date on dual spec, 2ndly why would dual spec ever effect the numbers of healers in pvp in this game? and 3rdly your heals arent getting weaker, youre gear and stats are not progressing while everyone elses is, thus you dont have the requirements(such as gear) to support your team as they get more hp, deal more dmg, take more dmg(due to the enemies progression). Or youre just plain bad at it.....
  7. pot calling the kettle black in my eye. Something you need to realize. BW doesnt change things due to complaints, YES they may look into something due to your proclaimed QQ and whiners but they do their own research and their data farming to come to their own conclusion and if that conclusion is that something needs to be nerfed then chances are it needs to be nerfed. You are no better then these qqers and whiners youre jumping on, just apples to oranges. Open youre eyes, be more realistic about things, everything that you like is right and doesnt need a nerf and everything you dont like needs to nerfed. you know whats worse than people begging for nerfs? people whining that every nerf bioware does is b/c of whiners, thats not the case nor has it ever been. I have an operative, and the playstyle EVEN at this point with the mechanics is exploitive, and yes i use it but im not going to sit back and deny that its broken b/c its beneficial to me. Im not an exploitive player, and if things are balanced/nerfed i have the capability and the skill to adapt and be just as sucessful. OPERATIVE IS BROKEN, there is no arguement that its not. DEAL WITH IT.
  8. But youre being a hypocrite. youre saying that we shouldnt state our opinion as everyone else, yet THATS what youre doing. If the opinion is big enough, then it becomes relevant. When youre able to pick your wz, i bet you a million bucks huttball ques times will skyrocket. I use to think huttball was fun, back when the only thing that was aggressively annoying was inquisitor god speed and kbs. Now the crap that goes on in them now is just unbearably unentertaining. You misunderstand me, im not complaining b/c i lose, i win rather often, im a good pvper and im not complaining b/c i lose, i simply find that everything in regards to pvp is manageable in other warzones, BUT in huttball, the wz becomes a chore and un-entertaining unless youre simply crushing the other team and farming them. its needs to be polished, b/c when someone picks up the ball and a inquisitor is able to run into the pit force grapple then force speed out while the person grappled flies into the pit where the inquis was nut isnt anymore b/c he force speed out with no dmg while that person melts. thats a little extreme.
  9. what you fail to understand is skill or no skill the way it is now, is not fun.... end of story
  10. um heals was already significant higher then dps. not to mention theamount of expertise is going up on gear in place of other stats so in turn the amount of healing a set gave you from expertise will be the same 1.2 as it was pre 1.2 the only diff is that youll have more expertise on that same gear post 1.2 but youre healing will be the same. think things throughly befor you assume.
  11. This is why you pro-huttball people are completely wrong. B/c you are going the extreme. to suggest that the game and mechanics are completely unflawed as they are. You sit here and say its the players fault; their lack of skilll they get grappled and stunned into pits, or its their fault they get knockbacked. Name me one defense for these things? The CC/resolve mechanic is BROKEN. No arguement you make can prove that wrong. You grapple someone, that should result in a FULL resolve bar on that person - nothing else should be allowed to be compounded on that until the duration of resolve buff is gone. Is that REALLY such a horrible thing to ask for? You "skilled" players should suffer - so why do you care. you people who defend obviously flawed mechanics, blame the player, blame them for being unable to overcome these mechanics? but do you yourself overcome them? or you just suck it up and ABUSE it yourself? I have a class that grapples, and i have a class that is defense agaisnt grapples. I have a class that UNBELIEVABLY abuses the exploits of stun locks. Even in those case im not so immature as to turn a blind eye to such unappealing concepts in the game for the beggars satisfactions that these players who embrace these concepts get. If i wanted a game whos concept are ***-backwards and broken and partially working id go back to wow and exploit its already guaranteed to not be fix broken mechanics. The most idiotic solution you could possibly come up with for the problems in this game is "get better" then clearly your opinion has absolutely no merit. Every issue, every broken aspect every discontent with the game isnt the result of a bad player. they arent changing mercs for the bad players, they arent getting rid of the hybrid spec for the bad players. Its about creating a overall balance in the game, and huttball is beyond balanced. you want kbs thats fine, you want pulls thats fine too, stuns w/e but they need to BE REALISTIC inthe aprroach and since this game came out it has been a known fact that resolve is the most inaccurate piece of garbage ever conceived.
  12. apparently my post was so overwhelming to him that he had to make an ignorant post in return to show his discontent. Failed.
  13. Wow, people are quick to respond with the stupid responses. The guy has a legitimate concern and of course the forums jumps on him. This is a game, full of random grouping. Thus you need to create an equal playing field. What they should do is the only way to stop a bomb planting is by a direct ability. Everyone and anyone can do that and it doesnt sway a game in favor of one side who has someone who can do it or simply someone who knows how to do it. Strategies such as spam fire on the ground the entire match is the type of bland abusive gameplay that doesnt need to be in the game.
  14. typical cliche comment, about how the game is just a bundle of bunnies and fun. CASE in point if that were the case then bioware wouldnt have changed anything to begin. dont try to downplay the concept of the game to try to back your arguement. If it were fun people wouldnt complain about it, if it were fun they wouldnt change it. 2 types of people in mmorpg pvp, exploiters and exploited. The constant battle goes on on on on, the people who dont like flawed concepts and the people who abuse flawed concepts and try to defend them. The data doesnt lie, huttball is the least popular wz in the game, and that wont change. you can fault the players but players will like what they want and its up to the devs to appeal to them in that area. so sure maybe its chill and fun, but nobody is chilling or having fun in huttball.
  15. LeonkRAV


    EXAMPLE. so in a pvp match and a guy is about to cap, i go to stop him and his OPERATIVE BUDDY stuns me, i CC out and he kicks me and stunned again and they cap. who else can do that? by themselves. Fact is the sacrifice for using stuns is significantly LESS(i.e. resolve cost and low cds) then the gain you get from stunning someone. And the defensive mechanisms to fight them, cc breaker and resolve are weak. Operatives are highly notorious for their numerous stun chaining so dont try to play clueless. Build the game around about skillfull combat, not stunning then throwing dmg out for half the fight. thats uninteresting and bland. Its a concept that mmorpgs are moronic as reproducing.
  16. Do you not see, with your idea you come across just as bad of an issue? This is one of those, there is NO positive solution.
  17. wont know til its released. bio-ware has more data then we do.
  18. what an ignorant comment. You take everything out of context and swerve it to make it sounds different then what it actually does. Im sure youre SAID class that grapples people into stuff. Huttball consist of ZERO skill, ZERO strategy. So you suggesting a class should be able to debilitate and lock down a class with grapple and pits but an operative cant stun lock burst anymore? a juggernaut cant stun anymore. a sorc cant hybrid spec anymore BUT pulling someone across the map from a ridiculous range into a pit and then CC him again and watch him bleed out as you inflict absolutely no dmg. Thats skill? Make a career of standing in the same spot and just grapping people on CD into the pit. thats skill? You think it takes skill to target someone, stand in a pit and then pull then in and stun them in it is skill? Huttball had potential, but due to the failed resolve, and the broken cc mechanics its nothing but a fail. unless ofcourse youre a class that does nothing but pit grapple people.
  19. wow someone with common sense, good to see every once in a while. People are over exaggerating the underpopulated situation anyhow. yes there are some underpopulated servers but its not a game wide epidemic. no matter what system they implement, no matter if they cross server que there will always be some malicious, negative attempt to exploit the game. and clearly this is the PRESEASON, not to mention they have stated they plan to do cross servers, not in 1.2 though
  20. sins dont need ANY buffs, sins and juggs are suppose to be reflected classes. both got a dps and tank spec and alt dps spec. But the sin is miles ahead of the jugg. Hell jugs were so screwed that our version of the sin excute required 20% instead of 30%. What was the logic in that? assasinate lvl 32 - requires 30% 2773 vicious throw 46 - requires 30% 3074 sins havent been touched b/c they dont need to be touched, all of their presumed underpoweredness, or short commings is due to other classes OPness. Once those are lost the sin wont have those to worry about. You dont buff AND nerf an aspect, either you buff OR nerf.
  21. its quit simple why they even made the changes to begin with on the side turrents. The ability for the defending team to hold and defend is too strong. the mid doesnt count b/c its equal. but the sides can be turtled easily, even with a 3 sec cast if there is one person alive he can run hide, defensive cd + the time it takes to cap til the rest get there. takes the turrets aways and it levels the playing ground. turrents will switch hands more and the target to keep will be mid instead of sides.
  22. Huttball went from a fun strategic wz to just a pile of ****. There is ZERO value or entertainment in huttball anymore. I like the game and by no means do i preach it flawless or over flawed, but huttball over time has done NOTHING but expose every horrible aspect and flaw in this games mechanics. huttball, in its current form has no purpose or value in swtor. The mechanics to which this game operates should compliment warzones not detriment them. And every flaw in this game is exactly what Hutball requires to be successful. The resolve bar is broke, and i could be wrong but I've yet to see any atemp or reference to resolve from the devs YET. These grapiling abilities are the NEW losers FAD in pvp now. You are beginning to see career grapples, who do nothing in the game but grappling people into pits and watch as the game does all the work for them. the way these abilities which are suppose to be controlled by resolve is poorly done, the way cc and kbs compound on one another - stack if you cast before resolve is full even in its 3 and at 99% is ridiculous. Being kbed into the pit, getting out and surviving only to be grappled back in and surviving only to be grappled in again and then frozen so you bleed out is pathetic. dunno what their outlook is on the value of certain ccs, and what equates to the potency and price you pay for using them, but they seriously need to rethink this, especially the way they are changing everything else in 1.2. Overall, win or lose Huttball is ZERO entertainment.
  23. Thats the problem with people like you. you dont see the big the picture. you paint a scene that supports your claim. You dont look at the general purposes of the thing they do. CLEARLY in their data and log, when they look up merc/cammdo. all the see is tracer, tracer,tracer.tracer.tracer x a mil. This leads to to the thinking, well are mercs using anything else? Why are majority mercs arsenal?? We dont want a class in the game that is so one dimensional and successful at the same time. We need to make this class more indepth, have to work more to achieve success. and the notion everyone makes is, well if you lose to an arsenal merc 1v1 as melee you are terrible at this game? so am i to believe that arsenal merc spec is SOOOO ATROCIOUS that nobody could possiblylose to one? You know how dumb that sounds? Tracer missle spam is OP, and abused. THATS why they are changing. When you get the logs, and data and performance and post then ill consider youre claim. Til then, im going to stick with the professionals claims.
  24. So what exactly does that make you? and what youre doing? You read a change that doesnt support you? Know youre role and deal with the change or get mad that it doesnt support you and come to the forums and complain. the game is about equal opportunity. not forcing someone to play a role in order to have fun or be successful in the game. This change wouldnt handicap or detriment anyone. It levels the playing field.
  25. I partly disagree. You say but thats EXACTLY why a class that is considered OP because theyre most unevenly represented class in the game as well. you flame the so called qqers for voicing their discontent over the class yet you embrace the ones who reroll it because they too AGREE with the QQers thats the class is OP they just chose to be the lames who rerolled for the sake of maintaing the advantage. come 1.2 you will see dozens of rerolls, dozens of QQers that they cant achieve the sucess they had befor - not because their class has been made underpowered, but b/c what lead to their skill was the abilities that were gone. Same for OP, commando and merc. I have more respect for a good jugg pvper then i ever will for a proclaimed good sorc/merc/commando pvper. And anyone who has played the low represented classes in pvp youll completely understand the struggle those classes have to go through to stay level with these other one dimensional classes. just a question of curiousity. Jugg and sin are suppose to be classes that are similar in style and play with lore differences. But their mechanic abilities (dps tank) compliment each other. So why was it Sin's execute(finish blow due to low hp) is 30% and juggs was 20%? and it took til 1.2 for them to notice or i should say "change" jugg to 30% as well.
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