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Everything posted by Belora

  1. This pretty much sums up what I was going to say.
  2. I just had a friend earlier today tell me it sucked to have a market kiosk on Nar because no one used it. Could be interesting, as long as people don't go bonkers and inflate prices.
  3. I tried to use body 3. It just looks over-pumped ridiculous to me (knowing that's just my opinion). I also saw someone leveling with their Akaavi in the slave gear... and that just reinforced it. I can't even really bring myself to use body 1. I'd rather them tone down the bodybuilder look and just leave them more muscled than a body 2 and tall, but not HULK SMASH! I -would- consider using fem!body 4 if the arms didn't look like they belonged on body 1... (Body 4 on males, every time I see a body 4 I think "ALL THE CAKES!!!")
  4. Did his character have a name? eta QFE: JDM is nowhere quoted as this character
  5. Wrong trailer question. Nevermind, sorry!
  6. TL;DR Each VA has vocal range, in that they can sound like multiple different characters. And these aren't just off the street VA's. All TPTB really need to do to adjust voices based on race vs. class would, in theory, be to take the voices already recorded for each class and use a sound bar to tweak them. Higher, lower, flatter pitch, etc. So -- just take the voices, have a different race but same class, take the voice and mod 'em! I realize there'd probably be at least a little red tape for this regarding the VA's themselves and this could be a cracktastic theory, but there you go Reasoning: I've overheard population NPCs that speak sound like VA's already used in the game anyways...
  7. Of the companions I've acquired to date, I find Vette, Mako, Risha, Qyzen, Khem, Akaavi and Skadge to be the most useless and/or annoying (for me). I can respect those who do enjoy them, however.
  8. The event is amusing. I'm glad people are enjoying. Have your event! HOWEVER - THERE IS AN ISSUE when you have a couple hundred people standing mobbing the medical droid as well as the spot where people zone in using their fleet pass (speaking Imperial side, I haven't tried Republic side yet), and 1) you can't find the droid to GET the vaccine/stim/cure/whatever and 2) you can't get OUT of the mob of people because the screen is so congested it's hard to tell which way is up, down or sideways... At least move away from the damn medical droid and stop clogging and spamming the fleet pass spawn area! Common courtesy please? It's NOT fun! especially if someone has a low level that is newly arrived to the fleet and might not have enough to buy whatever. It's like the Ghoul plague from WoW - for some it's fun, for some it's profitable, but for many it's just an annoyance that while unique, makes it difficult for them to play. </vent> Disclaimer: I'm not ragequitting, unsubbing, or leaving TOR. I love it. I'm just frustrated at the moment.
  9. This. This is the same thing I do, and the same thing all of my RP, legacy loving friends who play TOR do. I know I've seen several people in the thread say the same or similar things but it keeps getting washed away by "I'm confuuuuuuuused!"
  10. Interesting, I chose the option to So I went to Google and lo, I found this Edit: I post too slow
  11. A Rattataki Smuggler could be interesting. This idea stalled my brain for a good 5 minutes Bravo
  12. My Smuggler has has several options. But, not all [Flirts] lead to FTB though many are amusing. The only companion loss of AP I ever experienced for utilizing the [Flirt] options with NPCs was the random -1 and she still managed to nail Corso. Don't let a little -1 keep you from playing a "fun" <class> (go ahead! be a flirty bird)
  13. Other than Wookiepedia try these ~ 1. According to SWTOR Wikia... 2. According to TOR Main Site... Hope that helps a bit!
  14. Hehe. Vector aside -- Just remember, Doctor Eckard Lokin (Agent) and Doc (Jedi) are two separate characters. Poor Doc! I think he'd be rather averse despite his reputation to being called a Rakghoul
  15. Technically this is supposed to be a discussion forum about what the panel talked about, not a Q&A... isn't it?
  16. Was This the video you guys were trying to Link? (Just took out the extra http:// that the magic linker tacked on) Edit: To stay on topic, I support the "Expansion: More from your Companions!" crew. Granted none of my toons are married to any of their companions... yet... if I do
  17. Belora

    IA story q?

    When I did this quest on my IA, as she wiped the floor with him brutally, I believe he said something along the lines of "Perhaps you do have it in you to be the Red Blade after all" before he died - since your Agent basically stole his identity. This I took to mean based on what I read Here and Here was that he's basically calling you just as ruthless and bloodthirsty to "take over", if you will.
  18. I'd trade Risha for Andronikos in a heartbeat. I realize that's cross faction, but he fits my Smuggler's personality SO MUCH better.
  19. My hubby plays a female Consular has only hit Companion flirts. My own Knight, and even my Consular, at least when I got them (both girls) to level 12, got one brief flirt but there was no option for FTB. Not that it would have been in her character to do so, mind you. So I was ok with that. We wouldn't be the first people I know to bypass flirting in favor of staying in character with what we decided for our characters, being RP'ers. I've lost count with how many times one of my guildies (male Smuggler) has gotten random NPC FTB action. Mostly because he brags... at length. Often. Of course, he also usually picks the "insult" option after they're done. My smuggler chick, the amount of flirt options I've seen up to level 40, I've counted four, only two of which ended up with a FTB option for her (not counting Corso). It's entirely possible I missed some somewhere in my rush to get my Legacy. She was, admittedly, my first toon on TOR, and the longer I stay on the game the more things I realize and learn.
  20. I've found on Torhead that you can click 'Companions', search for the one you want, and then usually there's a tab called 'Affected By' which gives you the potential APs for each dialogue option on quests - it also tells you what the dialogues are/how they'll go, depending on which option you pick. BEWARE - There may be spoilers. http://www.torhead.com/npc/epyJZqr/torian-cadera#affected-by Torian's page, for example.
  21. Question: "Will prices on skills ever drop?" Why I ask: My main complaint with TOR is the rising cost of Skill Abilities. Each rank costs more and more (especially after level 20), and for someone who doesn't do (or want to do) Space Battles or PvP, or constantly run flashpoints... it's brutal, trying to keep self and companions geared past a certain level AND afford the skills I need to play my class. Doable, but brutal. I vote for just a 30% reduction near the mid-high end.
  22. I can understand being frustrated on principle. No SGR. But people are campaigning for what? A FTB with a generic companion that everyone gets. There's not enough bow-chicka for me, regardless, which is why I haven't really bothered to romance any of my companions. (Ok, maybe a little on Corso, because he grew on me but my Smuggler sure ain't gonna marry him) I'm a RP'er. Most of my toons are somehow involved with those of my husband and a few of our friends, and all run the gamut of potential sexualities. I understand, not everyone has people they trust to RP with. I support people wanting a brief "Yes, we're doing what we can". In the meantime, for those that have it, there are other options than just trying to romance NPCs. Romance your friend's! Flirt with that hottie in the Cantina! That way, even if your toon goes back to their companion at a later date once SGRs are finished and implemented, that still offers another layer of potential RP/personality. The angst! The angst!! Just realize they WON'T give an ETA if they know what's good for them, especially for something as "hot button" as SGRs - knowing, of course, that if the community is screaming this loudly they'll scream even worse if that ETA comes and goes because of unintentional complications.
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