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Everything posted by Pigdaddy

  1. Have you met my friend the GTN?.. or maybe try a wtb XXX or ask guildy?
  2. Come join us over in the PvP area and yer as another poster said JK series is fps, can't compare the 2. However if a production house NOT BW!! did somehow develop a MMO fps/rpg .... ohhhh that'd be sexy. Comp specs and lag would be a nightmare.
  3. don't both jedi classes get the "Master" title?.. I've only rolled my sent to 50 so not sure on consular. Either way, your a rep toon running around with 1 or 2 glow sticks of doom.. pretty sure ppl are gonna know your a jedi
  4. I get the distinct impression you've never been in the position of farming pve content before. The goal is the boss, we all know it.. mobs in between aren't called trash for nothing. If they made the levels in such a way that all trash had to be fought by the geared or above geared raid group, then that group isn't going to bother with that content as it could end up being a case of "Why spend an hour killing trash to get to the boss for the uber phat lewtz"
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure if you /ignore someone the system doesn't team you up with them in pve/pvp ques. I'm sure I read it on a loading screen tool tip.
  6. o..k where to start. more healers win?.. of course they do it's called attrition/survivability. If your team kills more of their team then you obviously will have more teammates on location. Healing always strong?.. no. It's balanced and hasn't gotten worse, has remained much the same. Dev's will balance the metrics as evenly as possible to remain within parameters they feel appropriate. one good geared scoundrel/ops wins solo?.. if that happens that players team aren't the dumb players, the enemy team is. This is prob the worst of your post, if i'm on my healing toon I either A: get left alone cos other team are dumb or get the odd kill here and there or B: Get pinged immediately if not very soon (which is what mostly happens now) and focused HARD, then I have to employ tactics and teamwork. My sentinel EATS healers, why?.. cos i refer to the first counter I made.. if you as the healer are running around desperately trying to kite me (or los me if I'm in my ranged) GUESS WHAT YOUR NOT DOING!!!.. so if your that "solo scoundrel/op" and I'm the dps that just single targets you all game long, guess what? i've just shut you down and helped my team win (me personally If I'm dps I will go after all healers, however I will try and work a priority at my own discretion or unless a priority target is called). Body count doesn't win games, objectives do. If you and your mates are on a node, and my team kill your team while I force you to run around and heal yourself or die and we cap.. then we win. pvp isnt dying cos of op healing, it's dying cos BW have taken a extremely lax approach to that facet of the game and we all know it. Guard+heal working as intended and a mechanic easily countered. 1 heal debuff?.. erm going of memory i'm pretty sure there's at least a few. First and most prevalent to my personal situation would be "crippling throw" but I'm pretty sure nearly every class has a similar debuff, if not heal receive/done then armor pen/reduction. I can understand your frustration and rant honestly, I've had wz's where there has been 3 full blow healers, not so bad if they are blinkered on other team mates. But when they cross heal ugh that sucks. But again teamwork will win out, however you have to play the hand your dealt and unless you go in a 8v8 you won't know what you have as a team comp till it's time.
  7. You had my respect and support right up to that sentence. Especially now with the recent changes to the daily I utterly hate WITH A PASSION you people that just que for the daily/weekly and; A: Have little or no idea on what your doing and not willing to learn cos your pve. B: Don't care and just want to be carried for daily C: All the above. Everyone started somewhere and If you where in my WZ and I saw you made a truthful effort I would defend you to the nth degree no questions asked. But oh how I want to inflict physical harm on the people who's scoreboard stats and in game observations make it blatantly obvious they are there just for the play 2/win 3 with having an obvious flippant disregard to the pvp playstyle or strategies.
  8. All well in good if they don't lie through their teeth. Any exec could post/report saying "oh we have 2 billion active ppl etc etc so forth and so on". Obviously my example is ridiculously exaggerated but you get the meaning. I think the best we can hope for is some kind of averaged server stats, however given there is no way (atleast to my knowledge) for an outside party to obtain said data (save maybe lots of /who) then we will have to "trust" what we have to hear. As to the previous comment purporting to "thousand of new players ever day" yer lol bollocks, you'd be lucky to see that a month.
  9. 1: SSSP if it is what I think it is, being free flight space combat, hopefully with both pve and pvp elements. Will be totally awesome if they don't use the devs that made this game. Hire new ones please, least then we can have a hope in hell of it working well OOB. 2: Have seen this over the forum a bit but why and/or what are you complaining about assassin dps for?.. mines perfectly fine?. If i go all out and have good rotation/priorities i can easily hit 500k in wz's.. dunno about pve but i spose with the correct gear stat adjustments I'd be able to hold my own. Keep in mind we are a utility class as well so you'd expect some kind of penalty for the goodness of stealth, 60sec mezz from stealth, hard stuns, interrupts etc. Also I've seen the term "hybrid tax" thrown around lately?. .spose cos we can also tank as well so there's that.
  10. so if i ignite the area around you with napalm it should magically extinguish after the first tic?.. yer no. Sure AoE's are annoying as hell when your trying to cap/arm/disarm etc but there's where your smart non selfish team ma.... oh lol yeah my bad most pug's fail hard by not protecting the planter/capper. Have watched many rated's and wanna know how many times I've seen ppl run to the planter/capper and start planting/capping as well?.. none. Granted this was 8v8 so proper organized smart teamwork.
  11. Had some idea's from 2 other mmo's I have/did/do play as something that'd help bring this game out of the deep pit you lot have put it into. I realise yes these are just copying aspects from other titles but c'mon lets get real, nothing in mmo's are original anymore save the IP's themselves.. (What you really think WoW is the original MMO that everything made after copies?.. *roflsnort*). Anywho. World of Warcraft :- well where do I begin, WoW isn't the biggest or most popular for no reason and was released years before you boneheads started the development for Swtor.. did it never occur to you guys to go "Hey maybe we should look at the biggest IP in the MMO sector for some idea's on where to start".. pretty sure even your interns/coffee kids could've figured THAT out. 1: Cross Server - Just do it, game needs it seriously just do it. You don't have the population to allow fast enough que pops for the majority of users, this especially applies to PvP where that aspect of the game is so entirely dependent on people queuing. 2: Game Engine - ...... $100 MILLION PLUS spent .... and you use the Hero engine... yeah.. spend bucket loads on individual voice acting but build the client on what I've heard termed as a pile of trash. Blizzard made their own!.. pretty sure you guys could've flung a mill or 2 to a couple of programmers (or even theirs) to make you one. 3: Dual spec/Item Manager - Came much later in WoW's development but there is utterly no reason why it shouldn't have been OOB (Out Of Box) for Swtor. It's not game breaking or anything like that just a highly desired QOL addition that I think nearly if not all of us would like, whether we use it or not. 4: Proper UI customization and mods/addon's - sigh, another thing that is practically industry standard. There has only been 1 add on that hurt wow and that was bloody gear score. Thankfully that died a painful death. Anything else has been a help or had no real impact There's a lot more I'm sure but want to move on to next game. EvE Online :- I'm only very new to EvE and oh my god have CCP nailed it on the head. 1: PLEX!!! - Eve ppl know what this is immediately. PLEX (Pilots License EXtention) is a in game item that can be purchased for real currency ($25'ish I think for 1 now?..) OFFICIALLY AND LEGALLY!! from CCP themselves, This item grants +30 days Game access and as of "Odyssey" xpax allows dual training. (EvE is a Pay to Play) BUT BUT BUT BUT It can also be purchased for ISK (Inter Stellar Kredits) aka Credits/Gold. "Now hang on Mr Op who thinks he's all that.. if I can buy this magical PLEX either in real life or in-game, does that mean I can sell it as well?".. Welcome to one of if not THE smartest idea's CCP have done. YES YOU CAN!!.. If you the swtor player are like me and totally CRAP at making credits (I'm always poor and the thought of dailies is just ugh) then I can buy a PLEX from the CCP website and put it on the GTN. Along comes Mr Moneybags Swtor player with 15 million + credits and they go "Ohh i'll take that" and voila, they have +game-time, I have credits. Now to give an idea PLEX last time I looked was around 550 million ISK @ jita.. given the staggering numbers you see in the Eve economy (Think Japanese yen, Indonesian rupee etc) I would estimate a Swtor version of Plex should sell for 5-8 million conservatively. People who think this would/will destroy the economy obviously know nothing as it doesn't, if anything it forms the very backbone of it. Also has the added benefit of severely hurting the "gold sellers" as it offers a legit way for people to buy credits. Gold sellers do exist however but i imagine their client base is massively diminished 2: SANDBOX! - The IP Swtor is built on practically DEMANDS this type of server deployment, why you guys went full on individual I don't know. For those who don't know Eve is 1 universe (galaxy actually but semantics) there is NO PVP/PVE/RP AT ALL!!.. it's all ONE. No servers (think Harbinger, bastion etc) it's all one super server thats "sharded" (my understanding of this tech is the physical servers all act as one, hosting and controlling a single instance of the game world). Now I can already hear the PvE people screaming and howling blue murder.. Get over yourselves care bears. Even EvE has a safe area for you and it's called "High Sec". Eve's game world is divided into 3 areas "High/Low/Null", High sec you have concord which will kill anyone that attacks you, still don't mean your safe tho muahhahaha (suicide gank), Low sec, no concord but faction batteries/police, and finally Null sec, which is you are on your own totally. Why swtor needs this?.. for one the sandbox model forces EVERYONE together, for you endgame pve/pvp people that would mean near instant que pops at anytime. For PvP well.. it forces everyone together.. world pvp now exists (if the swtor game world was redesigned as to not segregate the factions as much as it does) and it would open up a new world of possibilities for large scale pvp (think 40+ here or even more, winter-grasp/alterac valley style). But this won't happen cos i can already taste the tears of the PvE people even if they had safe areas, well.. while playing eve you know how many ppl you hear ************ about the sandbox?.. none. Reason is the IP universe is sandbox.. When watching The Phanton Menace, did you see Darth Maul leap into combat with Qui-gon but go.. 'Ahh dammit.. your not flagged for pvp".. HELL NO!!!.. He was like "Gonna gank yo *** jedi scum!". Case-in point the IP universe states that both factions are enemies hostile with each other and as such they fight pretty much on sight. 3: Eve Game engine/server software/hardware - well I've mentioned this already and honestly I don't know anything about eve's engine. Graphically it's a very very pretty game and the software is capable of massive amounts of data (imagine a 4000 person PvP fight), they use a thing called "Time Dilation" that somehow allows it to compensate for the lag caused by massive amounts of commands and data flowing both ways. Might be something to consider looking into for some truly epic Swtor World PvP or PvE combat, anyone remember the lag fest that was Ilum around 1.2'ish? I expect to get flamed for this or have it simply deleted but you guys at BW are professionals for crying out loud. Surely if I and the vocal/silent majority can see this and other things where this game has gone wrong then you guys must!. Oh and to the idiot/s that just HAVE to say "this isn't wow/eve, go play wow/eve, QQ more nub blah blah" thread exit is over ----> If you took the time to read all of that I do thank you, I realize it's very long but I like many others had such high hopes for this game, only to see them dashed. If your lazy and want a tl:dr then learn some patience and to read.
  12. The insult is making it free 6 odd months after release. Those (like myself) who pre-ordered got 5? (don't remember totally) days early access as opposed to those who purchased after the pre-order cut off. Heck I don't even consider it an expansion personally, yes it meets the "technical" requirements of an xpac (raised level limit, new content etc etc) to me it's more a massive content patch. Grandfathering is nothing new but BW HAVE.. I say again HAVE insulted the subs by doing it so soon. WoW grandfathers it's xpacs for free as they move along. The Burning Crusade was free when Cataclysm launched?.. or Wrath of lich king.. and crusade/wrath (+ i think cata) for free when panda came out?.. Has been very long time since I've played that so give me a little leniancy here. Fact is BW screwed us by doing in 6 months what blizzard did in 6+ years!. So yes the subs do have something to be pissed about (not even gonna start on us Collectors Edition holders that where promised oh so much...). Also in referance to above BW totally screwed the pooch on the free to play part.. "free to play to 50 with pretty heavy restrictions".. turned it effectively into single player.. Really shouldve followed WoW and capped it at 20 or something with same restrictions. End of the day BW are gonna do whatever they want and EA order them to do. Vocal majority or minority be damned
  13. Am honestly very glad i never saw this ad. Given how psychotically excited I was when I heard it (the game) was being made and how that excitement grew till actually playing it and realizing the horrific truth of what a spectacular let down/disaster it was/is. I think i would have seriously gone on a killing spree.
  14. what do you mean "MAKE" kotor 3... they already have.. it's called Swtor. Anyone with a SHRED of mmo gaming knowledge knows this is single player rpg with multi player. Proof of that being the obviously inbalance between story/progression and "end game" content. The way the game feels, atleast to me and many others I'm sure of is role a toon then repeat 20 times for all the ls/ds male/female etc etc so forth and so on. I'm with other posters in this thread and will never purchase another title BW has even LOOKED at. Someone on these forums said not long ago they wish BW could be stripped of the IP so a production house that actually listens/learns and above all cares can take it over and do right by the story/genre and us the player/fan base.
  15. Pretty sure it's been stated that in terms of Jedi, Yoda is/was and will always be the best swordsman in the order. Little bloke had mastered ALL the forms (least non ds exclusive ones). I believe Ataru is his most used one (due to his small stature and limited physical reach).
  16. so does the 50% still apply?.. and can the puchase be defined please?.. is there a maximum?.. is it just on 5500 or less.. etc etc so forth and so on. ( if possible I wanna buy a lot (55k cc's) )
  17. Form my understanding there have been strats out for PVE content since way back in the EQ days (yes inc AoC as well). My suggestion has always been, and honestly it will never happen cos ya'll pve folk would just totally loose your s..t, Is to make PvE like PvP.. RANDOM...('ish). EG, BOSS X - 3 phases, Phase1: Tank & spank Phase2: Tank switch and AoE heal raid damage Phase 3: Stack+tank switch (interrupt "Unlimited Power") with some other memorable mechanic till dead. Sounds pretty familiar yeah?.. well it should.. I did it in wow, did it here, as many thousands have before and after me. NOW.. Let's spice it up a little.. BOSS X - 3 phases Phase1: dunno.... Phase2: raid wiped cos of unlimited power phase3: again dunno. PvP.. is essentially random('ish) .. sure you have a bloody good % chance of knowing ur gonna get cc'd.. but maybe you don't?.. maybe player X does something different. PvE is scripted.. predictable, and ultimately boring. Now please don't go all nuts cos I said that, I enjoy PvE content and it's what I first used to do in my MMO life.. just now for the dynamic nature of the battle and pure adrenaline rush I go PvP.
  18. I've had 2 toon names since early beta.. all the way till now. Lost one due to APAC closure. Am royally pissed, but i think i'm in the acceptance part of the grief cycle lol. BW themselves here (and on phone to me today) have said it's "first come, first served" and it's not going to change. I mean c'mon.. look at what they've managed to screw up so far?.. what kinda carnage do you think would ensue if they did start messing with toon namings etc, beyond the current restrictions inplace. Would be bloody anarchy.
  19. Skype call BioWare US on 1855 something something something (you can find it on swtor.com) and actually talk to a CS not some psuedo-CS keyboard monkey that hangs around here.. an ACTUAL CS rep.. I did and my problem (6 toons locked with failed xfers) was fixed in 35 mins with a lovely CS lady walking me through, talking to me, explaining things etc (25 mins with her, 10 with her supervisor giving as much praise and positive feedback as i could). We both even tested the toons to make sure the xfer's worked properly. I learnt a lesson today, for anything CS (Customer Service) related thats not a readily identifiable (as in has been fixed or openly being investigated) problem, call BW.. seriously save yourselves the god knows how long time and hassle. I'll be online now and tomorrow while some poor buggers are still trying to solve their locked toons problem. Oh.. and in before some moron goes ZOMGTEHYELLOWZ!!!!... My toons where locked but UNRELATED TO PTS!!, I've NEVER BEEN ON PTS!. There was 1.. 1 dev post that mentions my issue.. but only for the PTS flavoured edition, not locked cos something screwed up and we don't know what.
  20. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=647616 Sorry wanna mini-hijak cos it's just not good enough the lack of assistance/care/communication from devs (and no i'm not suprised.. just disappointed) Link is to my thread RE failed/locked for apac transfers.. All my Dar'nala toons are locked/failed and have NEVER been on pts. Is it asking to much for something to work properly 1st time?.. just wondering.
  21. why can we not xfer to different server types?.. I already rerolled on harby once Master D was pretty much dead.. would like to bring my toons all together.. since there is no real world pvp anyway it doesn't bother me as it once did.
  22. please explain to me how the hell it's AUD$7.00 for the coins but USD$4.50 when our dollar is above parity!?!?!?!. I doubt that price even factors in carrier charges!. Nice ripoff, very nice.
  23. if you feel that way stay very very very VERY Far from coruscant. that place brings me to tears.
  24. all color crystals. a special prismatic one that you choose the color with a RGB wheel
  25. hey shin, HUGE fan of your vids, has kept me going on my lady shadow. I was wondering at what time codes are what specs?, you list 3 specs but dont give any hints as to where in the video your using what spec?. I'd love to be able to see what battles you fought with what specs to understand their usage in PvP (I PvP 90% of the time) If you can help me out with this I'd be greatly appreciative. Thanks in advance.
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