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Everything posted by Pigdaddy

  1. Ive been in his ops groups, but sorry he's done nothing no one else has done. You just happened to be fortunate and smart enough to listen and work as a team.
  2. I think they've locked certain attires to coincide with the "lore" - which is fundamentally stupid, EG: Sith have black robes - even though my jedi is lightside i wanted black robes cos they look cool. Same goes with the restriction on colour crystals.
  3. you can get sabers that are Dark restricted yes. Artifice can craft sabers but they are neutral. Certain colour crystals are also alignment restricted.
  4. lol WOW.. overkill much!?!?. you got ganked on a pve server boohoo, how is it honestly ruining your experience?!?!.. log off, or res @ med center or something. There always has to be SOME element of danger, even on carebear servers. I mean.. this whole game is centered around 2 factions at war.
  5. yeah all worlds are open to both factions bar the starter planets (Korriban/Nal Hutta/Drommand - Tython/Ord Mantell/Coruscant)
  6. not to be rude.. but have a little think about that mate.. you really think they gonna allow you to waltz around korriban and drommand kass?.. erm no. I thought the same thing at start but unless they open up starting zones etc it's no go.
  7. precisely, the XP.. not Legacy XP, just plain ol' ordinary XP keeps being awarded and for what?. If they converted to something else, even on a 1/4 or 1/8'th scale atleast it'd be something.
  8. bumping again.. so many views and no constructive thoughts on the matter?
  9. Currently I'm getting XP which is useless to me as I'm lev 50. Now unless this XP is getting banked for next expansion/level cap raise then it's redundant. Can it please be changed to extra credits and/or valor and/or comm's. Say for credits make it 1/2 a credit per point of XP gain. Thank you. <edit> Changed title to properly reflect my meaning in the post, people have misconstrued my intent, my fault for not being clear enough. </edit>
  10. Dont join rep on swiftsure. from my experience (28 loss streak in progress) rep looses 75% of all pvp matches.. and ilum sucks for us as well.
  11. could it be because people are sick of having to team up with others who don't know the most basic of stratagies and team play?. After (at the time of writing this) 27 STRAIGHT lossess, I too will leave if conditions are right.. EG.. If def in voidstar and the first door drops in seconds, im out, not helping/passing in huttball etc etc so forth and so on.
  12. 5 stars.. and a ban. after all according to eula they are commiting the offense of actively taking advantage of a exploit or un-intended game feature.
  13. about the same amount of bags here and all i've gotten is 2 x ear and centurion comm's
  14. I want to love this as much as I loved WoW for 7 years... I really really do.. but I just can't. it's like the immortal Star Wars saying... 'I have a bad feeling about this."
  15. try resetting the phase?. that whole quest arc is a dog's breakfast start to finish.. I hated it personally, really killed the story for me and I'd been enjoying my sentinels story lots.
  16. What you need to realize is the reason people are bashing on ToR, is because of the 3 years dev for what culminates in a user paid beta release.. BUT.. During these dev years.. WoW was already 4 years old and showing the world how to do it, and ToR released missing some of the most basic functions, not to mention the general feel of the game feels off. I've said it once I'll say it again.. WoW isn't the first MMO.. won't be the last.. but it's peak of 12 million paying subs MAKES IT KING. After all this is business, BW/EA don't give a rats about the fans, they want our money plain and simple. They released a product for us to purchase.
  17. you realise it's already launched in australia right? EB games is selling it.
  18. As title says.. still awarding XP to ppl lev 50 is kinda pointless.. can it pls be converted to extra valor or something?
  19. For those who are still to do this, Another Sentinel was kind enough to help me do mine so now it's done (NEVER AGAIN!!). Saying that.. apparantly the solution to the puzzle is to make the same symbol on each of the 6 panels. There is no order necessary just all 6 panels to have the same symbol (cycles through some each click). The guy who helped me did it for me but the chest was bugged.. no matter cos I had a massively geared 50 Sentinel with a fully geared Doc. We downed The Emperor very easily, it did make it a bit anti-climatic given the massive build up. But I blame BW for that alone as this obviously wasn't quality tested properly or at all.
  20. As title suggest I'm after some info about levelling up affection post 50. Scenario is this, I've just hit 50.. Kira and doc 7k+ affection each, T7 bit less so.. and Lord Scourge is -1000. I would really like to see his storyline tho.. I hear it's rather rich and especially given his Lore history. Now I know I can use gifts.. but to get him up high would take literally hundreds of "Epic" gifts I fear. So I was wondering if it's possible to raise it another way somehow after you hit cap?. If anyone has done this and could share what you did I'd be greatly appreciative. Thank you in advance.
  21. I found him to be a total cake walk.. under whelming even. just make sure u interrupt.. he is a squishy caster after all. if you think this is hard.. you better unsub now.. wait till u get to the end boss
  22. If you get stuck where I was.. can't get past force field.. enter a WZ and afk. It (for now) dumps you back at fleet. use this if ur fleet CD is blown, I just did it and someone was kind enough to tell me this info. BW DO NOT CHANGE THIS UNTILL YOU FIX DOOMSDAY!!!!!!
  23. Can anyone who's completed "Doomsday" please read http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=56258 especially last posts by me.. I can't figure out the puzzle and now i'm stuck @ spawn point behind force field unable to do anything, my fleet pass CD is blow. Am so damn angry right now it's beyond belief. If ANYONE Has done it please post how. Yes I've googled and yes i want "Click this, then this, then this, then this" in SPECIFIC order please.
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