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Everything posted by Dyraele

  1. Well, not really since they are adding a sprint 2 to go even faster when you get higher. So, they reduced the travel time but you still have to get higher to go even faster.
  2. I don't have to prove it, you are the one who said thousands. Yes, I gave my opinion that it wasn't that many, which was my point in responding. No, I can't prove it wasn't thousands, but you brought up the threads, which I assumed meant here. I could see the threads here and it was a ton of same people over and over in the threads. That was my point. Again, condescending with the laugh. I wasn't taking the stance you suggested, I was merely stating that it can be possible for people to do that so you can't prove it. You like putting words in other peoples mouths. I don't, in fact, think they did that, just making a point.
  3. Making assumptions, accusations, and ridiculing in one sentence. Nice job. You assumed I didn't use google, which accuses me of not using it, and ridicules me by saying "it's your friend". I guess I could have substituted belittling for ridiculing. Same effect. Anyway, the search proves nothing. The same people on these boards have the same access to other sites. It doesn't matter if there were 100 blogs/articles on 100 other sites, you can't prove those are not all the same people. The only this it proves was that there were a lot of complaints, not complainers.
  4. Replublic is getting the Sith pureblood as well, is that what you are talking about?
  5. The countless full threads with the same people bickering back and forth does not make for thousands. I realize you may have been generalizing, and there was quite a few complaints, but thousands is a little much imo.
  6. I do whatever I feel like. This isn't work, it's not a job, it's not a test, it's not a contest, I don't win PCH if I am better than others, I don't even get a cup of coffee. I play to have fun. I already have a job that pays me. I don't need something else to stress and worry over. I need something to relax. So, if someone want to call me a bad player for backpeddling, fine. They can go play with like minded players.
  7. I have been playing since EA and still have a blast, so everyone has their own opinion. Just because one persion if bored doesn't automatically mean all people will be bored. Not everyone fits into the same peg.
  8. You guys? Go look at my posts and then again lump me into the crowd. My post in here is not common at all for me. I am not a fanboi (though you may think I am), but I do like the game. It is not outstanding, but nothing I have played MMO-wise has been, at least yet. Since every game I have played has bugs I just deal with them by writing tickets and moving on. I don't come here and cry about every single one of them. Though I get automated responses, at least they say they passed the information on to development. That is good enough for me.
  9. But that is not what a lot do here, they just don't post about bugs and problems, they stay here saying the game is dieing and sucks, etc. How does that help? It doesn't. If people just posted sensibly about bugs and left it at that, we wouldn't have half the problems. The non-sensicle ramblings are what stir everyone up.
  10. You could still kick people even if you added a punishment, so this would not be an issue.
  11. Happens to me all the time too. Like another said, I just spin and click.
  12. Why don't you put this in the Suggestion Box forum? Sounds like something that more than just you could benefit from.
  13. LOL funny stuff, was my first thought when I read the title but didn't post about it. Not sure why they think giving a choice is bad. If people chose one and cannot get a group, "unqueue" and go to another one.
  14. If Lineage II uses the unreal engine then I am glad SWTOR did not use it. If everyone blames the FPS on the engine, then I would not be able to play SWTOR if it used the unreal engine as I can hardly move in Lineage II in the towns. I do not have that problem anywhere in SWTOR unless our 120 man guild events all start firing weapons. In Lineage II, all people have to do is stand around in town and I can hardly move.
  15. I do have to agree with the original poster on one point, if you are engaged in combat and leave, you should lose valor. There is nothing heroic about running away. If you gain valor by defeating you enemy, you should lose it for running from them. If you stay and get killed, then nothing happens to valor. EDIT: If you cannot exit while in combat, kind of a mute point.
  16. I do not think it will have too much affect, being that it is just one developer, a writer. I don't know where the "devs" comes from as I have not seen a story over there other than the one dev leaving. He was a decent writer and I am sure contributed a lot, but the impact should be minimal.
  17. I subbed for 3 because I never go max at the start to see what direction the game is going. I like how the game plays and the direction based on the patches and notes, so I will sub 6 next time.
  18. These were level 1 chars starting in Hutta (around 80-90 players) and Ord Mantell (around 125 players). Most everything we did was outside. We couldn't get everyone in instance 1 for the Ord Mantell one so we all switched to instance 2 and got in.
  19. Hehe, I don't know, you tell us. Anyway, does seem odd that more people are giving you less lag.
  20. Yep, can't install it, says newer version already installed and installation is not necessary. All I can do at that point is click finish and the program terminates.
  21. Same issue, I tried it back when the other thread was active but it would not let me install saying there was already a newer version or something along that lines.
  22. They already can. Our guild events are up to 125 people with no problem, unless you start fighting then that is lag city, but just rendering was no problem. I didn't see much affect on the FPS and my machine stinks, it is 4 year old hardware.
  23. Why should he admit it is a poor buy if it wasn't to him. This stuff is all subjective. Just because you or someone else doesn't like it doesn't mean everyone else should. To me, it was worth it just for the physical items. If it didn't come with any digital items I still would be happy with it.
  24. Personally, I do. All my other statues still make me smile, not sure why this one would be different. EDIT: As far as value, I don't know and don't really care. I buy them for personal enjoyment. My daughters can sell them or use them when I am gone.
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