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Everything posted by Mal-Sharran

  1. Try timing 6 consecutive BR under Zen. While allowing for latency and the fact nothing is perfect in this world, you should still pump them out in 7 seconds? It generally takes 7.5-8 seconds, which is only knocking off 1 full second from what it would normally take to dish out 6 BR in a row. My latency avg. is about 55ms in game, so the impact it has is minimal for me. It's difficult to detect if you aren't actively looking for it. It appears to be most frequent in PvP when at the very edge of your opponents hit box. Blade Rush should hands down proc Ataru, no matter what. Ataru is in fact a quick, second strike that instantly follows any attack that procs it. You actually swing your weapon fast as lightning, if you've never noticed. It's hard to see in PvP because by its nature, PvP is hectic. But I've witnessed it enough to tell you first hand that Ataru does not always proc from BR, so I have to assume the natural chance to proc from all other attacks is also affected. Yeah granted you aren't 100% prevented from 'action' but being a self-imposed root on a melee class that depends on mobility...we're in agreement on this. Even a clothy in PvP gear can have 10% or more damage reduction vs. Kinetic/Energy, I personally have 25% in medium armor. For Combat, which relies 100% on Weapon/Kinetic/Energy damage, armor pen is beyond amazing. Everything you do, EVERYTHING, when Precision isn't up, is blunted by 25% against me, and that's not even counting my 8% Exp. I think you're underestimating this ability. You aren't GIMPED when it isn't available, but... *edit* Also, Merc Slash hits harder than anything Combat has, hands down. It hits harder than a Blade Storm with Precision, it hits harder than Blade Rush with Precision. One 'nuke' doesn't constitute burst, but it does make up for our lack of burst. I've seen others on the forums confirm it, sadly I do not have links. But from my time as Combat, I remember my Blade Storm crits were almost exactly 3600 EVERY SINGLE TIME (I haven't been Combat in over a month and my gear has more than tripled in quality since). A 10% boost to that would be recognizable, I probably did well over 1000 Blade Storms, with Precision up, and the number was so consistent that I guarantee Opportune wasn't working. *edit* My Blade Storm crits never varied more than 100 damage, ever (while Precision was up). I love Combat. I've said it several times in various posts over the last 2 days. I want to go Combat again. I love the style, the utility, the feel, everything about it. I resisted going Watchman for ages. How could DOTS hold a candle to all this burst damage?! amirite? Wrong...having played both equally now, Combat IS gimped. I simply can't deny it. Watchman does more damage and has more survivability. Beyond a ranged snare (which I miss mightily) Watchman is just superior. I hope they fix Combat, but until then...
  2. Force Exhaustion for PvP doesn't impress you? Really? Nuff said. Enduring for PvP, combined with PvP set bonus for a 45 second 'lul you can't kill me no matter how hard you try' doesn't impress you? Really? Nuff said. Merc Slash is DECENT!? DECENT!? Nuff said. Plasma Blades is too dependent on, gasp, burns? You mean the bread and butter of Watchman? NO WAI. Burning Focus, 30% chance for more Focus, with two dots rolling almost full time...yeah you're right, who needs Focus? Mind Sear resets Cauterize...Cauterize lasts 6 seconds, with a 15 second cd. This allows you to keep the dot up full time, because you know...we like dots as Watchman. Force Fade is situational? lulululululul. Ok, you aren't 50 yet, so I'm sorry, but hit 50 then theorycraft. You have some really really really messed up ideas in your head based on no actual experience. Hit 50, then try again.
  3. From a purely PvP aspect, skipping BOTH Focused Pursuit and Force Fade is just...ugh. No. At least one or the other. 50% of the time (minimum) when you need to utilize Force Camo, you have dots on you. Without 2/2 in Force Fade, you don't get the full duration. When utilized in conjunction with GbtF, you can stand up to any damage for 5 seconds with only 500 health, frustrating the living hell out of all your opponents, then slip into the shadows and make it around the corner because you're guaranteed to get the full 4 seconds of Camo. Not to mention getting knocked into hazards in Huttball, say you get knocked into fire or acid at full health, but you're stunned or rooted. Are you going to pop GbtF at full health? Hell no. Without Force Camo (assuming your CC break is on cd) you have no choice but to eat the damage. I personally hit Force Sweep the INSTANT anybody slips into stealth around me. And about 30% of the time I'm fast enough to bring them right back out of stealth. Force Fade prevents that from occurring. The only way to be brought out prematurely is with Stealth Probe or whatever the BH/Trooper ability is. Also, Force Camo wears off the instant you are brought out of stealth, so you lose the 50% (assuming 1/2 in Force Fade) damage reduction the INSTANT you take damage. So you can mitigate potentially 1 hit, be brought out of stealth prematurely, and die, or you can guarantee you get the full duration of Camo and take no damage. I used to claim this ability was PvE only, but damn was I wrong. It's like a core ability of Watchman, nobody should skip it.
  4. Doc, hands down. My Kira is in full PvE epics, and even when I send her in first, I still end up yanking agro off several mobs and taking damage. So while I may be able to mount directly after the fight, and dismount, healing Kira to full, I still need to meditate. Hence, downtime. The same can't be said for Doc. And I'm a one man army, I kill fast enough as is. Doc is easy mode and will be utilized more than anybody for speed and efficiency (and always, always during any PvP encounters).
  5. It's a widely acknowledged fact that Combat suffers from numerous mechanical bugs. - The animation for Blade Rush is laggy and causes frequent stutter, resulting in lowered dps. (Merc Slash, and Slash, have no such issue) - The well known problem with Ataru strikes not procing properly depending on hit box size. - Master Strike snare works half the time or less in PvP, and frequently misfires, where you go through the entire 3 second animation without actually performing the action, effectively stunning you for the duration. - The entire concept of Precision Strike makes Combat in PvP terrible, if you are unable to follow up with your rotation due to being rooted, stunned, mezzed, knocked back or slowed, directly after using Precision Strike, you have to wait an entire 15 seconds before trying again, during which time your dps suffers. - Opportune Attack consumes, but does not buff, Blade Storm, despite the fact Blade Storm consumes Focus. There are others but those are the ones I recall off the top of my head. The spec is BROKEN and the concept is FLAWED. I leveled from 10 to 50 as Combat and I loved it. I felt OP. I could handle anything. I never felt gimped, but despite all that I can stand back and look at the spec objectively. It suffers from many problems that need to be addressed by BW before it will stand toe to toe with Watchman.
  6. I'll preface this statement with...I don't believe I'm the best player ever. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm probably a 7 or 8. That might not sound humble, and honestly I'm not. Overall I'm very good at feeling out a class, and learning to utilize it efficiently. With that said, honestly, you're all horrible. The only time I needed help, from 1 to 50, was our class quest on Tat, in the cave with those ridiculously over-tuned lizards. Not only did I not need help, I died so infrequently that I started to get cocky. Not to mention I'm on a PvP server, and out of the 100+ Imps I ran into while leveling, I only died twice (not counting the people who out leveled me badly). So what I'm trying to say is, if this thread has so many posts, from so many people who can't play this class without dying left and right, take a hint please, move on to a 3 button 'I win' class. Thanks. Flame away.
  7. I also personally took it off my bar. There might be a kind of synergy if you invested 2/2 Recompense and 2/2 Jedi Crusader, but there simply aren't enough points to get those talents maxed out in a proper PvP build. You would have to sacrifice somewhere else. Riposte's bang to buck ratio is meh. And the only way to maximize Watchman dps is to ensure you have enough Focus to use OS/Caut/Merc EVERY SINGLE TIME they're off CD. Now consider that a good Watchman will likely be using Merc Slash every 7.5 seconds, and Caut every 6 seconds. You would need at least 7 Focus saved up at ALL times. There are simply way, way more important abilities to be used. Merc Slash > Riposte OS > Riposte Caut > Riposte Slash > Riposte (I say this because it costs less and hits harder) The only thing Riposte has going for it is the guarantee you'll hit. However in half Champ half Rakata right now I'm sitting at 97% accuracy, which will go up here shortly when I swap out some mods (replacing crit/surge with acc/power). Now if you are capped on Focus, sure, use it. I won't say 'no good pvp watchman has Recompense' but you're a minority. My keybind real estate is crowded as is, I never have *nothing* to use Focus on, so I took it off my bar and haven't looked back. *edit* For the record, the only time I'm not #1 damage in Voidstar is when I man up and guard the door that nobody but the occasional stealthy tries to ninja. Otherwise I'm not only #1, but I'm above the next guy by over 100k or more. I say Voidstar because damage in the other two WZ's is entirely too subjective to be an indicator.
  8. A Watchman Sentinel doesn't really use the Force, beyond Force Stasis. Force Sweep/Blade Storm/Force Stasis are our only abilities that fall into that category, and you shouldn't use Blade Storm other than rare circumstances when you have to hit something at range.
  9. i7 920 @ 4.2GHz, air cooled (4.5 with liquid? Overkill man) 6GB ram HD6970 2GB And I DO get stuttering when I open my bags or character screen. Every single person I play with does too. I'm willing to bet you haven't noticed it yet, it can be subtle if you aren't looking for it. Try spamming your bags or your character screen open and closed rapidly while moving, I guarantee you you suffer from it as well.
  10. Actually, I just went to Ilum, turned on FRAPS, and took a 1920x1080 video of myself smooth dismounting several times, without even 1% frame lag. I turned off all background apps (normally have youtube, skype, e-mail) all running, my machine is beast it should handle it. But the video is like 500MB uncompressed and I don't feel like upping it to youtube right now, would take over an hour :-/ *edit* Pulled out my companion, tried again, dismounting took me from 111FPS to 70 for over a full second, and my screen went super choppy. Perhaps that has been my problem the whole time. If I wasn't afraid of being jumped by an Imp with THEIR companion out, I'd forgo my companion all together on Ilum...
  11. I honestly don't want to sound harsh, but WRONG. Please stop the whole Nvidia drivers > AMD drivers bs lie. People running equipment from both companies are complaining. Many AMD users have no issues. Many Nvidia users claim no issues either. But both sides are complaining too, there is no specific card or driver that is the problem. I'm sorry but so many people still have the unfounded stigma that AMD drivers are terrible when in fact they're damn near as flawless as Nvidia. I run every game in my arsenal on a 6970 without freezing, hitching, artifacting or crashing. Can't remember the last time my drivers failed, tbh.
  12. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, because I'm not sure I understand. But you can re-spec your character as many times as you want. You can NOT change from a Jedi Sentinel to a Jedi Guardian, but you can swap between any of your three skill trees as often as your pocketbook allows you to (it gets quite expensive after the first few times).
  13. I honestly don't even know what you're asking. The only way the OP's spec would work is in Shii-Cho, two talents in the Focus tree demand you be in Shii-Cho for it to work. Juyo is not an option.
  14. You can PvE with a PvP spec, and vice versa, but you are not optimized and you are not performing as well as you should/could. We all come from WoW, where we've had dual spec for years. And BW is implementing MULTI SPEC, from their own mouth. More than two. It's coming. So they actually DO intend for us to be able to fill multiple rolls with one character. Where do you come off saying we shouldn't? Why do so many people defend stupid **** like this, just because it's the way the game came on day 1? BW never intended for this to be normal, they simply didn't get it out in time for launch. Just /facepalm
  15. I love when a PvP hater comes in here and dismisses issues that effect the entire game, simply because many people mention their problems in correlation with PvPing. All I took from this is 'I like PvP, hence why I play COD or BF3, but having more than two buttons to click is mind boggling and I can't cope, so I hate MMO PvP and will bash it with vehemence'. That's all I hear. PvP IS HUGE. It is not a majority, but there was an entire section of the Guild Summit devoted to it, there are THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF WZs PLAYED EVERY DAY. That isn't 'a small community' or a 'minority'. Pull your head out.
  16. It does, in case you were wondering too. I do not, however, know if in this situation: 3 stack Juyo Cauterize If Cauterize is already up before you get full stacks of Juyo, I don't know if the next few ticks receive a boost in damage (once you reach 5 stacks), or in the same scenario, if you pop a power relic or pick up a pvp adrenal with dots already up, if those said dots increase in damage. I need to duel somebody to test this...
  17. It sounds as though they've devised a way to only render what you can see, instead of everything you might 'potentially' see. So instead of rendering every person on Fleet, despite not being in LOS of them, now your computer will only draw people close to you. This would (if optimized correctly) do away with the need for the texture atlas. But that's just my guess.
  18. You know that portion of Ilum, right near the ice tunnel leading to the PvP section of the map? I currently hear a vehicle 'dismount' sound when I ride around there on my speeder (just a random sound, nobody else nearby). When I hear that sound, I can dismount from my speeder as smoothly as mounting/dismounting in WoW. NO LAG at all! But anywhere else in this entire game, holy frame lag Batman. It really puzzles me what about that specific area allows me to dismount without an ounce of stutter. I do admit it has improved since launch though, but not enough to be acceptable.
  19. I listed my specs on the page before this. My machine is beast, no bottlenecks at all. Strong in EVERY department. And this game runs like crap, on high settings or low. I run every other AAA title at ultra settings. There is only ONE CONCLUSION you can make from this simple fact. The Hero engine is crap, and will take a miracle to overhaul into something acceptable. The Hero engine was a terrible idea.
  20. I have nothing constructive to say, sadly. My specs: i7 920 @ 4.2GHz (prime95 stable 72 hours on high heat setting) 6GB Corsair DOMINATOR DDR3 @ 2GHz (was unmatched at the time I purchased it, period) ASUS P6TD Deluxe mobo MSI AMD HD6970 Lightning 2GB @ 1GHz core, 1.4GHz memory Antec TruePower 750W Windows 7 64bit loaded on its own 60GB SATA II SSD SW:TOR loaded on a separate 128GB SATA II SSD On the system listed, I can run BF3 Ultra, STO Ultra, Skyrim Maxed (modded to hell and back with high res textures, increased view distance etc) and many others. Then I load TOR.........despite getting 'acceptable' frame rates on Fleet, with 60 or more people present I still get the most minuscule rubber band effect. It doesn't actually constitute frame lag, because my fps doesn't spike, but the game still stutters every 2-3 seconds (only when I'm moving, if I stand still everybody around me moves fine). I can range from 100+ fps down to 40 on Fleet, just depending on where I'm standing and looking. I turned on FRAPS in Alderaan the other day, just for the FPS feature, not recording. I was staggered. You have to admit, for a single card system, outdated slightly, my specs are still beast. I was at a whopping FIFTY FPS guarding left turret BY MYSELF. Is 50 playable? Barely. Did it drop when I swung my camera? You better believe it, down into the low 40s. The introduction of people at that point didn't drop my FPS much lower, so it stayed playable, but 40 FPS, standing by myself, with a friggin 6970 LIGHTNING!? So in the end, the game is playable for me, with the same card as you, but only barely, and the introduction of high res textures in 1.2 worries me. I want them, but can I run them? We'll see. They may have taken it out of context, but if you're on the forums often enough, you see people with both Nvidia and AMD struggling with horrible frame rates often enough that you notice a trend. There are hundreds of vocal people on the forums, which means it's safe to assume there are probably thousands of people who haven't posted. Something is WRONG WITH THIS ENGINE. BF3 on Ultra is arguably one of the most amazingly beautiful games ever made. It blows your mind. I love the 64 player maps, and that's mainly what I play. Do you ever see all 64 at once? Never. Do I play flawlessly with upwards of 20-30 people, tanks, jets, helos, bullets and explosions all happening in my field of view? Absolutely, rock solid. This engine needs fixing, just because you don't know what to look for, doesn't mean it isn't biting you in the face, you're just too inexperienced to know the difference between smooth and rough performance.
  21. No, you can get your hands on spec appropriate mods/enhancements through the quests themselves, not the daily coms. Darkness on Ilum gives a quest reward of an epic enhancement of your choice, 4 to choose from. A Lesson is Learned, on Belsavis, grants an epic mod. The Stasis Generator, also on Belsavis, grants an epic armoring. Do these dailies often enough and you can equip yourself with pretty decently spec'd orange moddable gear, just short of Tionese (pretty much same level, minus any set bonuses, so still a step below). The only place this falls painfully short is weapons, the top end damage of my orange sabers with epic mods was 417, the top end on my Champion sabers is...459? Or something like that, I'm not logged in right now.
  22. Isn't that what women do anyway? You get a guy wrapped around your finger, friend zone him, then use and abuse him so long as he's stupid enough to do everything you ask. That's what ***** were invented for, mind control. You almost SOUND like a girl, not just a girl toon. I could be mistaken
  23. Middle or right tree Shadow/Assassin? Cake. Tank in tank gear? Long but I win. Tank in dps gear? It's a crapshoot, depends on individual skill, gear, if I have all cds etc. I rarely LOSE to them, but I also rarely KILL them (tanks that is).
  24. While I've never attempted to outfit Scourge in anything but tank gear, it just stands to reason. Kira is melee dps, Rusk is ranged dps. Their main abilities are centered around damage. Scourge has lower damage abilities with procs, like draining life to heal himself, or punching something and adding 20% armor. My Kira is in full PvE epics, including weapon, and her 'Master Strike' type ability easily does 2-3k. Scourge can't compete with that, not by a long shot.
  25. Honestly I don't treat it much differently than I would killing somebody in PvP. Hitting 10% harder is great over the long run, but gimping your opening damage while you wait for Juyo to stack doesn't make any sense. Leap (4) OS (1) Zealous (7) Cauterize (5) Merc Slash (1) Strike (3) At this point you have full Juyo stacked and you've only ticked 3 of your 6 Cauterize ticks and 1 of your 3 OS ticks. The rest will all receive the 10% damage bonus from that point on (unless dots aren't dynamic, meaning they are only as powerful as your current buffs when cast, instead of rising dynamically with any increases in power/Juyo stacks/adrenals while already on the target...I'm not sure how they behave to be honest). If you're truly worried about having 5 stacks up before you burn down a PvE mob with high health, do this: Leap - 1 stack Juyo Zealous - 2 stack Master Strike - 4 stack (it hits 3 times, but you can only stack Juyo once every 1.5 seconds) OS Cauterize - 5 stack That way your first Cauterize will not only apply the first stack of OS, but it will start out at 5 stacks of Juyo. I honestly wouldn't worry about it though, MS is much lower on the priority list for Watchman, well below OS/Cauterize/Merc Slash.
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