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Everything posted by TehStevo

  1. TehStevo

    Force Lighting...

    I think you fail to distinguish SI's different lightning moves.
  2. RNG is just bad. In the beta I practically got lucky on rolls on bags, thus I had my purpz quickly. Same time a guildmate of mine opened way more bags than I did at the time and got only got an earpiece out of it. Another annoying thing is getting duplicate tokens for the same piece of armor that you already own, when it's likely the one you have pretty much the one you want to stick with. I ended up throwing purple gear on my companion. Humorous.
  3. A person complaining about it's mirror class. Pretty epic.
  4. You're just so good. Please sign my mouse pad.
  5. But I wants a reward for healing peoples.
  6. I can't kill this, nerf it. This class is killing me, nerf it. This class does something I can't do, nerf it.
  7. I only go up there to jump to my death.
  8. I always hate those .05 second delays as well.
  9. Threads like these are always hilarious. Just wait until everyone is 50. Inquisitor/Sage for the most part is garbage in DPS compared to other classes and really only shines at healing. Even then Scoundrel/Operative and Mercenary/Commando also shine at healing too.
  10. Laff @ those who spent $150 dollars for a vendor.
  11. Smells like rage in this thread.
  12. We had epic dramas over pre-launch guild derp stuff and we end up on different servers anyway. Who didn't see that coming? Lawl.
  13. Because Bioware did their damnedest to keep factions pretty much separated when it comes to questing hubs. Literally you have to cause trouble yourself, else you're not gonna get a fight. Very little running into groups of opposite faction to fight while questing.
  14. See Warhammer. Also, obviously agree with the thread.
  15. Story was so cool I'd listen to it again.
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