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10 Good
  1. Spoken like a crap sniper who can;t play if you lose 1v1 to any class as a sniper you;re terrible
  2. lol complain that your main weakness is CC breaking cover, ignore that you have 20 seconds of CC immunity on a 45 second cooldown complain that you still take damage in cover, ignore the fact that cover grants you 50% reduced damage taken with talents, and with more defence if you have to get up and move. complain about getting "destroyed in the face" (lol?) when any enemy should have been dead long before he got that close, and if he isn't, you have 3 seperate o-**** buttons all under a minute cooldown. A good sniper can destroy another player in 5 seconds flat. Ambush+Explosive probe will take you to 60% right off the bat, instant snipe, another cast snipe and you're easily already in 30% execute range and no player is going to be able to run up to you on flat ground in 5 seconds. If you play smart and get on a high point and abuse pathing its even more ******** and ridiculous, particularly when your 30 second cooldown knockback is in play. Oh, and complaining about being "not mobile" when all WFs have a spot where you can set up and defend without ever having to move = lol
  3. Your argument would make sense if that was true, but only controlling effects do that, and you have a cooldown that makes you immune to them for 20 whole seconds. And for people saying "pvp can't be balanced at anything besides 50" you are officially morons, please go back to wow and stop ruining this game
  4. your argument would make sense if going into cover wasn't INSTANT, didn't give INCREDIBLE DEFENSE, or if most pvp maps didn't have BROKENLY OP ledges/defence choke points to exploit. Ranged is so heavily favored in this game it's hilarious, and I thought wow was bad
  5. PvP needs to be balanced at ALL levels of play
  6. Like, they have this snipe shot then exploding thing instantly and half your hp is gone right there! Only a 2.5 second cast! Then they still have tons of stuns and tons of damage and are durable as hell in cover! AND TO MAKE THINGS WORSE have an excute ability when their opening two abilities talk off half your hp!
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