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Everything posted by Atlanis

  1. So basicly you are saying "Sents are fine...." Well your argumentation is flawed by a long run. I will take my time to show how exactly you cherypicked the stattistics: Srry, give us the Raw numbers the following are required to understand you numbers or to put them in the right light: - Average Rating of all ACs sorted by Discipline - Role Relevant Average Numbers for Win and Looses for all ACS (aka DMG Dealt/Medals earned for a Sent) - Population Numbers for the Sentinels and developpment of the average playtime for Sentinels - Win/Loose Ratios for ALL ACs for all PvP Modes I would like to make my own mind, can´t hurt if you give us the numbers can it? Otherwise expect me to go by my assumptions and tell you that your statistics are polished so that Sents look good, you might proove me wrong by giving us ALL the numbers.
  2. Pacify - Sentskill that reduces targets precision by 90% for 6s (got a very long CD so don´t worry about it) Nobody seems to know about it and you get accused of hacking whenever random AC can´t kill you because Masterstrike for example is white DMG. I already build a game around it, so will I be accused of hacking when pacifying that Guardian that jus jumped me rendering his MS useless?
  3. Having done slight over 200 hundred matches with my marauder twink and about two dozen with my juggernaut DPS I can sign this. I won´t ruin my Mains rating just for testing something, that would be stupid
  4. Oh that ****** filter ****** it really ***** *** the whole **** thing
  5. I tried that, got me a lot of warnings and infractions. Well problem is Swtor monopolizes Star Wars MMOs and I want to play Star Wars MMOs and I have a guild whichs people I don´t want to abandon. I will not try to be elaborate again. I hope they get their asses kicked at the next cantina events for the lack of proffesional customer comunication. They could have countered a lot of rage by talking honestly and getting their priorities right. When a Class has no viable Spec in a MMO every alarm bell should ring and you should **** on balance fears and bring out a hotofix that makes one Spec usable. Make a statement: Oh we ****ed up with is a temporary measure we are working on the real fix in the mean time ASAP. That would be customer support. Or just: "Oh we ****ed up and we will fix that ASAP, but expect other changes in future patches were we balance stuff that ist OP or slighlty underperforming.". They did: "Oh we will adress all other issues first and then turn to the class nobody wants for competitive pvp and pve. Which an average player will be unable to do anything but to level to 60 with."
  6. No you can´t if you don´t fight the normal ******* in the PuGs.
  7. Best Tip: Reroll to another AC if you have any ambitions for Rated.
  8. Well most people are far beyond the point were has any interest to invest time to write long elaborate posts for feedback. We did that December and most of the time 3.1.1. ---> they took a big fat poo on Sentcommunity feedback in that patch. Do you really think anyone will remain reasonable nowadays. Dev could scroll back to posts from December they pooped on;-)
  9. Ahem I shall quote: "Sents are utterly useless" "No, they are only useless" "Oh well there is no reason to bring a Sent right?"
  10. They could find the truth......no one should ignore the truth^^
  11. 3 Months for bugfixing a Sent Ability, are you mad or have you decided we also deserve some bugfixing. Well not as fast as the average for other classes aka 4 weeks max, but at least now I know how it could feel to get ones money worth of customer support.
  12. Reroll to a random other AC, they outperform the Mara like god outperforms us filthy humans^^
  13. Such dir einfach 3 Kumpels die auch nen Schatten spielen können :-P Entfernt Wie lang sagst du jetzt schon JKS ist Tod? 2 Jahre? Mal ehrlich so oft wie JKS gestorben ist haben wir schon mehr als die 7 Leben einer Katze verbraten. Müssen mal wieder ein paar Jawas opfern:rolleyes: *Geht Jawas verbrennen*
  14. My Sent is the only Maxlevel Char I have equipped to max and know to play to the maximum. My knowledge of other classes is a result of my goal to be prepared for most situations in pvp. Speaking I should know what a shadow can do if I want to counter him, currently Sents can´t counter Shadows in 3 out of 4 situations. I need to know which Classes/Specs are "easy" (meaning if not played by a player of equal skillevel "easy to kill") to stay on and what I can do about for example a rolling around Gunslinger. I need to know the CD of the defensive capabilities and stuns. Yes I can only estimate at most two enemies most important CDs at once and still play my class. Due to this knowledge I have little problems when running a viable Char Vanguard/Juggernaut DPS in PvP, since both have double the "cards in the hand" my Main has when encountering the same situations. The issues with the Sent is he lacks Cards against certain situation in his deck totally and those cards he has are few and have a long timer on them meaning in play: Survivability and Mobility lack ---> resulting in the class lacking overall in DPS in a PvP Enviroment. At least thats true for Watchman which I played in some few hundred matches since 3.0. with the added issue of having the longest Baseline Rotation of all Classes in game and a "useless" Dotspread since it messes up your resources for the next dozen seconds resulting in ridicule drops of pressure DPS. Plus the Dotspread has a far longer CD then 50% of the spreaded Dots. Example most classes got the Dotspread tied into the rotation and/or have a free Dotspread (Viligance Guardian). Combat seems to go in the same direction but I lack the playtime in that Spec to make a final statement on that for PvP. Concentration would be fine if there wasn´t the said lack of Mobility / Survivability cards. Both Specs are definetly only underperformed by scoundrel DPS for most Hardmode Raidencounters making them undesirable to a state, were even none progression orientated Raidgroups force Sent/Maras out of their Raidgroups due to a Guardian/Vanguard/Shadow DPS beeing the more desirable DPS. Inspiration is not enough of an argument to bring a Sent/Mara. Concentration is the most useable Spec of the three for PvE but still is outperformed by a large margin by the named 3 melee DPS. I might add I lack Data on the Scoundrel DPS but am currently at the state it is even less viable then Sent DPS for Raids. I might add I have raided as a Juggernaut DPS, Sage DPS/Heal and a Vanguard Tank/DPS to have a comparison. I is far easier to achieve the same or higher DPS number this the other two melee classes for most Bosses. Yes I might just be bad at my Sent, looking back on the timeline ahem nope. There is also the issue of players on other ACs (at least as far as I can see subjectivly on two certain PvP Servers in Europe when running Sent/Mara Watchman/Anhi for PvP) lacking knowledge of other classes. For example I got a skill called pacify which normally wouldn´t be effective against a player who would use his brains. It is my on a far to long CD counter to beeing jumped from behind by another Melee DPS or to put on a rDPS other than the Sage to block them from doing white DMG for 6s. Almost all Juggers/Guardians Masterstrike AFTER eating Pacify, I can think of no Commando/Gunslinger who wouldn´t why he died just now an called me a cheater and didn´t understand that Pacify reduced their White DMG precision by 90%. I don´t know everything a Shadow can do because I never leveled one....I dislike the playstyle, but I know that outside from cc-break/Pacify or cc-break/force camo I have little options when he attacks from stealth in the correct facion. I know most Shadows will stun you stend in the 5m (you will allways be ssen in stealth radius) and wonder why I cc break/force stasis them and they are the ones at 50% when coming from the stun or that most shadows will not purge DoTs before stealthing.....still. At the moment I normally find myself in the Top Ranks concerning DMG in the random PuG "Zerg from Node to Node" PvP if I am not bored/stupid enough to guard a node with a Sent. I can´t count the number of times other ACs lost in 1v1 Situations when node deffing against me on a Watchman Sent, Anhi Marauder. I fear that Bioware feels that people even more knowledgable and skilled could wreak total havoc on the other 7 ACs if they gave us the required buffs to make the class playable for the average player and viable for the good/competent player. They don´t want to upset Sages/Shadows you know. I personnaly am looking forward to 15s of "Untouchable or h2full" on my Juggernaut with 3.1.2. and will totally laugh at those Jugs/Guards who still fall to my two Sabers when I am on a Sent/Mara due to stupidity. Cheesh I somehow made quite a Rant.......to be expected after a night of Bier, Brot und Wein :-P
  15. Nope they are "utterly useless" or "their is no reason to bring a Sent/Mara" to quote some things said by guilds and players leading the world wide PvE and PvP Progression.
  16. Sorry, it seems easy for an altoholic to say. I only got a Sent and the class is unplayable or as Zorz and Progression Raiders said "Sents are useless" "There is no reason to bring a Sent.". Aka the Class is unplayable. Vigilance Guardian is how Watchman should work. Focus Guardian is how Concentration Sent should work. The Class is uselless an Ranks at the far far bottom in all Ratings. No other AC as a whole had 3 out of 3 Specs beeing atthe bottom. Even Scoundrels always had 1 viable Spec at least for PvE after the stupid nerfs. Srry I expect them to adress issues of classes underperforming by the a margin so large almost no Guild will tolerate a Sent for Hardmode Operations who is interested in seeing the Endbosses. They need to fix that first, they can care about minor balance issues between the other 7 classes when they dug up Sents from the 12578723940219834 Room of Hell.
  17. Irony, Sents are unplayable in ALL ENDGAME CONTENT since 3.0., I think Sents are the only class around that are in a position to demand any buffs.
  18. Up it goes^^ Oh well you shall be mortalized at Cologne community cantina:D
  19. Maybe he will want to communicate with the Sent/Maracommunity......oh well I won´t get my hopes up.
  20. Well reading doesn´t require you to understand or take in the feedback^^
  21. I shall respect the Threadopener for his legit piece of literate Art. I have amused myself quite a bit;)
  22. @Devs I will wait for next week to throw a large open letter on a major platform at you. You got time to be concrete on fixing Sent DPS (PvE and PvP) and Scoundrel DPS (PvE) until then.
  23. Its funny when you know what they are actually saying^^
  24. Ahem I don´t think so. Well I no only of one guild who still tolerates Sents on our server. Then Sent is over the board not viable and not a fun option to choose for the majority of the former Sentinelplayerbase. You can´t argue otherwise as you are in the wrong.
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