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Everything posted by Atlanis

  1. 4s is enough to fit 3 skills into it or am I wrong about that?
  2. Yep, and since they moved some important talent to get the passive focus regeneration up "Jedi Promulgator" down to Heroic I am totally ****ed if I even try to dotspread in PvP, let alone getting five people in the Range of Force Sweep Next community stream please show us what 100% of the Sent/Mara Community are doing wrong, as you Devs certainly will outperform people from hardcore progression guilds and are far more knowledgeable.....nope. Srry, our 14 year old guild chick, the Son of a member, would do a better job at developping the Class
  3. If these were our only proplems I would be a happy fat and satisfied customer
  4. Well only if you take the utility;-) One could talk about moving the ICD up to 30s, but then again its only 50% aka the next two GCDs 1 attack will miss. The probability of hitting more then one target, is quite low in PvP. Somebody said something about an evasive playstyle for some Sents who like it, my two suggestet replacements cater to that. I will participate in that thread also, but I would also like my concept to be discussed seperatly, so I can update it accordingly to the development of the discussion. In the linke thread it sometimes get meddled up a bit. Concerning the Masterstrike on the move for all Sents I must disagree, I feel it only caters to the playstyle of a Combat Sent who already gets movementspeed and alacrity increases through his Spec Talents in the proposed build and before the ridiculous junk that 3.2.1. is. Defensive Forms 3.3. (simply Defensive Forms (3.2.) and Defensive Roll (3.2.) merged) is a new baseline. Stattistics should show that any performing Sent took those two talents until 3.2.1. hit.
  5. Well it would be a sign of goodwill to do one about Sents/Maras instead of the already most favoured classes in terms of balance;-)
  6. Server is going down again, just restart the whole servercluster that is the EU Servers.
  7. Oh I don´t have to stir, people themselves tell the Devs they ****ed up badly^^
  8. Oh they don´t care about their german customers, bringing eggs and tomatos to cologne communtiy cantina^^
  9. As I stated before I don´t care what people think. And if people nowadays still right "You are a hacker tickets" because they don´t know what for ex. Pacify does, srry, I will exagerate to a point were I call them incompetent;-) I have not interest to conribute anything positive as the Devs cleary don´t care a piece of brown soft mass what their customers think. So I will enjoy letting of some steam for the most part. If I feel really really motivated I might as well try to be more reasonable like back in December. At the moment I hope you understand their is no reason for anyone to be reasonable while they are burning our hard earned money on stupid devlopments;-)
  10. JKS is working correctly, no need to bring it down :-(
  11. You are the only one posting positive comments here, logging onto a "customer" account won´t help you to stir the direction of the discussion in the direction you want. It won´t work Sent/Mara Main Players are not as stupid as the other 7 AC communities.
  12. It is only the Sent/Mara as it stands now, Sorcs/Sages are totally viable for all content. I have one and I am forced to activly play him until my Guardian is HC ready. So stop spitting nonsense, they only hate Sent/Maras.
  13. Joa nur das rein statistisch T3M4 höufiger mal ne Woche hat wo auf Swtor mehr Rated aufgeht xD
  14. 1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when? I mean I Watchman Sent, with 204 Days of playtime and played the game since some time in Beta in the Launch year. I also am quite knowledgable on the other two Specs but for 90% of the time a run a Watchman Sent. Looking at these facts I am more capable of making design suggestions then anyone in the Bioware Crew. I might add through all nerfs I tried to get to know all other ACs abilities and possible counter I could have. 2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why? Pre 1.5. I think aka before the nerf to the Selfheal and some other rather harsh nerfs like the removal of the Free Force Sweep for Watchman. At this point the Spec was hard to master but you could practicly hand the asses to less competent players of all AC/Spec combinations. Still only a handful of Sents per Server were part of this crew, maybe two dozen over all Servers. At this point it was just a game of "Who knows his counters to this or that skill" I was quite good at that game. After that the Deck of Countercards or ControlltheMatchcards got reduced to a pile of dust as of 3.0. and the consequent patches. The demanded nerf was a community demanded nerf with no reasoning behind it as at that point despell/purge or even the dreaded kiting were viable ways to counter any watchman Sent. The problem still arises nowadays as the average Sent/Mara player is allways more creative and knowledgable about combat mechanics then the average player of other ACs. The ground lying problem with all nerfs to the Class as of 1.5. was that they were community demanded as incompetent players of other ACs instead of taking some time to l2play demanded nerfs. Nebolous Reasons and faked stattistics are no good basis for balancing, or an incompetent CM loosing to a Marauder in a PvP Match on a live stream commenting they will be nerfed. 3) Favourite Ability. Pacify. Its funny that 95% of the Guardian Population can´t counter it same goes for all ACs:-P 4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.? Not in any way. 5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.? They were all dreaded and nerfing the last barely viable Spec into the grave. Concentration, Combat already are no option for endgame pve and for pvp also in the most part. 6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm? No, it will be the coffin nail on the AC. 7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity? Lets play the counter counter counter game. In the beginning of the game it was possible for any Class to outplay another Class through the Paper, Scissor, Stone system. Yes some classes lacked counters against certain other classes and it was not perfect, but basicly the system worked. Watchman Sents were in a position were they had a lot of cards to play, but would really have to think hard which to use. The favored Smashmonkey Sents until the community demanded nerfing into the grave at no point had that flexibility and were always easy prey for me regardless which of my alts (Sage, Vanguard, Juggernaut, Gunslinger) I took into PvP. Problem was and is outside the Sent/Mara Community many players do not look at other classes skills and what they themselves can do to counter them. That was the real strength of a good Sentinel player and is still nowadays even if most of us have switched class due to our Deck beeing reduced to a pile of ashes while other ACs got lots and lots of Cards but no one really knows how to use them because they are incompetent. 194 : 13 Guardians I encountered in PvP over the last 3 Months don´t know how to counter a "Pacify" Debuff. Yes I made a list after someone called me cheater, hacker after his Masterstrike didn´t hit me and he didn´t understand I had a skill for reducing White DMG Precision. So what can be done is simply. listen to what Adrell, Norton, Tyler, Xeoh, myself and other players wth 200+ Days of gametime on their Sents ask you to put on the PTS for testing. Suck up your pride and talk to us. Different Specs of an AC should have their own identity. The identity of a Sentinel should be: - Hard to play and master,l but very rewarding if you achieve it Aka, give them a lot of tools to control combat that cater to different playstyles, not the messed up stuff you have thrown around in the utilites but more something like this: Taken from KnightTylers post as I really feel his suggestion is balanced and acceptable for EVERYONE! 8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvent of the spec with your feedback? No, at the moment I am hardly motivated to write anything constructive. 9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!) One thing will not be enough srry, to make Sents viable and enjoyable to play again there are moar then two dozen changes required over all Specs and utilities. Overall Sent Utilities are a lot weaker then all other ACs utilities in their respective Tier. Secondly three Passive Abilities that should be baseline were not put their. Dual Wield Mastery, Defensive Forms, Defensive Roll. Well but to stick to the one change, to make the Sent barely viable but still no fun to play but at least to be able to run Hardmode. - Searing Saber had its effect increased to 50% You asked for one point only, if I am cornered like that I will answer like this. For more elaborate reasoning and more then one Point: 10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni? Doing what the dozen most competent and engagend Sents tell you to.
  15. I agree this everything in the utility compartment, implent it EXACTLY like he postet it for PTS and let us test it. Don´t forget to change Watchman exactly like the dozen most engaged and longtime Watchman Sent players demand for the next PTS. Your ideas are not worth of programming and putting them on the PTS John, they suck, everybody agrees on that!
  16. Bring some Fruit and Eggs to a Cantina to share with the board
  17. Oh then they should shove down those healing changes and remove the mess we have, it is not like the healers would be unplayable through those changes.
  18. Patch 3.3. Sent Patchnotes Sentinel - Dual Wield Mastery has been moved into a Baseline Passive for all Sentinels. Combat will acquire a new passive for it. - The 3.2.1. changes that followed the removal of Defensive Forms have been reverted. Instead Defensive Roll has been merged into Defensive Forms and the new Defensive Forms has become a baseline passive Ability for all Sents. The reasoning for this one can be read up in multiple threads comparing Sents and other melees in terms of utility or general sentinel feedback posts following certain bad PR Posts from certain CMs. - Battle Meditation is a new Masterful Utility. Activating a Centering consuming ability grants you 6s immunity against any movementinhebetting effects. This effect may not occure more then once every 30s. - Saber Web has been added as a new Skillful Utility. Force Sweep now blinds all effected targets for 3s reducing their overall Precision by 50%. This effect may not occure more then once every 15s. Hard to use even harder to master, but rewarding if used rightly.....may as well put random other Utilities in the free Spots Watchman - Merciless Zeal has been reverted to its 3.2. state and its heal increased to 2% of your max HP - Force Melt has been reverted to its pre 3.2.1. state. 18s Duration the non nerfed Damage. - Plasma Blades had its effect increased to 50% - Searing Saber had its effect increased to 30% - Burning Focus had its ICD removed. Reasoning? Moving Dual Wield Mastery to baseline isn´t enough. To combat Focus starvation and lack of DPS well lets get that passive Focus generation up and since Sents should be hard hard to master move the DPS buff into something that requires luck and skill and RNG. Combat - Precision had its duration increased to 4s - Determination has been added as a new passive Talent replacing Dual Wield Mastery. It increases the DMG dealt by Masterstrike by 10% and allows it to be used while moving. Concentration - Slight DPS Buff through Dual Wield Mastery will be enough I suppose This should move the Sent back into the game on a viable level. You fell it is overpowered? Prove it to me by putting it on the PTS and showing me how OP it is. Nicetalking won´t help.
  19. Here is a suggestion for you John, ask the 12 most engaged Sentinels in these forums to contribute 12 items they feel required to make the AC viable again for the next PTS Patch and implement them with no tweaks. If they are proven to strong then remove them.
  20. Get lost. Nobody likes Bioware fanboys in these lands. They messed up and everybody knows it, I think players with more playtime on a Sentinel then all of Bioware together are more then qualified to suggest changes. So get lost our contribute in a way that helps the class.
  21. P.S.: We can talk about constructive feedback when you invite the major contributers of the Class into an open unfiltered Conference that can be viewed by everyone, I personally am fed up this you telling us we are wrong at not having the balls to talk to us directly. I for one have interest in improving the class, but I have not interest at posting feedback that can be ignored.
  22. Basicly you are telling me to l2play..............I will need lots of really ripe and nice smelling fruit. Well John the following: Oofalong, Norton, Adrell, myself and many many many other Sents have tested the "piece of modern art" you threw at us again as of 3.2.1. Conclusion was and is: No matter what you do you can´t reach the DPS you perform on live as of 3.2.. I even ran a "NO AP" Statbuild at one point so devastated I was at what you had done. There is no freaking way to stay in endgame as a Sentinel anymore after 3.2.1. changes. The DPS is far to low to even think about running hardmode operations. I tried different Rotation Setups the DPS loss ranged from 300 (min) to 1k (max) on the Training Dummy. Could you suck up you Developper pride and do what people more experienced with the actual class gameplay tell you? We ar right and you and your combat team have messed up and are wrong. Seriously apologize to us and get us and implement what Adrell, Norton, Oofalong, Xeoh, myself and the other half a dozen major contributers agree on into a PTS. It is not that hard to say know if we find out we totally nuke everyone in two GCDs, but it would build a lot of trust you have lost. I have personally many ten thousands of hours of playtime on a Watchman Sentinel I believe thats more then all Bioware employes have together. Same goes for all those other major contributors. I don´t think you have any right to tell us l2play, we tested every thinkable method to make this piece of brown stuff work, but it doesn´t. Just suck up your pride and listen to us. Jesus I would have fired the people responsible for such a PR missmanagement already. I did by the way at some point remove someone from office for an equally mad PR missmanagement. P.S.: I might remind the same thing that is 3.2.1. had been on 3.0. PTS and the minor tweaks don´t qualify for being 3.2.1. beeing any less useless then the 3.0. stuff.
  23. Crazy Patchnotes: Sentinel: - Defensive Forms in its old iteration has become a baseline Passive - Dual Wield Mastery has been reworked as a baseline Passive for all Sents - Stoic has been changed. It now grants a increase of your movementspeed by 15% - Defensive Roll no longer decreases the elemental/internal DMG taken. Instead the AoE DMG Reduction has been increased to 35%. - Force fade no longer increases your Movement speed by 15%. Instead the Movemtimproving effect while Force Camo is active has been improved to 30%. - Ardor has been merged into Fleetfooted - Jedi Promulgator now additionally increases the DMG Reduction from Rebuke by 5% - Just Pursuit had its effect merged into Reigning Reach and Reigning Reach has been moved to the HeroicTier - New Skillful Utility: Watchful Mind. The stealth detection of the Sentinel has been greatly improved. He can now detect stealthe enemies of a medium Stealthlevel in a 15m Range. - New Masterful Utility: Battle Meditation. Concentrating on the force the Sentinel can greatly improve the coordination of nearby allies improving their combat speed. Activating Valorous call increases the Alacrity of all nearby allies for 5% over 10s. Watchman: - Force Melts has been reverted to its 3.2. status - Searing Saber hads its effect increased to 30% - Burning Sweep now also removes the Focus Cost for Force Sweep - Merciless Zeal has been changed Critical Hits from your burn effects heal you for 2% of your max HP Combat: - "Determination" has been added as a level 16 Passive Talent to replace Dual Wield Mastery. It increases the DMG dealt by Masterstrike by 10% and allows the skill to be channeled while moving. - Precision had its duration increased to 4.5s Concentration: - Had its DMG slightly increased over all abilities to increase sustained DPS Yeah I just told you everything you tried doesn´t work. I could post another dozen patchnotes just concerning fixing utilites to bring them in line with the other 7 ACs Utilities in terms of strength.
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