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Posts posted by tehmoose

  1. I have had as many issues with TOR's combat as I've had with WoW's. Only I'd rather use more than just a 3 button rotation laden with macros that do all the work for me so I can browse reddit while I farm raids the day they go live. Grass is always greener. :rolleyes:


    uh huh. Cause it was like that.


    I'm not defending WoW in any way really... but that's not really even close to the truth.

  2. BRING BACK THE CHEST MATACH!!!! I am so tired of trying to match crap


    Not gonna happen. They're working on something else, but in the meantime they disabled it. There was a dev blog post or something on this issue, and it basically said its not coming back, and they're working on something better.

  3. You contradict yourself.


    You by no means have the motives of someone who claims to be apathetic. If you were, you wouldn't be here on the forums posting about your gripes. You talk about how you're going to leave when your 30 days are up, and that's fine, no one will miss you when you're gone, but don't claim you're 'apathetic' when you're still here.


    You're not the biggest portion of Biowares subscriber base anyway.


    Yeah, I am actually pretty apathetic about the game itself. I could take it or leave it really. Its no skin off my nose if it succeeds or fails. I'm on the forums at the moment because its actually more entertaining than the game is for me. I could be playing, but meh, not really in the mood. I don't have that urge to log in and see what's next.


    You're also right, I'm not the biggest portion of BW's consumer base. I'm just one guy that isn't impressed enough by the game to continue paying for it.


    I was on the fence in Beta, got the game anyway, and won't be renewing my sub. I'm just not that into it really. I got my 60 bucks worth out of it, I'll probably play with my friends a bit more, but overall I wasn't impressed with it.

  4. unless, of course, you want to save your existing modification and put it in something else...which I always seem to do.


    Seriously, no mod station on the Fleet? Gets real tiring zoning back and fourth to buy and equip mods.


    ctrl right click, then click and drag out the mod you want to save.


    The mod station requirement was removed a while ago.

  5. I am no developer for thats for sure, but could this not be done by changing the timers on the animation? The GCD? Setting it back behind the cast timer somehow, so that a 1.5s cast is a 1.5s? Then off GCD abilities would work to....I think.


    That speaks to a rather intensive overhaul of the combat system. I doubt they can just twiddle a few numbers and make it work...


    Or they'd have done that by now.


    I don't for a moment doubt that there's serious engine constraints and considerations that they have to make before they can think about addressing this problem. I believe that its pretty systemic to the entire game and isn't easily rooted out.

  6. Rightnow if you follow the republic story line and do all quest you end Taris with level 26...


    Yup. I think I left Taris at 28 or so. Nar took me to deep 29ish, and I'm at Tattooine now fighting mobs 3-4 levels lower than me and getting my *** kicked by some. Its started to get tedious.


    Not hard... just tedious.

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