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Posts posted by tehmoose

  1. I'm a healing Commando. I'll heal for my guildies and I won't Pug.


    I hate the UI.


    I hate not having a dual-spec option.


    However, having a companion mitigates the latter a bit.


    But I would wager that people are not leveling as heals cause its slower. Story is all well and good... but you gotta make mobs dead to get to the next cutscene.

  2. I can be patient but I don't know *** they were thinking not allowing out right searches.

    The need to keep changing categories to search is so arse backward


    And should I be searching under investigations or scavenging for certain materials? Well, I know what its called, so I could just... oh. No, those fields are REQUIRED... :(


    Its not an EPIC fail, but its one of those little fails that adds up with the other little fails that add to player frustration.

  3. perhaps this game isn't suited for you the whole Massive multiplayer part really puts a dampener on the whole single player experience. :rolleyes:


    Sometimes you want to log in and not have to deal with guild drama or whatever.


    I can't believe there's no /anon feature.


    Its odd, little things that you don't think about that you just assume would be in... aren't.

  4. No Macros & Addons please...


    You can see what happens in wow. Everyone is forced to use them, cause they give you a hughe advantage.


    And because its third party software nobody should be forced to use it!


    You have a strange idea of what a macro actually is. Hint: They didn't start in WoW.


    And noone will be forcing you to use anything you don't want to use.

  5. With Win 7, open you sound control and look for the volume mixer. This allows you to set volume settings for each individual running program.


    The game stops sending audio to the speakers when its not focused. Most games have a setting for "Audio in Background"


    I can't for the life of me find it here.

  6. Blatant lie.


    How so?


    We're all waiting in line, patiently (or not in some cases) for BW to invite us into the party. We have no idea when, or how many will be let in with us.


    At least with queues, you can see how long it'll take till you're in. Not knowing is far worse than sitting in queue.

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