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Posts posted by tehmoose

  1. Sorry seems it´s a lag issue for you as it works fine for me and actually I´m going to say it´s OP but that´s nothing new, is it?


    So , don´t ask to fix if it´s cpu related. You´re having lag that´s it.


    If you really think you should complain, try an agent Orbital strike and then come back to me, k?


    It ain't lag. Its been confirmed by BW that there is an ability delay/responsiveness problem.

  2. Nope....but 400 000 likes in like a month is a good indicator of how this game is on the rise. Fact.


    And as I said, this post is inaccuarate. The subs arent dropping, only played time. Maybe the people that rushed to 50 the first weeks by playing the game 24/7 left...? Id say thats a good thing.


    So people leaving the game at 50 is a good thing? Help me try to understand that logic.

  3. Sorry but this is inaccurate...

    Subs are acctually on the RISE... PLAYED TIME went down, yes, thats normal (normal people dont spend entire days playing the game as they might have done the first week, when it also were holidays).


    Btw, look at likes on facebook, 940 000+ as we speak, closing in on WoWs 1 040 000. its formally exploded since release. New players are flowing into the game...fact!


    Cause everyone that clicks "like" on FB has bought and subbed to the game.

  4. Did I mention what my rotation is?


    Rail Shot


    Explosive Dart

    Sonic Missile


    Rocket Punch

    Flame Burst

    Missile Blast

    Rapid Shots x 3


    15 seconds later I repeat and the "strong" mob is dead after Missile Blast. ***!!! You have to be kidding me that it takes all those abilities and time to kill one guy and you have to face them all the time. I'm not a fan of downtime and that literally annoys me from leveling up.


    I *hate* strongs. I'll go out of my way to avoid them as best as I can, not because they'll kill me, but because they'll take a disproportionately long time to kill. I'll fight an elite before I'll want to fight a strong. At least elites have better candy.

  5. In which case WoW was just Everquest with a Warcraft skin on and a dungeon finder. I love how Wowtards have decided that all basic MMO mechanics are somehow WoW mechanics, and any game that isn't an MMOFPS is now a WoW clone on those grounds alone.


    Get a grip.


    Except WoW wasn't an EQ clone. The two games play nothing alike.


    WoW took an evolutionary step forward from EQ. I still have my rose colored nostalgia glasses on for EQ as I have some of the best community memories from that game, but I digress.


    ToR copied what WoW did, put a SW skin on it, added come cutscenes, and Bob's your uncle.

  6. Clearly you had no idea what he was referring to then spouted off. If you aren't sure, don't say anything.


    No where in his post was it even inferred that people who post with actual beef about the game are trolls. So I am not really certain that a quote to the post he was responding too would have helped your reading comprehension.


    I see a lot of complaining, some of it valid, some of it not, but 99% is ridiculous over reaction, and debate on subjective opinions being passed off as fact, rendering the whole argument moot.


    If he was responding to something, then most definitely a quote would have helped.


    However, one could take the comment as written and reply to it. Which is what I did.

  7. Well youre one of the people that said "TOR will have about 500k subs at launch and drop after that" a year back... Even now that the game is a huge sucess and getting more and more subs every day you cant admitt that you were DEAD WRONG. Noone would have even dreamed of 2million sold games at this point.


    Sure time will tell us more...but atleast admitt you were all wrong about how popular this game would be at this point.


    I don't believe I was actually here a year ago. So, no. I'm not one of "those people".


    2 million box copies is a bunch, sure. But how many of those will turn into customers that will stay for the long haul?


    I have no real emotional investment in the game one way or another. I'm not a huge SW fan, personally, I think the IP is a little silly and self contradicting at times, but that's neither here nor there. It *is* the only Science Fantasyish sort of game on the market though. So that's a point in favor. I'm tired of swords and sorcery (which is why Jedi bore me to tears).


    If you divorce the IP from the game and look at it objectively, its an awful game. The IP makes it tolerable, even kinda fun at times. For me, its not worth 15 bucks a month kinda fun though.

  8. I have to say that I am starting to get a conspiracy feeling, in as much as I feel that at least some (by some I mean a large majority) are posts made my complainers who either:


    • Feel that another game may be threatened and have come here to try and discredit SWTOR
    • Are professional, paid discreditors


    Before anyone goes off on me about tin hats, hear me out.


    Take yesterday for example. For about an hour yesterday around 6pm UK, there were a huge number of new topics raised on an issue that had never been raised before. These posters all basically wrote the same thing, but in slightly different terms.


    This action, to a new reader, could make them think that the game had a major issue, when in fact the issue raised was a complete non-issue, non gamebreaking and is already listed as something they want to correct in the future.


    This sort of "coordinated" posting makes me suspicious, but anyhoo, I tend to ignore it now, because it is clearly failing.


    SWTOR is a runaway success and is clearly growing in numbers at a healthy rate. 2 million units shifted in under a month; not too shabby.


    Your tinfoil's not on tight enough.


    Besides, the real indicator with an MMO is subscription retention and churn. Box sales aren't the thing. How many of those "2 million" sales are going to stay after their 30 days are up? How many stay after 60, 90, etc.


    Personally, I think the churn on this game is going to be quite bad. They're going to have to work to keep 25% of those 2M subbed. I recall someone threw out a number of "We need 500k subs to remain financially viable" or something to that effect. So, over the long haul, they need to retain 1 in four people that purchase the box(at the moment)... for the forseeable future.


    I would think that a lot of people that were going to purchase the game, already have. The MMO market is not what it was in 2008, its a lot more competitive now and you really have to have a superior product with something that's going to make people want to stay subbed for a good long time.


    For me, TOR does not have that. Its alright, but there's no meat to it. Its a big bowl of vanilla ice cream, with maybe some chocolate syrup, and perhaps a brownie at the bottom. Tasty for now, but not something you can sink your teeth into.


    Perhaps I'm jaded from years of MMO playing. Perhaps I'm being overly cynical. Only time will really tell. IMO, TOR is probably going to be abother niche game with somewhere between 500k and 750k subs after 6 months or so. And that depends on if BW can release compelling end game content on a regular basis AND fix their glaring flaws.


    Only time will tell though. I personally have another month or so of game time, and if the game remains as it is... I probably won't see the need to renew that.

  9. Its like this with all MMO's, People have different opinions.

    I do find it sad that people who dont like the game have nothing better to do then troll the forums.


    At the ens of the day, these nubs will be gone soon and the community will only get better.


    You're fooling yourself if you think that's the case. Not everyone with a legit beef is automatically a troll.

  10. Another thing I have noticed which I find incredible is people constantly comparing this game to wow. It is a completely different game with different mechanics.


    You're blind if you can't see the resemblance. If I was describing this game to a friend, I'd say: "Its WoW with a SW skin on and cutscenes." If you like SW, and WoW, you'll probably like this.


    The combat mechanics are similar, hell even some of the abilities are named similarly.

  11. Probably. I'd hate to see player housing turn out to be, buy a house, pay a sub and nothing more. And the fact that you know every player has the same ship as you just kinda takes the shine off having your own ship...


    Nah, its *your* ship. ;)


    If you went and bought a black corvette, would it be a big deal if there were a bunch of other black corvettes? For me, no. This one's special because its mine. ;)

  12. I played LoTRO several years ago, when they introduced the Warden and Rune-keeper classes. Now, I'm not saying that LoTRO does everything right (though I think they do a lot of things spot-on) but I want to mention that the Rune-keeper class utilizes a type of "new thing" in combat that I was speaking about. You slowly attune yourself through spells to either heal or DPS--you do this in combat, and you suffer penalties for switching attunement mid-stream. I actually thought it was quite innovative and a fun mechanic--no dual specs, no spamming LFG for DPS or heals, and no keeping 3 sets of gear in the bank.


    With enough innovation, and player feedback, you could really spice up combat and even allow each class to take on multiple roles through attunement, stances, etc. I don't believe we can throw out the trinity just yet, but one could certainly come up with better ways to satisfy the various needs of a group. In fact, one of the most widely loved flashpoints in the game requires no dedicated healer or tank.


    That actually sounds pretty darn cool.


    And you're talking about Essellesselsellesesles yes?

  13. Running? What do you know about running? When I was younger, we didn't get vehicles at 25 - we got mounts at 40, and we liked it! "Better run down to Gadgetzan" we might say, and damn if we ran for 20 minutes.


    Running... pfaugh. There's almost no running at ALL in this game. Part of why it takes so little time to level.


    Running? Pfeh! What do you know about running?


    When I was younger, we had to run across 12 huge zones being chased by hungry lions that NEVER gave up until you crossed a zoneline or they ate you. If you died, you would respawn where your bind point was, naked and buffless. In our day we had SoW and we LIKED it! Oh I could only DREAM about having a mount in those days.

  14. sorry for my rant


    i was referring to groups, when a member dies in the group it makes the instance slow as we have to wait for those killed re spawn again. For a single player the spawn clock is fine but when in a group it can be a little time wasting for those that are still wanting the group to progress, Many players makes the group fight easier all round especially when up against large bosses, delays have caused some groups to break up especially when someone is waiting the fall 9min before the medical droid appears.


    Rant over


    My commando has an ability that reduces the C/D on revive by 100%.


    I wouldn't doubt that other healy classes have the same thing.

  15. I was there from vanilla...from the day it launched in fact. And yes these features ruined the community...not only gameplay wise...but the feeling of community itself. Before dungeon finder you had to talk to people...find out if they are ready and/or attuned for a certain objective and such...then talk gear (and then came gearscore *gasp*) etc etc.


    I came in round about BC or thereabouts. No LFG, no Dual Spec. I never much used LFG cause I had friends in my guild. Used the heck out of Dual Spec though... cause I had friends in my guild. Some people can be kinda insular and only really want to play with people they know, and trust. Personally, I *hate* pugs with a passion. I'm much rather do things with friends than not do them at all. In fact, if I wasn't with a good group of people now, I doubt I'd be playing this game.


    Same with dual spec...the fact that you gave that to people made them less interested to go outside their own little circle and look for someone to fill another role...yeah they could switch before but since it came at a cost at least it encouraged you to try something else.

    People like to disguise laziness as convenience but it is what it is... The fact that they are not challenging enough is the devs own fault since they listen to what the whiny "i cant beat this encounter so nerf it" crowd says.


    Challenging content is one thing. Allowing flexibility for a player is completely another. Say I want to run a FP with my friends. However, my friends are a tank, another healer, and another tank. If we had DS, I could swap to DPS, and one of the tanks could as well. There, we have a 4 person group that can take on all comers.


    Without it... things take forever to die as we throw 2 tanks and 2 healers at content balanced for T/H/DPS/DPS.

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