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Posts posted by tehmoose

  1. so if i can repeat that and upload to the nature that WOW also has that problem. do i get a cookie? because i'll do it. FRAPS and all. this is a common problem with MMO's


    its not twitch based game playing skills. you want a FPS style responsiveness you're in the wrong game type my friend.


    You can't prove that WoW has the same problem... because it doesn't.


    Once your cast bar is full, the spell is complete and the action happens.


    Rift works the same way.


    Cast --- Cast bar full --> Ability executes



    Here its:

    Cast --> Cast Bar full -> Animation begins --> then ability may or may not execute depending on if you've moved or not.

  2. This UI is simple, uncluttered, and elequontly (- sp) designed. I play a healer on one toon and a warrior on another. The UI has been great in both instances.


    You do know you can configure your party (raid) frames and move them anywhere...right?


    An elegant UI wouldn't overlap the minimap with the bottom right hotbar button.


    An elegant UI wouldn't force close an inventory or other interface window when a companion comes back with stuff.


    An elegant UI would allow me to place the elements where they make the most ergonomic sense for me.


    And so on.

  3. This is the ability queuing system you are describing, its not a bug, its working as intended.


    This is designed so you don't have to spam your keyboard every millisecond so you hit your ability the second it goes off gcd. You hit your ability within the threshold that you can set up in your settings and the ability is used the next time your off GCD.


    Understand that SWTOR isn't an exact copy of WoW, its its own thing, and maybe there won't be a need for these pointless threads.


    Except its not that.


    The queue does not work properly in any event. The issue here is with the client saying that an ability has finished, and an ability being cancelled or not firing off because of movement, or hitting another button.

  4. I just dont see it that way. The simplicity of the UI is its greatest asset. Trust me, you dont need all those addons that WoW has you hooked on. This UI is clean and very functional.


    Note: To the one that mentioned the chat box. The chat box can be moved.


    Its so clean! Well, its certainly uncontaminated with cheese!


    No scaling and no mobility of any of the elements (Besides the chat box that doesn't really *go* anywhere else) is so 2004.


    Heck, I think even Vanilla WoW let you scale the UI to fit.


    Simple /= Good.


    Simple *can* be good, but this is simple and bad.

  5. Personally, I think it's the best UI I've ever seen in any game, especially as a PvP healer. Other UIs just take all the challenge out of the game with ez-mode mouse-over healing and raid frames that tell you what everyone's health bars are doing.


    People need to stop demanding that the UI be easy to use or functional like other games and enjoy the more challenging play style that this UI promotes.


    This made me LoL.


    Well played sir. Well played.

  6. I know all the mods are coming. Sad day it will be. But some people just cant play a game without all the "wow-mods" telling them every little thing they must do and when they must do it.


    Im enjoying the uncluttered UI. It's fantastic and very refreshing.


    I wish it would stay like this.


    Wait... what?


    Easily the worst out of the box UI in any MMO I've ever played. Its lack of mobility and resizing, in addition to its unresponsiveness should have BW on trial in the Hague for crimes of this magnitude.

  7. Except it does make sense. It just doesn't make sense to you. It's not that the GCD is only applited to instant-cast abilities, it's applied to every action you make. However, most animations are longer than 1.5 seconds so it only seems that way. It's really that simple. The GCD exists as a governor to control the flow of combat.


    Which is absolutely fine. I don't have a problem with there being a GCD. I tend to feel that this one's about a half a second too long, but eh.


    What I *do* have a problem with is "instant" skills and skills with a cast time longer than the GCD either get interrupted or clipped because the interface tells me they're done when they're really not.

  8. The button press feels disconnected from when my character actually does something.


    There's really no better explanation for it than the speeder mounting thing.


    Press mount, cast finishes, and if you move before the *animation* finishes, the cast is cancelled.


    So: press button --> half second cast --> animation starts --> half a second later, mount is summoned.


    Most, if not all abilities do this. Look at trooper's Mortar Blast. 3 second channel, half of which is standing there doing nothing. The ani for the ability is about a second and a half long. It feels like I'm standing around idling a lot of the time.

  9. Was having very little problems with the game until today, but now loads and ones that literally stop me from playing the game.


    And just thought, no longer can you say, well it is beta-_-


    Well, no, now the excuse has shifted to "Its only been out 6 days! What do you expect!"

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