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Everything posted by Daikeru

  1. So ... somehow the ability imbalance and gear imbalances in pre 50 PvP made the game fun? Enter 50 and now that the ability imbalance has been removed but the gear imbalance is still there the game is not fun anymore? Not to mention that most people begin to attain some sense of objective play in 50 PvP and competence with their class, as opposed to them still learning their class and trying out WZs for the first time. I'm not supporting the idea of a gear grind, however stating that Pre 50 PvP is fun ... It could be ... If you like rolfstomping complete newbies. Then again, hows that not all that different from roflstomping recruit gear players when you're in full WH. If you're going to argue that sometimes you go against people with your level of skill/experience, well then hey that can happen in 50 PvP too. You're not always against that fully Augmented WH PT, now are you?
  2. From what I can tell Defense Rating increases your chance to Dodge ranged attacks and I believe melee as well. However, when I hover over the stats I don't see any increase to my chance to resist. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but I'll have to look again to be 100% sure. Secondly, while facing mobs that are lower level than you, you do have an increased chance to resist/dodge attacks. This is in place to help make it easier to clear content you're overleveled for, and reversely make it harder to clear content you're underleveled for. It's in place because the actually differences from one level to another is very minor and you could potentially clear content far above your actual level. If you don't believe me try hitting something that's 4+ levels above you, it'll dodge/resist some of your attacks. If you gain 2+ levels it'll stop dodging/resisting most of your moves if any. The no increase to resist doesn't make Bladestorm OP however. It is a 9 or 12s CD (was the base 15? If so then 12s), deals kinetic damage, and is quite costly if you're not Combat. Yea, my chain is also broken by any knockbacks, as with any other Sentinel's chain, however it's much more detrimental to me because masterstrike can do about 8k+ damage; the final strike hitting for about 5k as well in tandem with Precision Slash. So essentially I can burst for 13k+, 10k of which is within a 0.5s window since Masterstrike keeps them in 4m range Bladestorm hits them also instantly when I cast it. Also, I don't like using Bladestorm w/o knowing there'd be an auto crit, however with Force Leap, Precision Slash, and Masterstrike that's about 5+ hits. There's a really good chance for an Ataru to proc anywhere within that, and the timer is long enough to be used even if you get the proc off Force Leap.
  3. They can resist it because it's a Force ability. And in WH you do do 5k+ most of the time, if not then high 4k. I usually Force Leap > Precision Slash > Masterstrike > Bladestorm. I usually get a Ataru Proc from Masterstrike hitting 3-4 times.
  4. Are you talking about every hit? If not then ... Depending on the person I can pretty much do 5k consistently with Bladestorm every 9 or 12 seconds. Against tanks I'm not so sure.
  5. So true, luckily for me I'm a Combat Sentinel (^_^) He'll have a hard time either way <3
  6. That would actually be cool to see how it changing gameplay xD Would suck for when I use Awe though xD
  7. Stuns are 200 Resolve for each second of its duration. Mezzes are 100 Resolve for each second of its duration. So the amount of Resolve a CC produces is dependent on the strength of the CC and of its duration. If you don't believe me just cast your whirlwind and slap your target, at that moment they should be 1200 Resolve which you'll see start ticking down in about 2 seconds. Also, you don't need to use your whirlwind, you can just spike your target and get the same effect w/o making them have 2000 Resolve. That is if the stun effect still occurs .... I don't really trust that it does, but I haven't tried it myself so I can't say otherwise.
  8. Shouldn't it be "Errbody in da club need nerfin'"? Maybe I'm not saying it right in my head, but that seems to flow better.
  9. 8 seconds? .... Shadow's or Scoundrels' spammable 8s mez? Consular's Lift or Smuggler's Flashbang? Sure we can do it when they have full resolve, but don't act like we're the only class that can keep someone still for 8s at a time. Better yet, in a mez they don't/can't fight back, but what about when we're rooting you?
  10. All roots are off the resolve bar ... And I agree, I wouldn't want to knock people back when I need them in melee range. The "God" Defensive CD is really predictable, and I'd trade it for an offensive CD that can change our damage type Like for the next while 33% of the damage we deal is dealt as Internal/Elemental Damage! Most if not all is either Kinetic or Energy (T_T) Not likely to happen though
  11. 80% is only if they spec into it. 15% damage increase is on a 2.5m CD. Force Camo isn't normally found in the Warrior Archetype but it fits into the lore/previous implementations of Jedi Sentinels (besides I thought people liked things when they're different from the norm). They're actually supposed to be the saber staff class according to the original KotOR series. If we lose the 2 CDs can we have a stun that doesn't stun us in the process? Off CD move that makes your next melee attack stun the target for x seconds?
  12. You barely have points to spec into any tree. You barely have half of your class' abilities. You're playing against people who're also learning their classes or are entirely new to the game. You don't have the Defensive CDs that most of the people on the forums bring up for discussion. You've only played the advance class up to level 13 and think you have the insight needed to make a decision about the classes' balance? My, my have things have changed ...
  13. Who cares about MVP? As long as you win, no other feeling can compare!! ... Unless maybe getting those 7 votes > MWAHAHAHAAAA My friend got that once =P
  14. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of players don't visit the forums o.O
  15. Well the PvE Content is also limited since they can't do Operations.
  16. I came up with this a while back, it was pretty good. It was a while back so I can't really give you any tips of how it felt xD I've been playing Combat spec a lot
  17. JK and SW have an AoE Mez whose duration is 6 seconds. Also Sith Assassins and Jedi Shadows get a 4 second mez and they have a 2 second stun they can use in stealth or spec into to use it outside of stealth. Scoundrels and Operatives can spec one of their moves so it knocks their opponent on the floor for 1.5 seconds which is effectively a 1.5 second stun.
  18. I would like to know which game you're comparing this to. Mainly because in certain games burst is much more massive relative to SWTOR.
  19. Unless I'm mistaken the Resolve Bar doesn't actually have a cap. Not that it doesn't activate when it should, but that you can go over the 1000/1000. So if you are stunned when you're at 800/1000 for 4 seconds you'll get 1600/1000. So you get 16s of immunity since each 100 = 1s right? So when the stun wears off you still have 12s of immunity left to do stuff. Also, a user said that it was EA's fault that he didn't understand how the Resolve Bar works. What would help is if there was some sort of Tutorial on the Resolve System in game. I'm not sure if there is already on in game, but I haven't seen it myself.
  20. I wish I could make things so "squish" like that (T_T) *lustful thoughts*
  21. And if they're still alive? Bladestorm! Or the Marauder version anyway ... Hopefully an Ataru Form Strike proc'd and that crits too for 6800 =P I only ever reach 5.3k at the end though Also, how did you guys keep track of this? o.O WZ Training Dummy?
  22. The Bolster System doesn't actually do that ...
  23. I believe that they should buff the Republic, since they're the good guys, so we stop losing in WZs. I mean, they're the good guys, they always win. As it is now the Empire is OP and needs to be nerfed.
  24. I would suggest Heroes of Newerth or Defense of the Ancients 2.
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