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Everything posted by Diviciacus

  1. This. So much this. I've torn much better geared sages/sorcs apart simply because as soon as you don't go flying away, their battle plans go out the window.
  2. Probably, Also, quoting you instead of the quote you found for compression. I can appreciate them doing that. I liked how on my BH (he's only lvl 40) that as I went up the Arsenal tree I discovered more and more synergy between abilities; but at the same time, I didn't really like how most of it was symbiosis with Tracer missile. If they're switching things around to keep that feel where you're using each skill for a reason (beyond just the pure damage per time per heat/ammo), without the ridiculous reliance on Tracer missile/Grav round (which is completely untenable in pvp: either your target is dead or you are before you finish stacking buffs/debuffs), then I might finish off those last 10 levels on my BH. Wee! Changes without straight up nerfs!
  3. When I first read this, I laughed so hard I started crying. Wonderful writing!
  4. If not being able to kill the guy makes you want to not play your sith warrior... you are not sith warrior material. HARNESS YOUR ANGER! But seriously, as other people have posted, spent 20 minutes on the GTN and upgrade some gear. It'll do wonders, and cost very little (unless you go derpy and buy the lvl 50 crafted epics with an augment slot for 500k+)
  5. Drow have red irises Whoever told him Chiss worship a giant spider clearly made the connection, clearly banked on a SW fan not knowing much of the Drow, and clearly was trolling. But yea, the Chiss are as mysterious as they are creepy as **** with their pupilless monocolor eyes.
  6. Learn me your secrets! I just hit 50 last night on my Vengeance jugg (my first lvl 50...shh, I'm slow) and I think I have a rotation figured out, but I only use six abilities... Sundering Assault, Smash, Impale, Shatter, Force Scream, Ravage, and Vicious Throw when the target is in execute range. Things like force push and choke I use situationally (ie. to get a tough mob to stop hitting for a few seconds) rather than on CD.
  7. I will destroy it so hard your mind will explode. SAND EWOKS! SAND EWOKS EVERYWHERE!
  8. All four of my toons have 400 slicing. Considering I can do at least two missions at once (5 at once on two characters) that's a lot of opportunity for crits, which give crafting missions on top of creditboxes... if you can get the 340 epic missions (wealthy yield) they are pretty much guaranteed to crit hard and give epic mats (the credits per minute of the lockboxes is incredibly ******... something like 30/min for t6 missions). There's always demand for the crafting missions since once you use the item and then run it, you can use another item to grant the mission again. Underworld traders buy the 340 missions for stupendous amounts of money for the Mandalorian Iron crits (because the bars sell for ~8-10k/ea on my server) My lvl 17 Operative who just got her ship is sitting on a million and a half credits from selling crafting missions on the AH. I feel like I can't go to Nar Vegas or every thug and his mother will try to mug me >.>
  9. The problem with marking healers in this game is that the marks persist through death and that they are the same size on the screen regardless of position. Someone sticks a star on an enemy healer, and you can be standing in the landing bay of Voidstar and see that ****er in the computer core. The marks should be changed so that they don't persist through death, and changed so they scale smaller with distance. Or, we could just call it a L2P issue and remove marks altogether. If your team can't focusfire a healer without a GIANT FREAKING SYMBOL on their head, your team deserves to lose.
  10. In an Imperial sidequest on Quesh, you see them working as scientists.
  11. The problem I have with stealth is that as soon as you are in combat, you get pulled out of stealth. This means that if you tell your companion to attack something... BOOM pulled out of stealth. It makes stealthing in a pve situation completely pointless. If you open, all the mobs are on you and you die like a ***** because your companion can't possibly taunt five to six mobs with their taunt on a 6 second cd before your health hits 0. If, on the other hand, you let your companion open, good luck being able to get behind a mob (or even worse, losing the ability to use openers that require stealth). As soon as you damage something, everything your companion isn't actively shooting/stabbing will aggro onto you, especially at low levels when companions have little to no aoe. Stealth should be changed to function like stealth mechanics in every. other. RPG. ever: -stealth/unstealth at will outside of combat (also, herp derp the CD on stealth makes no sense because of the following point). -unable to restealth in combat without using (long?) cooldown abilities, or situationally (ie. being able to restealth if you are in combat with one mob and blind/stun/et cetera it). This would solve a lot of the problems with stealth being useless mostly, and also make the ability to find stealthed targets much more lucrative. Although I agree that the current implementation should be removed. Mashing an ability that costs next to nothing on a very short CD is mildly overpowered, since it's very obviously a hard counter to stealth classes, which no class should ever have. I should like to also point out something you glossed over - Shadows/Assassins also have skills that have positional requirements.
  12. She is romanceable, but ONLY if when you first see her in person, you choose the darkside option. If you chose the lightside option when she joins your crew, she is not. Considering the fact that you have flirt options and gaining rep for them... I'm going to assume you chose the darkside option. At that point, just play it out and keep getting rep. Some companions have triggers for the romance that must be first met (ie. male BH's can't romance their companion until they finish act I). I don't think there are any with Jaesa, though.
  13. I was just going to say this: that at lvl 10 along with the AC, force users should have the option to pick a saber style. Since I'm pretty sure the Jedi/Sith don't arbitrarily pick acolytes/padawans and go "ok, you are going to use a saberstaff, and you are going to use two sabers, and you over there in the corner eating paste... you will only use one saber." Illo dicto, BH's seriously can't use blaster rifles? Troopers can. Derp? There's even +aim rifles on Imperial commendation vendors! (My BH is a Merc healer so I just dual wield blaster pistols and didn't know this prior.)
  14. Bounty Hunter only. Female counterpart is Baroness, and if you do certain things (like kill everyone everwhere) you end up with the Homewrecker title instead. Or even no title, I think.
  15. So I'm not allowed suddenly to play with my friends because you're bad? How exactly is that fair to me? I started playing TOR specifically because my girlfriend and several other RL friends play. Preventing us from queueing as a group completely defeats the point of playing MMO's with friends.
  16. After Hoth, you have to go to Ilum to fight the 4-man boss (who is hard as nails dipped in carbonite, but not a raid boss) to actually get the crystal, I should point out. And the patterns drop from the Belsavis world boss (which annoys me, because it's lvl 50 on a lvl 41-44 world. derp?)
  17. I'm close to agreement on this. I saw the raid gear Inquisitor helm and was like "oh hey, it's Darth Baras with a witch hat!" And then I turned it sideways and noticed the helm's (would "hood" be a better noun for this? It's not armor in the traditional sense, after all) design was reminiscent of the double crown of unified Upper and Lower Egypt. Which makes sense... the Sith Inquisitor, from a lore perspective at least, is more or less a living god within the Sith Empire.
  18. ...I sense a supremely Star-Wars-esque moment of "The Senate will - " "The Emperor has dissolved the Senate" going on here. Except replace "senate" with "Bioware" >.>
  19. I don't want to know what kind of favors Khem Val gives out with all the teeth he has. ouch >< In any event, they said it was... soon. Which I believe Bioware is taking a page out of Blizzard's book, in that "soon" means "Sometime between now and the inevitable heat death of the universe." Romance options should have been considerably less limited, considering Bioware's previous releases, all the way back as far as one of the expansions for the original Neverwinter Nights had (at least superficially as your post points out) same-gender romance. As far as I can confirm from personal experience (Although I did not play ME1). And I've heard tell that it's possible to end up in a foursome in one of the Dragon Age games, so... it clearly was not Bioware deciding that such romance options were not going to be in TOR. And lastly, Khem Val romances you whether you want it or not.
  20. Boss loot tables are character class based ie. you can solo Black Talon/Esseles 500 times and if you're a warrior/knight you'll only ever see strength armor. Random mob drops (which sometimes are boe, sometimes bop), however, are not. And your chest from the screenie drops out of Athiss... I believe the Herald of... whatever his dead-Sith-Lord's name is drops it, but don't quote me.
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