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Everything posted by ConradLionhart

  1. Don't forget to fight for equal rights for your leg hairs too!
  2. Exactly. Maybe we should also include facial hair for women seeing as it is quite discriminatory for men to only have facial hair and women don't get that option. People have a very warped sense of equality, or that if they throw the word equality around enough times, that means everyone should do what they say.
  3. Now that you mention it, I don't really know why lol. In the past, I just wanted to support an alternative to WoW.
  4. Droidmaker summoner class has been suggested in the past.
  5. Typical feminist response. Nobody here said women should shut up, you're now trying to insinuate that people speaking out against this silliness means they are against women. You conveniently ignore the numerous threads where this kind of stuff has happened to men as well, but they don't start threads like this. We can just brush it aside. Imagine if a man encounters an attention-seeker and then starts a thread "The Female Gamer - Are they not over attention seeking yet?" I bet you're gonna blast him for being sexist and about how men can be attention-seekers as well. This thread is pretty much what it is, sexism towards men by implying that only female gamers face this problem. At least we acknowledge that women do face this problem. People like you think that male victims are invisible. And we don't see you call out on those women hitting on men. Unless of course you are implying that only women can flirt with men and men can't, trying to control what men can or cannot do. You claim to want control of your own lives, yet you try to dictate and control what men can or cannot do, and still expect to be taken seriously.
  6. The triangle could be a placeholder image.
  7. Absolutely. I don't understand why they did commendations in the first place. It is not intuitive. Reputation system won't ever be outdated. I felt like a huge roleplay part of Skyrim was taken out when they took out npc disposition. Reputation system is intuitive and has huge story and roleplay potential.
  8. Yes that's what I thought Legacy should be. More about inheritance. Sort of like how the son of both jedis will inherit the stats of his parents, making him stronger and have higher stats. That's a better way to boost stats than datacrons.
  9. Even GW2 does not want to be put on Steam because according to ArenaNet President Mike O’Brien: http://www.guildwarsinsider.com/mike-obrien-ama/ Almost certainly won't be on Steam. New business terms will keep almost all new MMOs off it. Strong words. What the "new business terms" are is anyone's guess, but they definitely don't sound profitable for new MMOs. So hopefully one day, people will realize that EA is not always wrong, and Steam is not always right.
  10. Oh my goodness, the limitations are terrible. Today I let my subscription run out, but I wanted to see if I could survive as Preferred Status. Once I realized that there is a commendations limit for Preferred Accounts, I decided that I should sub. But upon subbing, I did not get back the commendations that I lost due to the limit. I thought there would be an escrow for them like credits. But I read that there isn't. This has upset me and the limitations have gone too far. The numerous limitations are just too confusing and there is no way I would know that the commendations that were over the limit would be gone. Enough is enough. Stop discouraging people from playing this game. This is probably the biggest thing to push me away from the game.
  11. This game just looked better. In fact, it is something WoW cannot do. You have to grind rep with all of your alts.
  12. It's nice to read very positive threads from the devs.
  13. I'm glad you find it hard to believe, because you shouldn't believe it. You won't be able to unlock everything, because there are the weekly passes for operations, warzone, space missions and flashpoints that you have to pay every week. There is no one-time fee where you can unlock them forever. The unlock I was referring to was the credit limit unlock. It is a non-content related unlock in-line with showing your legacy name or hiding your head slot. I don't know why subscribers are raging about things like a credit limit unlock. Like as if that is more important than your free flashpoints and operations.
  14. We're not asking you to let it slip because you're female. We're asking you to let it slip because it's a non-issue. I've already given you a very good example of how I let a female officer off with her comment on whether I already received my free tionese set, when I was already way ahead in columi. If it was you, I'm sure you would create a new thread on whether or not female gamers have actually progressed or whether they are taken seriously. But I could let it slip, because it really is a non-issue. Whatever problems you are facing, pretty sure male gamers also have experienced it. Verbal abuse, harassment, insults, we also face it, but for some reason if females experience it, it is breaking news and must appear on news outlets. In other words, lighten up. If someone does the horrible thing of flirting with you, just politely tell him that you're not interested. Trust me, if NO ONE flirted with you ever, you'd be equally upset.
  15. You mean if I am exalted with a faction, all my alts will also be exalted with that faction?
  16. I unsubbed because I was playing some single-player games and I wasn't sure if I was gonna continue playing SW:TOR. My interest in the game is waning and I may still sub, but I would like preferred status to be what it is. Subs get every feature at a discount, but preferred status should be able to tailor the game to what they want, then play it for free. Preferred status should be able to unlock everything. We're paying money for them, not asking for freebies. I really want the credit limit unlock.
  17. I really liked the guild levels from WoW, and they were supposed to introduce guild talents that you could spend in, but for some reason they took it out.
  18. There are people who have pursued relationships in a MMO and end up getting married. Rare but possible. And I'm not sure why, YET AGAIN, this kind of stuff warrants another thread, like as if only male gamers are the ones with the problem or that flirting with the opposite sex is the biggest travesty that womankind has faced. Pretty sure there are female gamers who use their gender as a weapon to ask for special privileges or favors, or are just plain attention seekers, but you don't see male gamers write thread after thread asking females to stop doing that. Because eventhough that is indeed bad, it is only a minority who do that and to write such a thread would be an injustice to the majority. I once had a female officer ask me whether or not I got my free tionese set after that patch, when I was already packing Columi and doing hardmode Lost Island. If the genders were reversed, I'm pretty sure you will see a thread of overexaggeration of how despite decades of women playing in video games people still do not take women gamers seriously and how the women's movement has been set back 50 years, the insinuation that female gamers are not as good, etc, etc. But because I was a man being told that by a woman, I just said yes I did get the free tionese set, and gave a slight hint that I got a nice columi weapon from LI without sounding confrontational. Maybe you females should stop causing drama over the slightest of things and taking things personally. Harassment is a problem, but now being PMed by a member of the opposite sex is considered harassment? How can anyone take you seriously anymore?
  19. I'm sure they support it. It is a way to make money.
  20. Hey all, I am looking to increase my dps as a guardian tank to finish my dailies faster. I've seen other dps kill things in record time, and I don't want to do my dailies at a snail's pace anymore. Currently I have columi tank gear and Kira has tionese gear. I am saving up for another set of columi gear, but I am not sure how to proceed to maximize my dps. Should I: a) respec into dps for dailies and get a dps columi set b) give Kira a columi set c) do something else that you recommend
  21. Looks like a weekly cap. Meaning you don't need to do dailies everyday, you can choose to do them on certain days to meet the weekly cap. This way you won't be punished for missing out on a day or two. At least that's my guess from what you wrote.
  22. Reputation is more intuitive than daily commendations grind. They're both grinds, but I prefer reputation because there is more possibility with story here. As I mentioned in my previous post in this thread, they can attach story and cutscenes into it at either every interval of the reputation, or at the highest reputation, where the faction thanks you for your hard work, and rewards you with the ultimate gree lightsaber to the black bisector. Reputation is also a metric that allows you to gauge how well you are doing. 400 daily commendations for the dread guard relic isn't that intuitive. In fact, commendations feels more like a grind. A grind feels like a grind because it has no meaning. If SW:TOR can somehow make reputations matter by attaching lore, story, change to the world due to your efforts, etc, a grind will seem less like a grind.
  23. I like the Reputation system. This should have been in the game since the beginning. I seriously, seriously, hope that they will add a cutscene once you reach the highest level reputation. Like the cutscene you get when you complete the Taris bonus series. You got the governor personally come out and thank you. It is precisely what a MMO with the 4th pillar called story should do, immerse you deeply with a special thanks cutscene. Again, I seriously hope they attach some cutscene or story to the reputation system.
  24. Ugh 2 modes are enough. They still have a few more flashpoints that do not have a harder difficulty, like Athiss. Why not make hardmode versions of that and give better drops?
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