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Everything posted by ConradLionhart

  1. I'm tank and I could be over-geared for the fight (mostly 216s with a few 220s, plus 40+ influence companion in dps mode), yet I vaguely remember it giving me quite a challenge. Without knowing much about your character, I'm gonna have to assume that you need better gear.
  2. It needs more than 1.5 hours per chapter. 1-2 hours is too short. 3 hours per chapter would be right. A chapter should also be accompanied by an interesting alert to get back a new companion. Instead of giving us the companion straight away, maybe make us grind for him/her for a bit.
  3. KotFE is more fun if you could do numerous chapters in a row. It's what I did when I came back, 1 to 13 in one go. My mind was blown.
  4. Senya pretty much voiced my reasoning. It's the world I know. Even the Empire. Besides, the bulk of my alliance is made up of republic and alliance. In hindsight, the Zaakulan "leader" is just... a belly dancer. She cannot possibly have the military expertise and experience of the other 2.
  5. Hello, I wish for Tactical Flashpoints to be completed faster. Currently I am only doing them to complete the Planetary Conquest for the week, and usually I have to do 5 in order to get the 20,000 points. I don't need any gear from them. I find that some flashpoints are too long and really drawn out. A few examples are the ones we can do for this week's invasion; Battle of Ilum and The False Emperor, and maybe Maelstrom Prison. In some groups, they can last up to almost an hour. Ideally a tactical flashpoint should only last 20 to 30 mins. This would be in line with how SW:TOR has undergone casualisation. It is now possible to only do class stories and level nicely. Heroics have a 1-time teleport as opposed to flying there manually. But tactical flashpoints still take as long as they did since launch. A few ways to reduce the duration to complete a flashpoint could be to reduce the mob health or confer a dps boost to the party. If flashpoints could take a shorter time to complete, it would be much appreciated.
  6. I really don't understand this part. Three times as many people solo heroics as group would get 3*2X=6X. 2X + 2X + 2X But the group of four would earn: 5X + 5X + 5X + 5X
  7. The reason why heroics pay so well is not due to the base reward. It is due to people grouping up and collecting 4x the credits from the bonus objectives. Right now they are nerfing the base credit reward, but the bonus still gives the same amount of credits, and is now more than the base. It just looks bizarre, how can the bonus pay more than the base mission reward? It should be the other way round. They should nerf the bonus instead of the base.
  8. They talked about a special chapter just for veterans. But if some veterans are so unhappy about it, maybe they could tell the devs the kind of rewards they would want.
  9. When I came back to the game last month, I went through chapters 1 to 13 in one go. WOW! The overall experience was amazing. I was hooked, and I was happy to pay for this kind of quality story-telling. Then after I played the last chapter in that 13 chapter spree, I had to painstakingly wait for a new chapter every 4 weeks. I personally feel that 1 chapter every 4 weeks isn't enough. I feel there should be at least 2-3 chapters, but it may be unreasonable. But I really like this novel direction.
  10. Hello all, I wish to ask whether there is a deadline to get the rewards from the Light vs Dark event. I assume that there is a deadline to tally up the light and dark side choices. But is there a time limit to get these rewards before they are gone?
  11. Probably the same time when the Planetary Conquests reset. In 17 hours 44 mins time as of this post.
  12. I'm probably over-thinking it but, wouldn't then tank+dps companion be better than dps+healer companion for those situations where I need a healer?
  13. But wouldn't this give me trouble in the more difficult heroics?
  14. Hey all, I just came back to the game last month and I feel like taking it easy and just do solo stuff, like heroics. I am a Jedi Guardian, and I have been running as a tank with dps companion since the start, but I changed to Vigilance to test it out. I am looking for efficiency, and to kill things as fast as possible. I also need to remain as one spec because I plan to craft 220 gear and I don't want to waste expensive mats on the wrong gear. I am still unsure which combination is better. Tank with tank gear + dps companion? Tank with dps gear + dps companion? Dps with dps gear + healer companion? Which spec is ideal for me as a solo player?
  15. 8 different class stories is a huge luxury, but it was also a mistake. It caused the devs to spend 8x more resources into the base game, but only a few people saw all 8 because most people just roll a few characters to max. I believe it was partly why the base game was so expensive to make. Instead of 1 separate class story for each class (1 x 8), it is better to have 8 quality chapters for all for example. I also miss it, but for the sake of the game, it is better to have a single story for all. However, there is a way to have both but at a cheaper cost. In some FPs, they already make certain classes have unique conversation choices. For example in the False Emperor, Jedis can Force Persuade that Schism Collective dude to not fire on the Republic fleet anymore. Rather than create a separate class story, how about you make the class have unique options in the existing single story for all? Rather than create separate content for classes, how about you make the classes just affect changes in the current content? It can be anything from cosmetic change (Force Persuading), something that affects the outcome, or maybe even affect the ending (for that player only). In FPs, this would allow other players to see what other classes can do, creating an interesting experience rather than everything being the same. I believe this simple addition can be the best of both worlds.
  16. Thanks for this too. I can finally look like the Jedi Knight at the character creation screen.
  17. Didn't they change the Belsavis' dailies to heroic missions now? Which you can get from the fleet. Ilum ones are missing yes.
  18. I was a founder that played the game shortly after it was released. I really like the ease in levelling now. I like that there is so much xp, that you can just do class stories and still level at a decent pace. Back in the day there really was too many quests. It felt tedious. But this time by hiding the exploration quests, it allowed me to have a good grasp of the story. The level scaling they did is great because it allowed me to stay on a particular planet as long as I want and not worry that I may out-level it. Now on to the ease in levelling. I disagree that it is bad for the game or made it "too easy". It actually made levelling more pleasant and more fun. It also had the unintended side-effect of making you feel like a powerful force in the galaxy. By mowing through the enemies with ease, it gives you the impression that you are an all-powerful character that can single-handed make a difference. Levelling is not supposed to be "challenging". It's supposed to be fun. The challenge is rightfully placed in hard mode flashpoints and operations. Even some tactical flashpoints caused me a few deaths due to not having a healer.
  19. Eve Online has something similar, just in space. All the null-sec systems are held by the best alliances.
  20. Pretty sure it's not just EA, but other game companies are also doing this. An example would be Assassin's Creed 3, and Diablo 3's RMAH. But of course, don't let your blind hatred stop. Feel free to quote my post, add a few sentences, and end your post with a .
  21. The reputation system of the Gree Event could be so much more. 1. There could be some story attached to it as you increase in rep rank. Having some cutscene for every rep rank you reach, would give some meaning to the rep grind. It would be similar to grinding rep with the Sand people back in KOTOR 1. You've already done it a few years ago. Why completely forget about it here when introducing rep grinds? 2. The whole weekly cap, and getting tokens to circumvent the cap by using them every week is just very confusing and redundant. They should have just kept it simple, by awarding rep straight away for killing a world boss and completing missions. The simple reputation system of WoW is already enough. Give rep for killing world bosses and completing missions. This different reputation system that involves weekly cap and tokens doesn't have any advantages over the simple one. If you want to do something new to the reputation system that is superior to WoW's, attaching story, the supposedly 4th pillar that you claim to have, would have been awesome. But you dropped the ball here. It's not like I'm suggesting anything new. You already did something like that back in KOTOR 1 with the sand people, where each new rep you gain with them gives new missions, new story, a feeling that the sand people npcs are more accepting of you, and hilarious dialogue with HK47. That's why it's so frustrating that you do one thing and then forget another, like as if you have some form of amnesia.
  22. Yes of course, but, to say that because they don't want to communicate with the european players, that means they will deny themselves money by never releasing Makeb, is seriously a stretch. I don't know how in the world the OP connected those 2 dots. You're unhappy that your CMs got fired? That is a perfectly understandable anger. But I just don't know how that means Makeb will never be released.
  23. You probably should apply for a jumping competition because the way you jump to conclusions is incredible. Firing of European CMs mean Makeb will never be released? These people are only forum community managers. They're not even in charge of game development. If fact, you should have been MORE worried when Daniel Erickson, Georg Zoeller and others, who were the faces during the guild summit, have left the company.
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