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Everything posted by Votum

  1. There was a dev post saying something big was coming for space combat a few weeks ago. I'm guessing pvp. It would be easy especially if they've been working on it. People don't realize that bw has tons of content waiting to be unlocked, there's stuff that was missing from beta, its so they can appease us early on until they get some new stuff coking
  2. Vanilla wow was hard. 90% of this games players are converts from easy mode cataclysm. This means they are dealing with 90% or more BS tickets. Important things, like, I can't get out of my ship or something, are answered quick. If you read through twenty tickets that said, "zomg u better fix this I sold my armorss I got from bt manggg or ima quit subbz" would you want to be super helpful? Customer service depends on the individual. All adults know this.
  3. I'm sith, my saber is green so I get targetted a little less instantly in pvp
  4. How did Luke become the most powerful Jedi ever after a few years? The force is weird, and you are the new king per your story
  5. ...congratulations! You've won! This is the one millionth thread in a class forum complaining about said class sucking. Stuff is imbalanced right now. Live with it, wait for fixes or don't resub.
  6. This is just too funny. The stock market is emotional, as are the forums. Buahahahaha
  7. Do any of you guys have clocks or calendars? You are all acting like this game has been out for years and still sucks...compared to wow its a very smooth launch. Its as buggy as any mmo. And if you haven't noticed, ea was the publisher, which means the game was rushed out the door. If black isle had published, or biowarethemselves, it'd be a different story. Ea is well known for their horrible releases, console porting crap and so on. Give it a few months or leave so every other thread on the forum isn't, "this sucks I quit"
  8. Since when do you need a warning that high settings requires a good computer....I swear, the things I read on this forum. Average age has got to be around ten or so, or IQ anyway...
  9. See you whiners in three days on the fleet...
  10. Before I am flamed to death let me clarify. Mmo is short for mmorpg these days, Diablo is massively multiplayer online, but it resembles arcade action much more thanrpg, not to mention it is lobby based.
  11. No explosions in space? You do know the sun, and every other star in existence is nothing more than a huge explosion right (in extreme layman's terms)?
  12. Oh and when you said play a Droid I immediately thought of how cool it would be to be a battle Droid and ha e your mount be you rolling
  13. Guys how would you have a twilek or human Droid? It'd obviously have to be a race with class restrictions o.o
  14. I am pretty frustrated with the fact that I can only have 2 windows open at once. I mean why should I have to put all of my and my companions gear into my bags just to do comparisons in the GTN? I'm fine with the bars and everything else, but I play with three monitors, and it is a huge pain in the *** when one window opens on my right monitor and the other is on the left, and when I close one the other auto moves to the left, frustrates me every time. Hopefully they will allow customization of the ui only, I'm fine with no meters and crazy macro codes, but just let the ui be open source so we can make it better...
  15. I am actually super surprised that the levelling is so good One side of me (the side who rolled a second character to get to 60 way back when in WoW) wants to just pound through everything, and is frustrated that it takes a lot of quests to level up. I think its because of the size of the zones, I just got sprint though so it should be lots quicker. The other side of me is happy that I can actually chill and enjoy levelling, not having to grind at all. I am extremely impressed with the quest layout and flow as well. I've never played a game where you can pick up all the quests for a zone and the complete them all right there. Its really nice not having to run 15 minutes in between quests, and turning one in to get one in the same spot.
  16. Volk, it's my huskies name. Wolf in Russian
  17. Im just hoping they have this fixed by launch. 2 hour queues pre-launch is understandable. Not expanding the servers for launch, which would make the queues 4 hours or more, is down right criminal. I'm annoyed that my wife just fell asleep and I get to play, and have to wait for 2 hours, but I can handle it because I'm not paying anything. The second I start a subscription you can bet your behind that I will be on the phone with customer service getting comp time if I have 4 hour queues.
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