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Everything posted by Kaonis

  1. Gear combos are even worse. My friend is a sorc, he was wearing the full rakata set until just a week ago when we beat HM Toth and Zorn and he got the campaign drop. All that can be said is the rakata chest with campaign pants (or pants in general) is a bad combo. On the bright side we have a magical lightning fairy in out group.
  2. If you have campaign gear? Now wear what you want, just spend a fortune to remod things. Don't have campaign gear? Well sucks to be you, you get to look like an idiot or give up a potential useful bonus for your class. Of course don't ask the devs to fix all previous tiers of gear, that's too much work apparently, only people with hardcore guilds apparently deserve to look like not a doofus and have good stats.
  3. Really all the ops should have been this way from the start. Unless you have the people all on in your guild at the time (namely for tanks and healers) it can be a pain to find anything for that last PUG spot, and considering tanks/healers are rare enough as is, it made no sense for BW to split them up between 2 factions to further dilute important classes. If they made all ops cross faction I would be so happy since it means me and my guild can run with both our guilds on each side and include everyone and have access to more classes for ops.
  4. Tionese crystals are literally worthless. It's impossible to spend them all because you need so much fewer of them than comms yet comms are much rarer to obtain. As it stands my characters are in the same boat, sitting on 400 and gaining more, while I have only a few comms.
  5. This was something that bothered me as well. I was really expecting some sort of jedi to join my smuggler (like the NPC you meet on Tatooine), who you make fall for your character's charm. Even something like an exiled jedi/sith don't show up. Now I wasn't expecting every class to have a jedi/sith, but it's definitely disappointing to not even see a simple force user in the ranks of companions for non-force users (ok there's "technically" one, but only kind of sort of and not really). It's really kind of saddening since some companions I have instead are pretty boring and pointless, something out of the ordinary would have spiced it up more.
  6. The gear grind (let alone the fact that you need gear for PVP, it's shame how after 49 the skill aspect is dropped in place of gear) is entirely why I stopped PVPing. I'm not a hardcore PVP person, I'm casual at best, and a casual person can't get the gear they need to be viable in PVP.
  7. 1. Engine, the engine presently is garbage and holding the game back. Plus it's poorly optimized. 2. Immersion, or more like the lack of immersion, The game feels like a game, the worlds feel static and never once did I feel immersed in the game. I feel zero motivation to explore or do anything outside of "kill X of Y enemies". I've played past MMO's that had a good immersive factor and I could spend hours doing nothing except exploring the world because it felt real and alive. 3. Combat/classes in general. Classes feel too homogeneous with each other, and constant disbalancing of PVE to fix PVP is annoying. Enrage timers on bosses is also annoying, and the content for endgame being focused on everyone being 100% on their A game or a single lag spike or 1 mess up from someone causing you all to wipe is annoying. Not to mention to complete disparity between melee and ranged DPS. Sadly all my concerns are core game issues which would be far too expensive to fix, and would mean BW would have to admit they messed up in the first place. So these issues I have will never get fixed or even remotely addressed. Oh well, luckily there's enough other MMO's out there that didn't make such poor design decisions so early in development.
  8. My opinion? The game is dying and will die a slow and painful death so long as the present devs/EA keep doing what they are doing. When you go from having the biggest launch in MMO history; to F2P, 2 waves of layoffs, massive server merges and a loss of by best estimates about 1 million players (1.7 mill players, down to an undisclosed "higher then 500k" so assuming maybe 700k left if that). It's impossible to call the game a resounding success by this point, and pretty much clear to anyone who isn't a fan boy that this game has serious issues that are not getting addressed. This game will die the way every other MMO has, with fans clawing and screaming till the end ignoring the tell tale signs of their precious game dying.
  9. The game shouldn't have 2 factions. it's already too hard to find a group or that extra healer/tank you need because they split the community in two. Splitting us into thirds would kill the game more than it already is and would require far too much time on the devs parts to create 4 new class storylines/gear, which they could spend on fixing the broken parts of the game as is.
  10. No. There are FAR more issues and things missing then to add a pokemon battling system like FFXI.
  11. Resolve just needs to plain work. I'm freaking done watching someone with only half resolve ignore everything I toss at them when they only got hit by 1 other stun from someone else.
  12. Social: Spaceship customization and vanity items that can be placed throughout the interior of it. Adding things like maybe a music system, displaying sets of armor, and other such things. Make our spaceships into a spot to hangout with our friends. And speaking of places to hangout... Guild ships. Make a base ship that isn't too large initially, but can have additions added to it to increase it's size. Letting us decorate as well and in general have it as a hangout spot for guilds. Just a few base ideas off the top of my head, more specifics can of course be added.
  13. It's 175k to transfer the barrels, only half the classes in the game can use, and they are easily replaced quite fast with better and far cheaper weapons. No matter how you look at it, the event items are only benefiting rifle classes, unless your the type who likes to just throw away money. And even the small and situational benefit you get is next to worthless if you spend any amount of time doing ops.
  14. I like it. The bonuses now are kind of a joke, with classes that get companions with crit being the only ones with any sort of advantage.
  15. I've noticed this as well. It's definitely worse in laggy areas like ops. Especially on my Juggernaut I notice this with ravage all the time.
  16. This is the exact concern BW needs to address. The fan boys need to realize they are entirely wrong in defending BW on this issue. The lag is not computer lag, since ENTIRE OPS GROUPS of people with various specs in different parts of the world get the same lag. It's not much of an issue in KP/EV when your just farming it, but EC a single lag spike can cause a wipe. My guild is about to begin our progression into HM EC, and even in the short while we've done SM we've had a number of wipes due entirely to lag spikes at the worst moment (most notably being when bombers are up during Kephess).
  17. And I'm far more sick of telling an odd member or 2 every week "Sorry you can't raid with us this week because of bad game design" when myself and everyone in my guild is more than willing to run the same ops twice in a row to help someone get through and get their gear. Besides even doing the content once a week and it's grown stale fast. The bottom line is if people need gear from it, then people will run it as many times as needed if it's stale or not to get what they need. So why not allow it so people can do it multiple times a week to help out those who need the gear still.
  18. Only swipe? Then something is clearly wrong since the last 2 times we ran it, I noticed he would do the pounce 2-3 times per fight after pounding someone into the ground (2 of those times it was myself) The pounce seemed to be timed just right as the debuff wore off so I luckily didn't get 1 shotted, but it didn't help our sage healer about a month ago who got hit for 23k from it.
  19. I skipped others replies so maybe I'm just iterating, either way this is how my guild runs fabricator on both SM and HM, and we one shot him with ease every time. Both tanks stand with their backs to the right wall so they can't get knocked back and move the boss. If you have a melee DPS on boss then he can stand off to the side or with the tanks, and be in range for full DPS and not worry about getting hit by the laser. We have 3 other DPS on the puzzle just solving rapidly and doing nothing but spamming the laser. We keep the boss in place, and you have no need to move him since moving the bottom 3 piece to another spot then back to the right allows you to refire the laser once it's restacked. The goal for the people up top is constant barrage of the laser. If you manage to keep the armor debuff up on the boss then no droids will spawn and the fight is super easy from there. So long as your DPS isn't god awful, and I mean really god awful, if they have a half decent spec and know what a rotation is that's enough DPR to beat the boss. I suggest when you picked your 3 DPS to do the laser you have them practice the puzzle a number of times until they get it down with ease. If they are really fast they can prevent the droids from spawning, if they mess up too much you'll have droids on top of everything else. But luckily the puzzle solvers in my guild are really fast so we've yet to have any droids spawn in a number of months.
  20. I haven't done a space mission since January. They are just so boring after a few times through, and some of them are just far too long. Add in the fact that they are the same every time you go through them, and it becomes a bore fest so fast. No variety, just the same ships moving in the same pattern, shooting at the same time.
  21. We skip the trash mobs because they are just that, trash. The rewards off them are not worth the time, and in so many FP you can just skip a good chunk of enemies. I mean lets face it, the majority of people running HM's are only doing it for the BH comms, our time is much more worthwhile put into other things like ops, PVP, or dailies for cash. I haven't been running a HM for any gear drops for months, because it's pointless. If they took out the BH comms you got at the end of the HM's then I guarantee you about 90% of the player base would stop running HM's. If the trash was worthwhile, then we would fight it. Since it's not and time is better spent elsewhere we all decide to skip it.
  22. I could get behind this. Playing other MMO's when I took a break from SWTOR, I found that the weather and day/night systems really add immersion to the game and I just out right enjoyed playing more when the world felt real and alive, rather than static, and completely fake. It's amazing what a little immersion can add to a game.
  23. We had some issues a few weeks back too. He would pound someone into the ground to give them the debuff, which is usually no biggie we all know about it and how to deal with it. But before our healers had time to get more than 1 heal off (if we were lucky enough) he would either swipe or do his pounce and instantly one shot that person. It happened at least a good 2-3 times to us before we gave up and just switched to HM EV.
  24. The level grind is pretty boring the first time through. Let alone for any other 50's you get. I presently have 50 and I hate leveling my guys up with a passion after the first 20 levels. It just slows down so far, and the character perks for extra exp are a complete joke. I do really wish they would make leveling alts more viable instead of still spending weeks grinding every day with the same boring quests I've already done on several other characters.
  25. This. Expertise is a bad idea and completely ruins 50 PVP. It basically just boils PVP down to who has a better expertise advantage over the other guy, instead of the 10-49 where it's based on how you play your character (you know, skill). Pretty well every 50 match I've had ends the second you see people in war hero on the field. It's always been the team that has more of them then recruits that win every time from my experience. And it's just sad and a bad idea.
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