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Everything posted by BRKMSN

  1. Ever since we've had server instances, there has been no need for multiple servers of the same type in the same region. Now that each server has at least one pvp and pve instance, there is even less reason for multiple servers per region. West coast servers should be merged together and the same should be done with the east, so players can still choose a server that gives them the best latency performance and/or peak server times to play. Cross server queues are more of a Band-Aid since players may experience more lag than normal to play the content. So ... why wouldn't Bioware just merge regional servers and be done with it? Because this game is still a business, not a charity and people are still paying to transfer. Servers like the Bastion were probably teetering on the breaking point before this current transfer price sale, but now, they are officially scrap heap material. Waited over an hour for a regs wz pop at 9 PM PST (queue time) and finally just logged out (no pop) to come here and see what people are saying.
  2. Now that we have the ability to add so many new companions per character and influence goes way beyond affection, it feels like gift giving has become an unnecessary grind. Please consider adding some legacy character perks that would progressively lower the 3 second channel time per gift. Standing around giving handouts is pretty boring. Please don't forget Legacy as the game moves forward.
  3. Now that companions are plentiful, we need a way to make ours "our own." 1: Now that KotFE has given us many new comps, why not add (many) companion customizations for these? They could be rewards for grinding reusable content (i. e. Star Fortress) or something available on the cartel market to generate revenue. 2: With the chance cubes included in the new packs, the in game market is flooded with gear we cant use on any of the new comps. I think we'd all like to be able to change the way some of them look. If gear slots are out of the question for KotFE comps, maybe allow us to use our own outfit designer "active" outfit (via a checkbox in the companion appearance box of the Character Sheet). That way, our comps would be somewhat personalized without putting any added strain on the game.
  4. Moods are a cool idea for achieving a character look, but very few players mess with them all that much because they reset upon load times and other players who weren't in the area when you chose a mood, but come in after, will only see your face as normal ... thus rendering them nearly useless. Please allow us to assign a default mood to a character.
  5. Another QOL improvement I hope to see is: treating toys like vehicles so they would have a tab in the abilities bar and we wouldn't have to physically carry the ones we like to use in our limited inventory space.
  6. Beta testing is important ... just like proofreading.
  7. I'm on board for freeing up some inventory space.
  8. From a story standpoint, it is really important to Pierce and M1-4X that their faction is getting more participation in warzones vs the opposing faction. Their jobs are to see that this happens. Until this happens, they can't leave their posts. PvE is about story based content. If you want to participate in that and advance the story involving those 2 potential alliance recruits, you just need to hunker down and do your part to make them happy. The rest of KOTFE is PvE content which the pure PvPers have to endure (if they choose to advance the story) and they really aren't complaining about that. Again, if any change is made, just allow the PvE diehards to reject these 2 companions so they can have some closure.
  9. I believe Fall of the Locust still has the final conversation (which takes place in the heroic area) before it completes.
  10. Heroics have kind of taken the place of "dailies" now. The travel is streamlined and the payout makes them worthwhile. I've noticed that some of what used to be dailies (Ilum for example) are now just one time missions. There are still a few heroics that offer dark/light choices, but all the final conversations have been removed for a holo-voice conclusion from the old NPC at the end.
  11. It's not so much an instance / open world issue, it's just a respawn timer issue. They need to lower the respawn timers on most mobs (and objectives) to about a minute. The old respawn times were fine when heroics were dead, but now that they are useful, people are doing them again. I have definitely run into a few boring waits and it feels totally unnecessary. That Dark Temple mission didn't even used to be a mission. It was always a heroic area with some challenging (for the level) mobs and a boss ... but now it's a heroic and the boss needs to respawn after a minute so there isn't a line.
  12. I would just be happy if you could gain a minimal amount (like upon completion of a bonus mission while grouped) for other group activities --- that is being social right? WZs could offer a small amount, for example.
  13. Maybe people that don't want to do the WZs should have the option to kill Pierce / M1-4X for even suggesting it. (Or reject companion).
  14. Relax ... it used to take 3.5 hours for a max lvl comp to do that mission. You are hardly "wasting" time having to scroll down a list of 30 names. Optimization options might be nice however ... so long as it doesn't cause a game performance decline.
  15. There are some people that play this game because they like PvP. There are others that play for the PvE. Sometimes one extreme seems to resent the other --- but we are all part of the same game. Obviously many do both anyway. It seems Bioware wanted to throw a bone to those that enjoy the PvP part of the game. It really isn't so bad. The rest of KOTFE is PvE --- just something to consider. I've done plenty of achievements (just to do them) that were tedious grinds. I didn't really enjoy the whole grind, but am able to say I did it. Many of them I did in short spurts over a long time. This would be a good way for people to complete these PvP requirements. Just complete a WZ daily every once in awhile and go back to your normal PvE routine. The good news is that there are no repair bills from PvP and you do earn credits and WZ comms that you can use to buy deco for your strongholds if you don't want gear. But this topic is just a suggestion and the devs can decide if it's in line with their goals. If they decide to offer an alternative path (PvE), it won't cause any harm to the PvPers either. Hopefully it would be something that requires about the same amount of time to complete as it does take anywhere from 2-5 hours to meet the PvP requirement.
  16. It would be great if toys were treated like emotes, vehicles, pets, etc... Currently, when you consume a "toy" it becomes bound to that character, but you need to keep it in your inventory in order to use it. Since we haven't had any increases in the amount of the max Inv space or even cargo bays for a long time, I think we can all benefit from adding a "Toys" tab to the character's Ability Panel. Then the toy icon would disappear upon consumption from the player's inventory and always be available for use in the quick bars, while clearing up valuable inventory space. I think people might be a little more interested in adding more toys if they didn't lose inv space to keep them.
  17. Funny that a level 11 weak NPC has better stealth detection than a level 65 elite.
  18. I know it's highly unlikely, but it can be done. Another person replied about being ignored for bad (in his opinion) reasons. I think we've all faced a few people that put us on ignore for laughable reasons. I was playing huttball (Imp vs Imp) on an agent (healer) and our PUG team was poor and down 0-3, so I started taking mid and using Exfiltrate to score for our team. We lost 6-5, but afterward, someone on the other imp team rage-whispered me and put me on ignore before I could reply to his whisper. Now, that's his prerogative, but I might be upset if he was able to ignore all my alts automatically for that since that does affect GF and whatnot. It's probably just as unlikely that you would have problems with, let alone run into all the other player's alts over time.
  19. Level sync has dumbed down the stealth ability more than what was normal for the target level when we played at that level. Personally, I don't feel the scale was tested thoroughly, which is why I made this topic. I'm very familiar with stealth characters and the point where NPCs would normally detect you and the old scale was fine. The new one is messed up. As I stated earlier, I wouldn't mind grinding through unnecessary mobs if they still carried the old amount of credits. For now, all I'm asking is that the stealth scaling be fixed .
  20. The work around for that is to ignore only one person and have a friend tell you who is on their list that isn't on yours. As I said, if the whole reason for the ignore is because of loot, fix the loot. If the player didn't harass you, threaten you, spam, etc. but was still capable of helping you complete the group mission, why add the player to ignore?
  21. While I see nothing wrong with having your own ignore list be account-wide which some are talking about, I do see problems with being able to ignore another account. That would prevent a person from being able to remain anonymous to other players if he/she so chooses on his alts. If a troll wanted to know who all your alts are, he could use such a system to find out. Another problem with it is group finder would be awful if every person had an average of even just 1 account ignored. The easy solution for the original poster's problem is to not allow Mater loot options in GF FPs/ops. Then he wouldn't need to use the ignore option for reasons it really wasn't made for.
  22. Can we please keep these separate? Level sync is supposed to keep the fights challenging vs lower level NPCs, but we are supposed to keep all our abilities. A max level Infiltration Shadow / Deception Assassin should be able to easily go unnoticed (using stealth) past inferior mobs. Why then is my stealth more effective vs max level mobs (equal to my level) than ones (mobs at levels below what level sync sets me at) that I'm synced to a couple levels above? Please consider a fix for this or do away with light / medium (agents /smugglers) armor and whatever else supposedly balances stealth classes from non-stealth ones. Some people actually roll stealth characters to avoid unnecessary fighting which turns into a grind --- now more than ever since the NPCs don't carry a lot of credits with them these days.
  23. I think with payouts being nerfed by about half per lockbox, it's obviously a waste to keep paying the old crew skill mission rate. At the very least, we should break even on average.
  24. From the Items + Economy section of the patch notes: "•The amount of credits dropped from defeated NPCs has been greatly reduced." SWTOR's track record in dealing with this issue has been ... the opposite of logical. Every time the credit spammers use a system to harvest credits to sell, the response has been to take away credits from the game. News flash --- now players find it harder to make their credits legitimately and more often turn to the "criminal underworld" of MMOs when they need some. Is there really much thought going into this? Is this in game pretend money so precious that Bioware can't afford to keep paying it out to players at the current rate? Did the devs' cars all break down out of town and they need some credits for bus fare to get home? No problem, I'll go farm some slicing nodes on Yavin 4 for you ... at least until the bots get there and Bioware is forced to replace the credits from those with legacy birthright mainhand weapon kits.
  25. Since 3.0 came out and credits are more easily obtained in game, the credit spammers have their backs to the wall for sales. So the spamming is worse than ever. Everyday we are getting 3-5 spam-mails in our mailbox and random spam whispers in game from the spambots --- in addition to the more numerous general chat credit spam going on. I know we report them and usually a day later they need to use a new lvl 7 bounty hunter to promote their site. I'm just asking to get someone to log on more than once a day to ban the reported spammers. I really don't see why a spambot that is reported hundreds of times isn't gone within 2 hours max. It appears you already added some of the sites to the chat filters, but a proactive response requires additional filtering as the spam messages change --- perhaps even using some loose settings as needed. I know IP banning isn't a cure-all, but the harder you make it for bots, the less they can profit ... in turn making SWTOR less attractive. Looking at lists of banned spambot IPs should give you an idea of what IPs are used by them and what are sometimes used by legitimate SWTOR players --- allowing you to ban multiple IPs with some wildcards. Banning proxy server IPs that are known spambot contributors is also a good proactive response. All I ask is that for at least a little while, you do a little more than normal, because the credit spammers are doing a lot more than normal right now. Thank you.
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