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Everything posted by Alssaran

  1. Just for you, I read over my post again to confirm something: I've never wrote: "She is poorly written." about Ashara. In her own sense, she's great. I could imagine her for my Consular without a second doubt. He'd try to get her to control her emotions, but otherwise it'd be a fine fit. She would do what's necessary. She's by far poor written in itself, just missplaces in terms of class in my opinion. Now, what I'm also not saying is that my option on what fits the Sith Inquisitor as a companion is the "correct" or "final" one. It was simply an opinion about how I see it personally for my character. I think many people missinterpret the threads title as: "Should we re-do the companions, in order to fit MY taste." rather than it's actual purpose: "Would people appreciate it to have more choice in how they want their crew to be/what sort of company they keep around?". The initial idea, posted in the old thread by Sidenti was this, I quote: With that beeing said: If your Inquisitor is lovey-dovey with Ashara, perfect. It doesn't fit my taste, but whatever floats your boat. The basic idea behind this was to imply the following: "Could some of the characters we meet from now on be used as a possible choice for a companion?". Why isn't it possible to recruit some people you meet through the overall galactic story, such as Forged Alliances. HK is a good example. He was obtained via a long Quest chain which story-wise made sense. Treek on the other hand was just recruited out of nothing because they needed something from the Cartel market. Wasn't this game initially about: "Forge your own destiny in a galaxy far, far away!"? Why is it that you met so many people in your own story, even now during Makeb (The Sith Pureblood) and Forged Alliances (Lana Beniko) that'd fit so well into many peoples scheme of things which simply aren't recrutiable. That's where progressive storytelling comes in. It's about letting those stories personally affect your character, be it in a positive or negative sense. I simply think that the choices right now (Let's put in Treek as a companion while two companion characters which could be implemented aswell, and would also be bought/achieved stay out of the picture) seem utterly missplaced if so much potential is resting inside the overall galactic story. Again, because I can't stretch this enough: I'm not saying Ashara is poorly written, neither is any other companion. They have a complete story, a character, they have goals. They're all very well written, just some seem missplaced for "my personal story". It seems a waste that people cannot recruit companion characters from an overall galactic story arc (Makeb, Forged Alliances), but instead have to stick to a simple mercenary contract to get a companion that, at least in my opinion (You're free to disagree), feels missplaced for most of my characters (Except my Bounty Hunter. He'd propably love the little trouble-maker.). I think this threads question doesn't boil down to the fact if you agree or disagree on some companions in the story, or that I or people think they should be removed. I think it boils down to the question: "Should Bioware give us more possibility in completing our own crew, thus achieving a crew our characters would get along with?" This is the perfect summarize. Why not give people the possibility to act based on this opinion? If you see this awesome supporting character that you'd think would fit into your own crew, why not give them the possibility to recruit it?
  2. Hello! This thread is a continuation of one of my posts in the discussion "PETITION - Save our class stories!". In this thread I posted this same opinion in a very short manner since it wasn't really part of the overall topic, but I guess getting some opinions on it in this thread can't hurt. Now, the thought process behind my post in the other thread was: "Now, looking at SW:ToR at the moment, is Bioware holding down incredibly awesome ideas for companion characters?". This ties in with the term: "Progressive storytelling." and the term: "Charakter story.". Both are also essential for every good Bioware game. Now, as part of our Class story we all got Companions. Earlier or later, it matters not, we got them. With some we agree, with some we disagree, some we'd even throw out of the airlock if possible. As an example I'll take the Sith Inquisitor. This guy seems to be the archetype of "Bad companions", at least I get the feeling... As an Inquisitor, we receive Khem first. Khem is a fit in my opinion. He ties in with the story, he's reasonable for a sith aligned character. Of course, there are gray Sith and there might even be a Light sided Sith, but we might need to agree that a Sith is intended to be Dark sided. Not ruthless, not bloodthirsty, not stupidly agressive. But Cunning, deceptive and has a tendency to aquire power. Andronikus Revel also fits quite well, he's a criminal. He can be part of anyones story, really. Then comes the weak link: Ashara Zhavros. I can't stretch how much I think she is a bad choice for the Sith Inquisitor. She is a light sided Jedi... Alright, she enjoys taking combat head on and stuff, but that does not necessarily completely disqualify someone as a Jedi. She basicly sees herself as a Jedi even when she travels with a Sith and sees how he enslaves, tortures and dominates the weak. Alright, she looses affection. But that's not what a Jedi would do... "I don't like you anymore, but I'll stay here!". Now, with that in mind, let's jump to this recent patch. When I started Forged Alliances, I was hesitant. I remember seeing a first teaser Concept Art of Lana on Dulfy. I didn't like her hair, I really didn't. I thought she was a barbie Sith to some extend. I really didn't like her. Then, I started the quest. I finished it. And I must say: She and my Sorcerer would get along so nicely, it's not a good fit, it's a perfect fit. She cares about the Empire, she has a restrained and not vengeful/agressive attitude and carries herself with that silent mannerism I'd expect of someone serving a Sith Lord like Darth Nox/Imperius. She appears somewhat noble, which'd also tie in with my Sorcerer nicely. That'd be a very prominent and recent example of a possible companion character. Of course, that complicates the Rep side since Theron Shan as a Companion would be rather strange. Now, what Bioware has delivered us as a companion until now is one that I actually think can fit (HK), and one that is completely useless (Treek). I still cannot, and will never, understand the reasoning of bringing in an Ewok into this game as a companion. It's not inovative, it's not really something people wanted so badly and her voice is grinding some peoples nerfes thin. So, it's a rather long explanation for a simple questions: Why is so much good companion potential like in Lana Benikos case simply wasted for something like Forged Alliances, where she'll propably die during the last mission, sacrifice herself, or you'll flirt with her once and never hear from her again? Why do we need to endure companions like Treek, Ashara and Risha when we have potential like Lana? Tying her in like this would actually feel like this overall and epic story had more of an impact on my character rather than it just beeing another boring event in the galactic timeline I participate in somewhat after 55 with other guys. (That's where Character story comes into play again, it feels as a part of what my character has achieved rather than something I did during a free hour in my overall conquer plan.) Why can't they simply add a possibility to add Lana to your crew during the end of the Forged Alliances story arc? She doesn't need more than the 10.000 Companion Affection.Maybe the possibility for people to Romance her. Who already romanced an old companion and wants to switch, make Flirt options which result in a dialog that displays a choice for your current LI or her, and make your choice. Of course, we'd need to introduce a companion on Republic side which isn't Shan. But, I guess writing such a character is less than a godly task. Is anyone else bothered by this? Does anybody else thinks that letting a character like her go to waste in this story arc is a shame? Is putting a mercenary Ewok really a better choice than giving Empire players this Sith? People already start speculating about Lana, I also read chatpieces on the Fleet why she'd sense the approaching danger but others wouldn't. People are clearly intrigued by her. Why not use characters like this as a companion? Even if she's hard to get, I'd completely go to the effort of farming and Flashpoint running to get her. Am I the only one who has this point of view, or do some people out there share it with me?
  3. You know, I don't even need class stories. I really don't. The problem is the non-effect storytelling involved in Arcs like Forged Alliances. I mean, c'mon. Yes, it's a nice story overall, but why not draw some effect of it onto my character. Special interactions only a certain class has? Why not give Sith the possibility to get Lana as a companion character, while the Republic gets a companion character that has yet to be introduced? They don't need more than the 10.000 Affection points that every Companion has. I mean, we'd have to introduce a new Companion for Republic players since adding Theron to your squad would be quite...idiotic. However, why not give such lasting things a try? And even if Lana/(Add Random Jedi here) is hard as hell to get, I'd put in the work because I think having Lana or a male Jedi as a companion would be awesome. It's those little things that bug me. Bioware is waving in front of our noses with so much great, even excellent companion and story material, yet we get a non cause-to-effect questline and an Ewok.
  4. It's simple: Because now there is ONE mount that you can't simply get by joining a quick group or paying CC for. I started with PvP myself, it's not that half bad and it's quite manageable. With a bit of training, discipline and farming you can get the mount, but some people don't seem to get that. I'm PvE on one char, PvP on the other and I don't see any reason to complain about the Rancor PvP mount. If you want it, do PvP. By the way, PvE got the Dread Masters mask as a Dread Fortress drop, a quite high scaled one. I want that too! It's so unfair I can't have that dread Masters mask! *Irony off.*
  5. I'll say this as nicely as I can. For the simplicity of being nice, I will put a Spoiler around my words. If you don't like nice guys, don't click it. Now, back to topic. I don't think Lana is anything special. She might have a unique connection to the Force, but I can't imagine her beeing a Child of the Emperor. She might be a special breed of Force sensitive.
  6. Seriously, I think both sides here assume that the other side is a minority, while I think we are rather looking at two equally sized groups. The feeling that the people who want the AC change are more in quantity is achieved by those people actually gathering in threads about it. So, if you look at a thread about a specific topic, it's likely that people who support the OP will post. Now, back to the topic. I'm a little bit on the "implement" side of town. I'd only do this with one char, my Sorcerer, change him over to an Assassin. Now, all my other chars are just fine. But I'd want to make my Sorc an Assassin because I simply think the Inquisitor was meant to be one. Personal opinion here. Why'd I not reroll up to now? Call me lazy all you want, but I leveled 8 chars up to 55, and I have no intention of doing it a ninth time. Going through the same planets for the trillionth time is the most boring I can imagine. Alright, Kuat makes this rather easy, but also running Kuat aprox. 100 times is a rigorous and boring task. I don't see the point of people complaining like this: "There are already enough people who can't play their class, we don't need more.". Now, you give the staggering proof that this topic here has no influence on that with the first half of your sentence. There are already enough, which means that AC change can't be responsible for it. Face it, there are people who really can learn to play a class in a matter of less than a month, so why shouldn't these people be allowed to change? Because Bioware said "This is Permanent!" on level 10 since release? WoW, a Developer not keeping his word. That'd be something entirely new and an unimaginably shocking thing, wouldn't it? I also think comparing this to a WoW class change is rather far fetched. The WoW Classes are far from each other, the furthest you can do is a respect, true. However, taking my earlier example: The Assassin and the Sorcerer share some basic abilities with each other, they share an armor type, they share a skill tree and they share Companions. Their basic data is the same thing. Comparing them to a class change in WoW is too far fetched. Now, changing from Medium Armor to Heavy armor in case of a Sentinel could be hard, I agree on that. Why shouldn't achievments be transferred over to the other AC? It was this character I achieved the title with. There's no doubt and no discussion about it. And in terms of skill, it wouldn't be hard to get them again. Do people really think that players who play an Assassin couldn't get the same achievments with a Sorcerer because the skill difference needed is so high? Ridicolous. The AC change should come with a high price (I'm looking at the cost of a character transfer. Around 1.800 - 2.000 CC ) and a cooldown of 30-60 days per char. At least a two month cooldown should be applied to prevent AC hoping. But I sign the petition to make one available at all.
  7. Well, I must say I was a sub to this game since day one, and (with one month of exception due to medical problems), I've been ever since. Now, lately I feel more and more betrayed by Bioware. First of all: Is it just me, or are the prices on GTN getting more expensive by the month? Now, let's look what I get: I get actually no limit on my FP's and my PvP, which is quite nice. That's what I pay a sub for. But, let's be honest, the 600 CC are actually worth nothing these days. You can buy 1 Cartel pack from it, and if you aren't one of the extremely lucky sort then there's no valuable in it. Last pack I got was some emote that I sold for 20.000 and a few crafting mats, together with an armor bracer that sold for 15.000. So, I made 35.000 credits...wow...that's nothing, really. Now, there were a few new releases during the last weeks. There was a new Lightsaber, which is 400 CC. The problem here is that, for every of those Lightsabers I want, I need to pay the full price. My main is a Sentinel, that means if I'd really like it, I'd have to buy two of them for a matching set. But I can't with my monthly allowance. This way, Bioware forces us to buy new CC. It'll be the same way with the Temple Guardian armor. It'll be priced at ~1.250 Cartel Coins for the whole set, I garantue it. Now, I have an allowance of 600 CC a month. Does that mean I actually need to wait 2 whole months as a sub until I can get that new set? Sorry, but that is just plain ridicolous. Now, one might suggest "If you want it, you're gonna spend money on it!". I'm already spending money on this game because I like it, giving away a set monthly fee to play this game without the restrictions imposed on F2P. I mean, look at the Cartel market. A new regeneration emote is priced at 600, a simple mask is priced at 460. I'm feeling like a little kid. I got enough credits for ONE thing, and ONE thing only. The 600 bucks were good when the Cartel market was still young and most of the stuff was priced at around 300-280. But with the change of price it's simply not as valuable anymore. I'd also suggest an addition on the months of susbscription. The idea of a stagging amount was good. "You've been a continous sub for 6 months. As a way of saying thanks, you'll now receive 50 Cartel Coins extra per subbed month.". This should stack up to a maximum of 1.250 - 1.300. Not more. That's a whole set of armor or three Cartel packs per Month, that's way then enough. Heck, I'd even be alright with two, so around 800 CC. But I think 600 CC aren't simply that usable anymore.
  8. Sorry, but I need to disagree with some things said in here. First of all: Who had the great idea that a class that is 'less mentioned.' on the leaderboards is actually useless, or that this justifies a buff? You may not realize it, but that can simply mean: 'Guys, this class is harder to play. If you can, you can make up for anything! If not, don't try it.'. Snipers and Gunslingers are in no way useless. I've played multiple classes since launch. I had a Shadow during the early stages of the game, now I'm having Sentinel while leveling a Mercenary and a Gunslinger. If you'd look at the Gunslinger/Sniper closely, you'll soon realize: This class was intended to be a turret. You need good positioning, focus and a quick sense of the right direction to move to. If you find the exact right spot to get into cover you have a great advantage. People can't leap to you, you get a defensive bonus and stuff. Gunslinger/Sniper wasn't meant to be a Shadow/Sentinel. They are meant for planned, stationary combat. Let's face it: Sentinel is pretty much facerolling, Shadow too. I've played them myself, I admit that. But I think it's a nice change of pace to play a Gunslinger. Now, the buffs mentioned in the 2.7 Update are way more enough to raise the defensive qualities of a Gunslinger/Sniper. If you still can't play PvP without beeing killed by every other class: I guess you're doing something wrong.
  9. Good day fellow players! I've been wondering this for some time now, but with the new Cartel pack (The Space Jockeys Starfigher Pack) now in the Preview of the Collection window, I think it's important to get some input to this manner. Alright, I first want to say: I'm not picky on clothing really, everyone can pick what they like. But I've been bothered by the amount of clothing that lacks parts, or is completely missing in some areas. I get it that 'some' characters really enjoy that style. I also think that some other armor sets are well designed. To give an example: My Jedi still uses the Zayne armor set. It simply looks good for a change. However, I am bothered by sets such as Extrovert sets, the recent Jedi set where some of the chestpiece was simply cut out, also the sheer amount of dancer outfits we can choose from. The newest addition to that set is the Dashing Heros armor set. Seriously? Do we need a Jedi robe with a chestpiece missing? I love flexibility in armor, but this is ridicolous. We don't need a new set with every Cartel market that either shows the males extremely well trained body, or the females breasts downside or upper side. What happened to all those armors in the Timeline videos? I was always intrigued on those, they simply looked nice. I thought they had some great ideas to it, here are a few examples: http://i1-games.softpedia-static.com/screenshots/Star-Wars-The-Old-Republic-Timeline-Video-4_2.jpg The white one at the center. I think it's good. Simple white robes, still has a certain Jedi style, a slight chestplate underneath. Some good gloves and armored slightly plated pants might make a good addition. http://86bb71d19d3bcb79effc-d9e6924a0395cb1b5b9f03b7640d26eb.r91.cf1.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/history-of-star-wars-the-old-republic-timelines-great-hyperspace-war-artwork.jpg Those are some fine Jedi aswell. Brown robes, but they retain somewhat of an armor look. Thin shoulderpads, thick chestpiece, but some rugged Jedi style to it. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iK6DD7FZR8w/hqdefault.jpg Something for the darker types of character. All three look incredibly well done. Old armor, rugged cloaks or clothing. Some of those sets look Jedi, some neutral, some Sith. But, seriously, where are those sets? Sets that are old and rugged and actually make me think: "I believe it's really wartime!". Of fighting Jedi and Sith? I think those Extrovert sets are lost development time. What's your opinion on this? Do you think it's really necessary to give us multiple dancer outfits and extrovert-like things, even some recolored normal armor in two different variations, or do you think Bioware should focus more on actual things like something Jedi, Sith and other characters could really wear when fighting? I want to point out here that Smuggler and Agent clothing is fine. I like the free jackets (With one obvious exception, it's a long black cloak. I think you all know it...). What happened to good old Star Wars? Did it turn into "Dancers and extroverts"?
  10. Well, I don't really mind that the appreciation is only 500 CC, since I sub the game because I like it rather then get some free stuff. BUT, what I mind, is this one day gift thing. Seriously, it's summer. I will head out for a big LARP Event starting Saturday the 20th and won't return till Sunday the 28th. What's the answer if that gift releases during that week? I am a loyal subscriber since launch, but I won't just look while you make such a stupid decision. Also, the CM stuff is really just lame at the moment. Instead of brining some things people have been asking for (Kel'dor/Nautolean/Any other race (And now don't give me "That's much work!" thing, that's what the devs are payed for, doing development work.) , Movie Lightsabers (Obi Wans Lightsaber, Lukes Lightsaber, Vaders Lightsaber and Co., or traditional Jedi robes or some Sith Armor (You know, maybe the dark set with bone things and torn cloth that Exar Kun wore in the Timeline Video, or the Jedi set Cay Qel-Dorma wore in the Timeline video. Instead of giving us some of those famous outfits, you give us the Huttsbane and Turncoat stuff. I have yet to encounter a single person, be it Pve,PvP or RP that wears the Turncoat outfit. Bioware, start getting serious please. Why not give us a title ("Loyalist" for example.), a Pet (Maybe one of the spacecraft series, but just a special one. How about a small capitol ship of our faction?) or even a very special Blaster/Lightsaber hilt. Please, start getting some ideas. That special item can't be much since it's only 10CC. What is it? Another Life day Orb? With this, I want to say: Even if 500CC are a nice thought, I have nothing I'd really spend them on.
  11. Good that I found this post. Makes it unnecessary to open a new one. This exact thing has bothered me some time now. I have heard people say: "Nothings wrong with the green.", but either people haven't payed attention in the movies how green sabers look, or they actually just try to ignore it. Here are a few Shots, taken from Movie characters and SW:TOR Beta screens to show what I mean: Qui Gon Jinn, a Green Lightsaber: http://www.clonewars.cba.pl/images/postacie/jedi/Qui.jpg Yoda, Green Lightsaber: http://www.vinegeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/YodaWithGreenLightsaber.jpg Luke Skywalker, Green Lightsaber: http://media.popularmechanics.com/images/Lightsaber-430.jpg Actual Beta Screen from SWTOR: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MeBWMVbWu0g/Tq0Jx843sOI/AAAAAAAAB1I/36lrEiK_CCo/s1600/SS_20100806_Mirialan01_full.jpg Again, SWTOR: http://www.blogcdn.com/massively.joystiq.com/media/2011/10/beta-impressions-01.jpg And now, a screenshot posted before, the actual green blade as of now: http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/756525Screenshot20120620090455275061.jpg It has been stated before that there are several problems with this design: 1. The blade contains a very thick yellow-green layer. Some people have said they can't spot it, but that seems outright ridicolous. Either they are bad with colors, they can't see colors that good because of some sort of eye problem (Which isn't meant in any negative way, I know several people who have problems seeing some kind of colors.) or they downright ignore it. The layer starts where the white central part of the blade stops, and goes on a bit until it becomes a good green. Between the green and white, there is a yellow layer. Watch closely, you'll notice. 2. The blade is, maybe even as a flaw from the layer, way to unfocused. Yes, there are some people who like unfocused blades, but then make those blades the exception rathen then the rule. You can release an Unfocused green Crystal on the Cartel Market or as a crafting shematic, and people who like the current design can get it. Why do I take the risk of beeing flamed for wanting to be the actual release design as a CM item? Simple: This is NOT how green Lightsabers are supposed to look. Such thick blades, that yellow layer. 3. There is no visible distinction in the blade. You usually have it with other colors that the blade is clearly defined. A white cor with clear edges, then the color in a clear and strong manner, with a slight blur. But in the green crystals, there is too much blurr. The edges are to soft, almost vanishing in each other. That additional blurr makes the blade, as stated above, to unfocused and thick. 4. The Color. Yes, it is green. But it isn't a strong, defined green. The green in the movies was always strong, it had a dark contrast to it. The one in SW:ToR is very light. What could be a solution? The best solution would be to release a new Crystal, titled "Emerald Green (Stat-title) Crystal.". Inserting that crystal will result in a focused, clear, and exact replica of the blue colored Lightsabers just in an intense green. Or release a "Unfocused Green (Stat Title) Crystal.", which contains the current design and is craftable and or Cartel market, and then fix the normal Crystal. Both approaches contain pros and cons. Although I think the first one would create less of an uproar since it is an optional feature that people (Like me.) who want a green Lightsaber but are entirely turned off by its design, can go for. The Mint Green crystal was a good approach, but it still doesn't quite get to the movie Lightsabers. It's to light a green, and has to much of a blue look to it.
  12. I don't understand where all this hate is coming from. Free to play games aren't certainly bad itself, mostly F2P are just bad by engine. Means: Most free to play games (Any 0815 game out there like RoM, DMO and such) were never made with a big budget and stuff. SW:ToR wasn't quite a success, nobody can really doubt that. However, I think free to play is a good answer to the current market. I mean, let's see it that way: World of Warcraft in fact -has- a subscription model and is doing well, but that was only possible after a solid base and for it's quite universal accessable gameplay. Release Vanilla WoW in it's first form today, and it would undoubtfull fail. Lord of the Rings Online, while not perfect, sustained itself trough this option. It is not perfect, but it is not bad either. Star Trek Online went F2P, and everyone made the prohphecy that the game would shut down in not even two months. The game is Free to play now like what,over a year? The Publishers even said that it is: "One of the more successfull and rewarding games." they have currently running. Guild Wars 2 is releasing in about 3 Weeks, and many people will try it. I mean I read there are over 5 Million Pre-Orders as of now. Guild Wars 2 has such a huge success in pre-orders and propably players since it will be F2P. There is no subscription fee. With all this considered, and the current state of the market which is undoubtfull not so much about subscriptions anymore, I think Bioware made the right decision by going Free to Play. That Free to play drags "Kiddys" to a game is true, but there are also people out there who are kind and "Adulty", but they can't afford a subscription. And now they get the chance to play for less. I think Free to Play is not a perfect decision, but it is the most satisfying decision and propably the best. It will enable SW:ToR to survive, and will give Bioware more financial support to work on the game. And with time, and if Bioware finally keeps their promise of an agressive patch policy, which they said again after the announcement somewhere, then the game will become better. I, for now, will keep my subscription and play a few hours a week, and I will see where it leads.
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