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Everything posted by killmaimburn

  1. Oh nice man. How many laps did it take you to get all of your ammunition crates? I had to do like 14 laps. And then some pub stealthed in and tried to kill me. But there were like 20 other imps with me so we were good.
  2. Wonder if TOR will eventually become this: ... There will be a small crowd of people who actually play the game, have gear drops from bosses and are at max level. Then there will be a 2nd group of players who congregate at starting worlds with best in show appearance items and constantly brag to each other about how bad *** their **** is. Hmm. It's consumerism!!!!
  3. What if crafting in this game is designed to go in phases? When the game was released, my maxed out cybertech netted me some good money as people rushed to hit level 50. Within 2nd week of release I took my juggernaut in his full 124 gear and did EV + Bonethrasher. Then nothing changed for along time. Except they nerfed grenades. But I did make alot of armorings and mods for other sith warriors. --Market was barren. I had the means to produce. A booming market was established. As the market matured, margins became smaller. You cannot expect alot of payment for armorings and mods. There are gear drops in FP's and random custom armor drops that basically provide armor, mod, enhancement for the cost of 1. Trying to make money off alts is kind of a waste of time. Just go do your dailies. A few months later they realize that alot of people are straight up terrible at this game. This coincided with the release of the group finder option. Before, there were gear checks and viscous people who didn't want their time wasted. Now, E'ERBODY gets to party. This was followed by a wave of negative resentment by players who couldn't stand playing with under geared players.... so they introduced free recruit gear. And now free tionese comms. (I think this was more to allow players to get into new content faster.) Also keep in perspective that as we get closer to a new expansion. The developers will essentially just give everything away for free to make sure everyone gets a chance to view current content before releasing new content.
  4. TOR is the only game I've ever played where company leadership and ethics are questioned. Or at least the only game I've played where the company has an effect on how you enjoy the game. TOR got handed to us half assed like, but with alot of enthusiasm that things were going to get better. Instead within a month and a half we all heard reports of massive layoffs and observed how this affected the game. I personally like this game, but it really gets lame always being in fleet. Fleet really just seems so closed in. But we can't use Dromund Kaas as a portal, hell no, that wouldn't make sense. Anywho getting back to what I was saying... Bioware seriously has some problems. Because of the fact that I know it has problems means that the problems are several times worse than I could imagine what they are. I can find alot of reasons to quit playing the game. I'm an off and on gamer though. I log on, do all the new stuff then sit for awhile. From initial launch, this game has improved alot. Platform bug is gone in EV, yay. However, it still takes 40+ seconds to load any planet, any instance, anything. I have 10 gigs of ram and a sata hd. If loading takes 40+ seconds, almost a minute, then the graphics should be ####ing masterful, they're not. Memory leak here, memory leak there. So yeah. To sum it up, if you're friends arn't playing it anymore, you probably won't be either. That's just how it goes.
  5. Shhhhhhh. US is a larger market so they're going to do maintenance at a time when largest market is not inconvenienced. If they did not do this, your weekend xp boost would come at a seperate time from US servers and then everyone would cry about that.
  6. I think it's funny when people go into debt because of gambling.
  7. That's what happens when imps actually win a match in huttball.
  8. My god Dr. Phil you're really good at this. I think you're better at trolling than I am. However, please keep things in perspective. Now, I'm trolling to stir up random bs at an odd hour because I'm bored. I like saying stupid stuff and seeing if it gets people riled up. And I'll pick on people using the perspective of the game. For example me calling people skirt wearing jedis. It's within context of the game in general and is really not that offensive. You on the other hand are personally attacking me. I'm not a thin skinned person, I'm not offended, however you really just killed my post. Now everybody's gonna read your personal hatred of someone you don't know on the internet and are going to completely forget the nonsense of the thread. It's this type of internet tough guy stuff doesn't translate well into the real world does it? So I'm sure in your view, you are the epitame of alpha male behavior. However, going back to context... you are also viewing this forum out of boredom at an odd hour which you are subscribed to. Meaning you probably fit the own description you have for others. How you view others is probably how others view you.
  9. I bet you all play as hand holding skirt wearing flash light wielding jedis. Also, just incase you missed it. Star Wars. Star = location. Wars = wars. This game is pretty light on the stars and the wars. How can you have wars with no Khorne. Khorne is the reason to go to war. He demands such things. Right now the game has infighting between overly cliche good guys and overly cliche bad guys. Add something in that has flavor. Khorne has alot of flavor. As it stands now, we're going to be continually fed the bad guy of the month antagonist who we all band together to fight. Speaking of which, *** is the terror from beyond? Seriously, what is that tentacle thing? I have never figured that out. ... Seriously? W-T-F is censored. It's an acronym... THERE ARE NO VOWELS!!!!!
  10. And that is why the Empire is so much more fun than the Republic. The Empire centers around the strong ruling the weak. And only the strong. The weak get struck down. The abuses of power and lawlessness of it all is actually my perfect dreamworld. I really hate civilized society. I'm a barbarian at heart. The Republic is a bloated beauracracy that has so many laws to make sure things are "fair" that the laws become shackles. The Empire has laws too... but the people are not shackled by them. i like the idea of being a bounty hunter. No 9-5. Just your own schedule and deadlines that you define. And how you go about your business is your business. I'm not real big on the sith. I don't trust magic wizards who can fly and fight with flashlights. Anywho, the Empire is lawless. It's the old west, except with laser beams and flying flash light fighters.
  11. This game is lacking Khorne. I don't know what type of hand holding feeling sharing Star Wars you grew up with... but mine has copious amounts of blood shed, charred corpses, evil light sabre wielding necromancers and mercenaries who use curse words. I think if TOR incorporated more Khorne into its diet, generally the game would be better. Jedis would cease to be skirt wearing nancies, the Republic would finally stop being so indecisive, and the Empire would stop being soft and kill everything that ever existed. This is important, people. The lack of recognition for the glory of Khorne in this game is appalling. How can there be bloodshed and not be unintelligible rantings of crazed axe wielding madmen? That's all I have to say. Just think about it.
  12. Stop larping. It's bad for your mental framework. You essentially want to do this: ... in a game you're already doing that. Now I understand that different people have different interests... but I am whole heartily telling you RP in a RP game is a level of unprecedented ridiculousness.
  13. I might be on the other side of the fence on this one. I did not like the event because it was a hassle for me. I did not want to have to buy vaccine just so I could run ops or walk around fleet. It's just one more vendor I have to click on. I'm doing other things. At the same time I did think it was pretty neat that everyone congregated in one zone with their pvp flags on. I really liked that. It's not the event, it's the plague. Hate that plague. Hate it so much. Hate the coughing and the spewing and the corpse explosions.
  14. I think the memory leak has something to do with the game engine. And with how faulty the game engine is and the fact that it's not proprietary software. I do not believe Bioware has the capability to fix the memory leak. Mass Effect (PC) has a huge memory leak also. Bioware has not fixed this and probably will not fix this. The work around is to simply get 24 gig of ram memory. I believe this would effectively give you 12 hours before your game crashes. I mean who can really play for 12 hours straight. Gotta take the garbage out or walk down the street some time.
  15. Repetition. Otherwise I gotta go find something else to do. I can't afford to do other things. Internet + this game = 45$ a month for entertainment. I like to live cheap so I see myself doing repetitious things like this.
  16. Oh we shouldn't have double xp DURING THE MOST CONVENIENT PLAYING TIME because you can't log in? I suppose we should have server down time at peak hours too. Outlevel content too fast? I am on my 5th bounty hunter. (3bh, 2 troopers) I don't want to see the content and this promotional xp is a great way to get to where I like my toons to be at. I fully support the double xp weekends. I have seen them work in other games and it gives people an incentive to log in and play. Also, lowbie toons need armorings, mods, enhancements and the like to keep up with the fast progression. There is a great opportunity to make funny money.
  17. I read the part of the article that went on about the "haters" and game fixes. A lot of the issues TOR had this time a year last year were things that should of been fixed before it was shipped. I understand that they were not because more than likely the marketing department was in full swing and in charge by that time. A lot of those bugs, those glitches, did force many of my friends to permanently stop playing TOR. The lean cost effective management style of Bioware is largely responsible for most of the bugs in the game. However, overall it's a pretty good game. I wish the features present now were in the game at launch. The doomsayers for the most part have left the game. Last year the doomsayers were going on and on about how much TOR was a flop and guild wars 2 was coming out so it didn't matter. Well, it did, havn't heard from them since. At the sametime, there are actually people here who defend Bioware with life and limb. It's just a corporate entity, it's not your fiend. You can't hurt Bioware's feelings. And if you tell a Bioware employee that their company is rubbish, that's disrespecting the company, not that person. So there are haters and fanboys. Always are, always will be.
  18. I'm a bit surprised that so many of you are unaware the death penalty used to be the enormous cost of repairs. Back when you might save up 100-200k credits just to run a sm op.
  19. Maybe it's the processor? I had 2 computers with i7 cores and they were quick. The thing I got now is amd fx 61 or 6200. Don't know if that makes a difference.
  20. This is a valid point to bring up. Why does the game take so long to load? it loads at the same speed on my desktop which is mid level gaming and my laptop which was a bargain basement quality piece. That shouldn't be the case that they both have the same load times.
  21. You're not kidding dude. ***. There's not even an expansion out for this game yet. ***. I've been trolling the forums for 4 hours now waiting for this game to hurry up and finish. Was it really necessary for me to download the cinematic videos at 1gig + per vid???? Really? I just need that high definition that bad huh. I don't understand why something like that doesn't raise questions. Questions like, hey, why's it take everybody so long to download our game? Why is our network bandwidth being so tied up all the time? Come on!!!! I got dailies to do. Stupid game. Stupid Bioware making stupid game stupid.
  22. Thank you for correcting my perception. How rude it was of me to assume you had.
  23. IM RS RP RS? I'm a bit confused. I always play as a mercenary. I know as mercenary you use the dual shot and unload. Wondering what the filler skill is for PT's? On mercenaries it's the dual shot, or whatever its called.
  24. On a serious note, Mercenary dps does need some work. The way the class is set up now, you fire missiles all the time. Boba Fett only fired 1 missile the WHOLE TIME. That's all he needed. The class is heavily dependent on the missiles and you equip two pistols. Why not equip a rocket launcher like Blizz if you're going to be firing rockets the whole time? Just something to think about. The pyro spec should be an alternative to the arsenal spec for pve. It's very restrictive to have to play as arsenal to be able to do any pve content. I really enjoy the pyromaniac spec because I like using my blasters, you know, the things in your hands. With the devs holding their ground as far as keeping mercenaries in a support role by buffing their support functions... 2.0 all mercenaries have an aoe heal independent of spec. Why not go further and add group/raid debuffs??? Before 1.4 it was possible to use an Arsenal merc as a ranged tank. The tracer missles would strip all aggro off anything else and you'd get a 20% armor buff while firing. Range tanking looked like it was possible. All it needed what a few knock backs and some snares and we'd finally have it. Why not?
  25. I want a bounty hunter mercenary that actually is useful. I would call it "Pregimped Arsenal Mercenary". It would have a 20% armor debuff and a 20% armor buff and would hit like a truck.
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