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Everything posted by MoonUnitLatina

  1. My neutral agent doesn't care about the code. He wants what's best for the people of the Empire. Usually that means taking out any over-inflated Sith egos, but sometimes he just does that for fun. Jedi he could care less about, he basically ignores the existence of the Republic unless they're in his way, then he just shoots them. My DS sorc is having way too much fun popping eyeballs with the Force to care about either code. She's the elder daughter of the agent and Raina Temple and ended up a slave when things went south for them after the story line. As far as she is concerned the galaxy is her enemy and deserves suffering and death. My neutral mara is the younger daughter and views people as means to an end. The Sith code is her way of life. As soon as something is no longer useful it is discarded. Not before, and not after. She is hoping to elevate herself merely for self-preservation, and as such will brown-nose any authority until she can defeat it.
  2. Agent for the story, warrior for the mechanics. That's my preference, but they're all very good in their own right.
  3. THIS. If this doesn't work then you are making some fundamental mistake that hasn't even occurred to you.
  4. What is this I don't even. I loved Vette, and why anyone would ever want to cause her the slightest harm is beyond me.
  5. While you're probably right, it's still one of the best trees in the game for leveling. IMO. Cutting up the trash with Death Field-Lacerate-Overload is one of my favorite things.
  6. If they do invade then maybe I will get more practice at trying to understand what in the h**l they are talking about every time they open their mouths.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c71RCAyLS1M This may seem odd but my LS Mara completed the entire story with Vette and had no interest in anything other than being a macabre sort of goofball. It's more fun to watch your enemies hobble away whimpering in catatonic fear than to just kill them.
  8. Female SI voice acting is just drop dead sexy, it's what sold me on rolling my Assassin first. If you're a straight guy and the flirt options won't ruin the immersion for you, I'd highly recommend female.
  9. As a Jugg, I thought she was hilarious and I let her live because she made my conversations on Taris that much more interesting.
  10. As a LS Sith: When I'm dealing with Jedi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MrG5rhu5U4 When dealing with everybody else: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DmYLrxR0Y8
  11. I got a Marauder to Alderaan before I was just completely sick of it. Started a Vengeance Jugg and haven't looked back! Since that one's 50 now I have to decide between Assassin and Sorc now...
  12. Opened thread because it looked interesting. Stopped reading at "leanient". This game is about the conquest of whole worlds but it should be all ***-bah-yah-smile-on-your-brother the entire time? That makes perfect sense.
  13. This is why I'm glad I did a Carnage Marauder first; leveling everything else seems relatively easy now.
  14. This. I'm in the same boat and slightly confused. Does anyone have any personal experience with this?
  15. I stopped here. That's on you, buddy. My loading screens are 15 seconds tops.
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